MTL - Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor-Chapter 2742 No. 01230 leaf month (3)

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Chapter 2742 Chapter 01230 Ye Yue (3)

"This..." Feng Jiu's brow is deep and deep: "Ye Yuejie, this has nothing to do with me, it is all silent...he said..."

"What is what I said?!" Feng Wuyin smashed a look at Feng Jiu: "It is your proposal, I am going to deal with Daxiantian Temple, you are going to chase down the cold, but today it depends on me?!"

Ye Qingwei: "..."

These two people, in front of her, are still like that of the year... no change.

"Oh, nothing more, we can understand the nine secluded and silent. At the beginning, I let you go to the fourth domain to inherit, and I have a great responsibility." The nine-day saint sighed.

"I also have a responsibility, not optimistic about her."

At this moment, the strongest of Xianyu, and many disciples of the Daxiantian Temple, their eyes fell on Ye Qingxuan.

This is the legend... the legend of Wannian, Ye Yueshen?

Her disappearance made Xianyuan and Daxiantian Temple like water and fire.

Nowadays, these people have witnessed the true miracles. The people who have disappeared for thousands of years have actually appeared alive. They are still so young. It looks like a little girl...

Immediately, one of the emperors, striding to Ye Qing’s side, kneeling on one knee: “Ye Yue Shi Bo, the younger generation building Tian Xing, my master is famous for the mountain... I have said that if one day, I saw Ye Yue Shi Bo, let me say sorry for Ye Yue Shibo for him... It is he who did not protect Ye Yue Shi Bo..."

Hearing, Ye Qingyi’s eyes fell on the man: “The disciple of Lushan’s brother... What is your master?”

"Ye Yue Shi Bo, my teacher respects... has been degraded many years ago. In the past, my master was too self-blaming, and I also hated Daxiantian Temple in my heart, thinking that it was a mistake. I died Ye Ye Shijie, so I renegade the Daxiantian Temple...but, when my master is dead, my heart will not forget the Daxiantian Temple and Shibo."

"Is it... Brother Lushan has already..." Ye Qing muttered in his mouth.

From one era to another, for Ye Qingqi, it may be only a moment.

However, for that era, it has been a long time, and it will be a long time to make a teenager become an old man, and let a strong man who dominates the eight sides, buried in the loess.

In my mind, I can still show the time of the year. In the Daxiantian Temple, I have a lot of talks with my brothers, sisters, and sisters. I have no worries...

It turns out that it has been so long, and most of the familiar people are gone...

Ye Qingyi still hasn't forgotten that when she and Ling Yan left, Lushan's desperate fight, want to leave her from the spirit of the hand.

Lushan...nothing wrong.

Sorry to say... obviously she is...

It is she who is wrong.

She always thought that she was just a passenger in that era.

But... that era... but someone, treat her as... family!

Ye Qingyi wants to make up, but she doesn't know where to start.

She really is sorry for too many people.

As the only teacher said, if they have not appeared, they will leave the world with regret and remorse.

Just like Lushan.

She wants to make up, wants to apologize, but she is no longer there.

Even, Ye Qingzhen still remembers the desire of Lushan... to open a weapon spectrum.

"Ye girl."

Suddenly, a vain sound, resounding from above the void.

(End of this chapter)