MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 379 Remember

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"You are a child..." The three emperors felt that they had seen the shackles of the Guanghan Palace and had a nine-fold.

When the chicken walks quickly, he will help her, but the purple faint will be avoided.

Just when the Three Emperors thought she was going to be annoyed, she listened to her whispering and screaming and smiling. "Don't dare to be a child of a small woman's district. Where can I dare to work under the three halls? Woman!"

When the three emperors saw her in a relaxed tone and joked with herself, they were not angry, and suddenly they were ecstatic. The imperial prince, the dog's legs are generally behind her, pretending to look like, with a touch of flattery, "I am not distressed you? I heard that you were beaten by the beast, you know that I have How angry is it? I really want to find him to teach him a slap in the air! You don’t care if you are quiet?"

"Thank you, His Royal Highness! I am fine." Under the moonlight, the beauty of the purple secluded stars is glorious, including gratitude and grievances, and the appearance of the lips, the words of retreat, is particularly lovable.

The three emperors were swaying, and immediately said with arrogance: "What are you polite with me? You, you have something, just open, I will do it for you. When Shangguan Linglu bullied you, Have you forgotten it? At that time, you didn't treat me as an outsider. How can you alienate me now?"

Purple tonight seems to have unloaded the coldness of the past, and there is a hint of pity and tenderness. "At that time, we were still small and still unmarried; now it is different, you have a wife and love, I also married. People, there are many things, or don't bother you, so as not to invite other people's arguments, to break your reputation, and to attract your favorite Sun side misunderstanding, then is it not harmful to you? I am coming back from the realm of God. In the future, hiding from you everywhere, don’t you know why?"

Listening to the purple secluded, the face of the three emperors suddenly became a monkey ***, and his forehead was sweating. Fortunately this is night, it is not really true.

Before he came, he had just married Wu Shan. However, although he likes Sun’s side, he is not a fake, but Sun’s side is like a purple scent.

No matter which aspect, it is not as good as the descendants of the goddess. Isn’t it true that he has already liked her when he still doesn’t know the true identity of Ziyou.

Later, she thought that she was seriously injured, and her life and death were unknown. If she couldn’t come back, she would like to marry Wen Chuxi and love Sun’s side; the reason why she loved Sun’s side was also because of Xiao Xiao’s small straight nose and purple Some are similar.

"You are not because you have been seriously injured, I don't know if I can come back, I will... I will not marry my wife...." The three emperors are guilty of guilty conscience, even the explanations appear Some are lacking in strength.

“What are you talking about?” Ziyou asked in astonishment, seemingly staring at him unremarkably, in a pair of sparkling stars, hiding the excitement of the silk.

It was caught by the three emperors who were very close to her. This kind of heart couldn’t help but jump wildly! Didn’t the purple singer have touched me? Or how could it be such an expression?

It is possible, just say, that time, when I went to the Shangguan Ling Luo Palace, she was very dependent and trusting. At that time, what was Shangguan’s sorrow? Nothing, she was full of eyes. it's me.

The three emperors thought of this, a **** brain, regardless of the words: "Yeer, in fact, I have always liked, no, is to love you! From that time you and Shangguan Lingbi test talent, forced her to you I apologize, I fell in love with you. After that, I had to go to the mother-in-law to remarriage with Wen Chu, remember that you learned that Shangguan Ling is hurting you, are you going to find her to settle the account? You believe me, you I know how happy I am! I am being blamed by my father and I will testify for you. However, after a long time, I have heard the bad news of your serious injury. I learned that you were alive and dead, I was drunk. Field, I cried and shouted you all night..."

To say that the emperors are all good actors, the three emperors learned that the purple quilt was injured, can not swear that he was not sad, but soon this 厮 和 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙 孙It’s so affectionate now, just like real, I don’t know the inside story, I really think that he is a love.

It is a pity that the opposite of him is not purple, it is Muling, otherwise, it must be concealed that he is a big liar! I really want to love the purple secluded, but also so spoiled with the grandson? The ghost believes.

Muling did not know that the Three Emperors were false. It only knew that the act was told by the owner; and that its owner is now busy with the man, and he simply cannot take care of it and even send it to deal with it. The emperor's are all Jin Ling.

To say that Jin Ling, the elder sister of the elf, is really not simple. It has the longest time with the purple and psychic spirit, and the most thorough thoughts on the owner's heart.

Muling remembered the policy that Jinling taught her, and wanted to look at it. She looked sadly at the Three Emperors and sighed in a sigh. "Bo Yu, what do you say now? What have we used? We have missed it." It’s impossible to look back at each other..."

"Yeer, you have me in your heart, right?" The ecstasy in the hearts of the three emperors was all on the face.

The pain in Mu Ling’s eyes is like a ten-level typhoon in the heart of the three emperors who have already turned up the waves, and set off a huge wave.

This is in the face of pleasing women, the true biography of the father and the brother, there are some wrists. Immediately, I was so sad that I even squeezed out two drops of crocodile tears. "Do you think I will not regret it? If you know that you can come back, I am trying to be the father and mother, and I will wait for you." But at that time, it was Zhao Hongxiang who was engaged with you. You were still alive and dead, and your whereabouts were unknown. It happened that at that time, because of sorrow, I was drinking all day, so that I was squatting all day.

Hey, groggy, and when he was awake, he had already worshipped the church with Wen Chu. Later, the mother gave me the name of Sun. I saw that she looks like you, and she is treated as your substitute. Otherwise, how can I pet her so much? It's all because of you!"

"Because of me? Then I don't believe it." Muling's naughty temperament is very similar to purple. Listening to the three emperors said, he played tricks on his mind, squinting his head, flashing a pair of foggy big eyes, watching the three emperors shake their heads. "That time in Prince Edward, why do you be my face, and you The love 妃 puts on a kind of kindness? You even blame your righteousness for her, the pair is caring for her, and it is afraid It doesn't look like there is no feeling. You are too much! I have been deceived by the Shangguan, how come you lie to me?"

The three emperors were shocked and sighed that the woman who was as beautiful as the fairy was really not fooled. What was like Sun’s side? When he was said in a few words, he got it.

That day, she thought she was not there, only to be so gentle and abominable to Sun’s side, how did she see it?

The eyes of the three emperors turned around and thought for a while. They thought about the rhetoric and made an excited look. "You are jealous? You are all trying to test you. I saw you and I saw you that day." Shangguan Lingran so much love, anxious, jealous, only deliberately. I just want to see if you are not angry, and as a result, I am very disappointed, you have been smiling, and did not look at me."

Muling heard the words and glared at the three emperors. He asked: "Do you want me to be out of order in public? I don't want to see you pampering other women. I can't show it! What are you and me? Do you forget? Already?"

In the face of Mu Ling’s condemnation, the Three Emperors were not ashamed, only surprises. It turned out that it was not his own unrequited love. Obviously, Ziyou was also affectionate to him. At the very least, he had a good impression.

The three emperors were excited and stepped forward, clinging to Muling’s hand and eagerly confessing: “You are going to start again? You see it, you are very sad! You left the Shangguan Lingran. Asshole, I will make you happy!"

"Hey..." Muling looked up at the silver plate in the clouds and sighed long. "Is it easy? Don't say that I still have children, even if I am not pregnant, you think that the Queen Mother can Allow me and the Shangguan to be quiet and away? Maybe he will be asked to take me off. Well, whether it is away or away, can we come together? It is even harder than going to heaven! First Empress Dowager And the emperor, we will not go through, let's say, Daxie with the children to remarriage the uncle, the whole society can not tolerate, when the time to spit a star, can drown me two! Some things, missed, then go back A hundred years old!"

"If I am the emperor?" The three emperors stared at the "purple secluded" face, the heart was like a deer, and they didn't think about the consequences, they blurted out.

"You think..." Mulling was shocked to see the three emperors, but he was despised by him. The three emperors were too easy to get hooked. They didn't want it to make any means. They cheated him in a few words and revealed his mind. It was really not fun at all.

"According to the plan, don't underestimate the enemy." She noticed her contempt, and Jin Ling immediately reminded her. None of these emperors is simple, how can she be so fooled?

Mu Ling heard Jin Ling’s instructions, put away his mind, and immediately looked around in a panic. This whispered to him: “You are crazy!? In this case, you dare to say? If this is heard, then Well, although it is my yard, but there are ears in the wall, you should still be careful to prevent it. If you lose your head in the future, don't say it."

"Do you worry about me?" The three emperors saw Muling caring for him, as if he had seen Jiangshan beauty beckoning him, and his expression became more and more excited. "You know, you know me, you have me." I can't bear you anymore. For you and my future, I have to be on that position. Only when I become the most powerful person can I protect you from being made to make irresponsible remarks. You are for us. In the future, you have to help me! I know that you have this ability, as long as you help me, I swear, I will never be you! Otherwise, let me not die! You, rest assured, my queen, only you."

It’s so nice to say that it’s so good that the owner wants him to help him. Muling knew the purpose of the three emperors, and his heart not only despised him more. A big man relies on deceiving a woman to achieve his goal, especially if the woman is still its owner, and of course it cannot be tolerated.

Just about to get angry, Jin Ling’s instructions came again. “Don’t be angry, Ann plans to act.”

Muling had no choice but to endure anger, just about to speak, but heard the footsteps coming from afar.

So I pushed the three emperors behind the bushes and whispered: "Someone is coming, don't come out, hide."

Of course, the three emperors are also reluctant to expose their own visits to the purple secluded night. The younger brothers will be arrogant, and it is not good to say that they are going out, just to be an emperor, and he can’t break his reputation first.

So, very obedient lie behind the bushes. This position is very wrong, but there is no way, he is tall, and this bush is very short, is a boxwood trimmed into a large vase shape.

Before Mu Ling had not had time to enter the house, he heard someone jumping over the wall.

Yi Yi, they just had to rush out, and Mu Ling waved his hand to stop them, and then they lazily leaned under the sycamore tree.

The prince came in and saw, a woman with long hair and a long skirt wearing a peony thin hookah, quietly relying on the tree, the moonlight Qinghui shadow quietly covered her snowy white face, will that If the beautiful five senses are floating,

The quiet figure is born and independent. The wind blew, the hair was dancing lightly behind, and the silk was like a condensate scorn.

In the heart of the Prince, there was a feeling of unclear, sour and painful. She walked a few steps to her and asked with concern: "You are pregnant, so late, so cold outside, dyed cold How is it good?"

"Prince's brother-in-law!" Muling pretended to be surprised, a pair of stars and the same starry purple, looked at him with a sly look, less ordinary cold, more silk fans, seems to be able to take pictures.

"How come you?" Muling's voice is crisper than the purple secluded, and in this silent night, it becomes clearer.

The soul that is about to be lost by the Prince is called back. The prince immediately pretended to be worried and worried. "What happened? I heard that you were almost aborted by him. Why? Don't you swear to give you happiness?"

Muling reveals a radiant smile that is even more lonely than fireworks. "The man's words really can't believe it. First, Zhao Hongxiang lied to me. Now it is Shangguan Lingran, hehe... I don't have one. Really sincere people? I knew that when I came back from southern Xinjiang, I should swear in public and never marry."

When Muling said this, he sighed with a stomachache: "Poor me, these two treasures, just born, will you have no father?"

"I am their father!" The Prince did not hesitate, and said firmly.

Muling listened to nothing, and the three emperors behind the boxwood tree were black and black. "Shameless! Despicable, swindlers who are in danger!"

The Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou in the house are all different from ordinary people. Shangguan was busy with the rain and dew. He did not pay attention to the dialogue between the "animals" and the elves outside. The purple secluded was left with a little attention to listen to Mu Ling and the Prince, and the Three Emperors Zhou/Spin.

Hearing this, I finally couldn’t help but swear: "Hey! Who wants to recognize you as a father!"

Shangguan Ling Ran did not want to listen to it, punitively biting the purple lip, dissatisfied with the spoiled, "wife, this time, how can you be distracted? It seems that the husband is not working hard enough.... ""

When I didn’t finish it, my waist slammed into the purple and stunned, and I was so scared that I was very angry: “French, husband, I am wrong, don’t be so hard, be careful of the baby’s protest.”

This said that the Shangguan did not dare to let go, and again sent it slowly.

There are two men outside, and there are two men outside. They are complaining about "she", but they are the "culprits" in the human population. They are in the clear road and darkness, and they think that they have no face. Shy and panic.

Of course, the next day, Shangguan Lingran from the mouth of his own teacher, knowing the dialogue between Muling and the Prince and the Three Emperors, and his face was blue!

I don’t want the Prince and the Three Emperors and his ancestors to greet the ancestors in that place. "Nnd! Not there yet, you will remember the wife of Laozi; the daughter-in-law who remembers Laozi is not counted, but also the children of Laozi. Laozi curses you Yangshuo!

Shangguan Lingran left and thought about it. He threw his wife in the government of Rongguo. It was really not so reassuring. So in the end, he did not greet the two sisters of Shenjia as a side squat, and confessed his mistake and took Ziyue back to An Wangfu.

However, after picking it up, the feelings of the two seem to be less intimate than before. The reason is because the Queen Mother, purple quiet in front of her face, shaved the heads of Shen's two sisters, and stabbed the words, it is said that after half a month, the two men's heads are a hairy donkey Not long.

The parents of the two men were in a hurry, and their mother went to the palace to find the Queen Mother to cry: "The Queen Mother! You have to be the daughter of the minister. ...... This is the past half a month, the hair of the woman, One is not long, this can be good if it is..."

When the Empress Dowager heard it, she was not the culprit, but if it wasn’t for her hard to smother the two sisters of Shen’s family to their grandsons, Mu Ziyou could not shave their hair, as the saying goes, “I don’t Killing Bourne, Buren died because of me." The two sisters of Shen family became bald, is she responsible?

Hurry and order the doctor: "You will return to the house with the two ladies, so be sure to let the two ladies grow their hair, or they will shave you into a bald sorrow!"

The doctor quickly followed the two ladies to the house where the policeman was stunned. Just looking at Shen Lijuan and Shen Yujuan, the head that is even smoother than the egg, was shocked. After studying for a long time, he said to the two ladies, "Please ask the two ladies to ask Gao Ming, the next official can't cure the two." Miss's head, this is this... I am afraid that I will never grow my hair again!"

"What!?" The two ladies and the two Juans immediately jumped up in shock, and then burst into tears together. "How can this be good! This is not a human life. . . ."

The doctor is cold and sweaty! Darkness: Who is it? Who wants you to provoke the world? You have to have your hair, you have no head, it is very good.

Mrs. Shen’s two ladies, once again entered the palace to find the Queen Mother’s crying, and the Queen Mother was overwhelmed by their arrogant heads, and had to reprimand the purple.

However, the front foot of the Empress Dowager decree, the back foot Shangguan Lingran on the door / apologize to apologize, so I took the purple secluded back to the palace, the attitude is very clear to give his wife support.

However, after this incident, Ziyou seems to be no longer as trustworthy as Shangguan Ling, and he is always neither hot nor cold.

Shangguan Ling is often in the army and can't be with her. During this period, Prince Liu Ruixue and the three emperors, Wen Chuchu, often come over and talk with her.

Therefore, the Prince and the Three Emperors often come to visit her, and time is here.

Autumn season.

When An Wang returned to the emperor, he came to see his wife and children. This time, he did not bring the Ningbian side, but he brought the Shangguan Dyeing and Shangguan Yingying.

It can be seen that An Wang has learned the lessons of the past and is very concerned about these two children. Purple secluded looked at the Shangguan dying and Shangguan Yingying some similar facial features, could not help but sneer. The stunned Wang Ye, afraid that he is raising a child to raise a child!

Then raise it, raise your feelings, and then know the truth of the matter, then it will hurt!

However, An Wang did a personnel incident this time, and even persuaded the Empress Dowager: "After the mother, in fact, the child of the child is very powerful, but it is not unreasonable. Look at her to the girl, it is more than the daughter. I have to be filial. I haven’t been very good with you before. The reason why I bumped into you later is that you have to confuse her with Linger’s side, which seems to be her scale, can’t touch. Disrespectful to the children, but also because the children injured her mother's heart. In fact, she is also good to the slaves, to the people, very kind. Huimin Department of those who do not look down on the disease, almost no exaggeration of her kindness Besides, she is now with her grandson and granddaughter, you can't be embarrassed about her, if something unexpected, but a corpse and three lives!"

"Hey!" The Queen Mother looked at her son with dissatisfaction. "What do you say?"

Then he sighed again. "Hey... It’s not angry because she is not good to her mother, but because she is disrespectful to you, and to your cousin, it’s even more merciless. It’s after all. If the niece, the sorrower does not come out to clean up her, she will not be shackled by her. The niece is being bullied, and she is indifferent. The mourner is not blind to your confused emperor. Can you still be afraid of her? ”

An Wang understood that the mother had to kill the purple chicken, and the Xuanwu Emperor. However, the old lady did not expect that the chicken would be anxious and would jump to the wall.

An Wang shook his head and said with emotion: "After the mother, if you feel that the purple is better than the emperor, then you can be wrong. The gimmick is afraid of being no less than a army of more than 200,000. Under the trick, I trained a number of dragon riding guards, and I lost 13 people. Can you still think that she is better than the emperor?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thank you for sending the 3921 pro to the purse every day! Xiao Bing feels alive! Xiao Bing is not convinced that he only writes a good article, repaying and supporting Xiao Bing, these lovely and kind-hearted pros. Love tiger oil! Late, the ticket is the time to send it out.