MTL - Rebirth of the Super Thief-Chapter 348 : Enhancing All

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It is no doubt that the werewolf assassin will fail. The key question now is whether Bai Song can kill the werewolf assassin before the werewolf patriarch Cyril arrives. E┡ Novel Ww ㄟ W. Ω1XIAOSHUO. Com

Regardless of whether it was Cat Girl or Cyrillic who was approaching, her eyes were very dignified.

Although the werewolf assassin couldn't turn around, he had great control over himself, his muscles were tight and his bound legs still had bouncing power.

The jumping height was very low, and the werewolf assassin once again showed his own flexibility. He changed his body at an angle, and completed the turning movement in the air.

It's just that the jumping height is too low. The air turn has landed before it has finished, and the whole body has turned to face the pine.

The catgirl looked at this scene and chuckled in her heart: "Oops, lost the opportunity on the back, it is impossible for him to end the battle before the werewolf arrives."

Werewolf patriarch Cyril was also relieved, so that he would have free time to rescue, and it would be very difficult for the enemy to lose a general.

"Hmm." Bai Song watched the werewolf assassin's treatment, and couldn't help sighing. It was indeed a golden boss, not so simple.

Golden Boss, even for those elite groups that are not bad, is not something you can fight. Any battle with Golden Boss is extremely difficult.

Those who can directly face the golden Boss are light and windy, and all of them are outstanding in the elite group. As for those who dare to face the Golden Boss alone, they are also famous masters.

The werewolf assassin looked at Bai Song with a sigh, and a smile appeared on his face. Bai Song had only one chance to hit, and if he couldn't grasp the chance, he would be safe.

Whether it was Cyril's rescue or the release of the time constraint, he could return to the state of shadow recovery, and he didn't think about being killed by a single hit.

If you had exposed your back to the enemy before, there was a real danger of being killed. As of now, it is completely impossible.

Because from the side, he can raise his weapon to resist once. If the human adventurer can kill himself through his block, he has nothing to say.

Bai Song, like a flash of lightning, rushed over aggressively. The werewolf assassin raised his weapon with a disdain and put on a defensive posture. At the same time, he sneered in his heart: "Pretend."

The distance between Bai Song and the werewolf assassin was getting closer and closer. The werewolf assassin's pupils suddenly enlarged, and the sound of a collision of weapons was not expected.


The werewolf assassin turned back hard, and the dagger was inserted into his back. The crit damage caused great pain, but he could resist it.

But in the next second, a violent force spread in his body, his life was passing, his defense was very low and he couldn't bear such injuries.

"How could it be ... teleport again" After saying this, the werewolf assassin fell to the ground and could no longer move.

Bai Song used two magic step cards in a row. Compared to the original magic step released by the undead robber, Bai Song was more powerful and could not be seen without careful observation.

In fact, what the undead robber used was only the weakened version. The undead robber was much more powerful before his death. After becoming a lower-level undead, he naturally couldn't use it as it was.

However, after all, it is a skill in life, and the full version cannot be released, and the weakened version can barely let it go.

The Werewolf Patriarch Cyril was long overdue. Bai Song had distanced himself from the Werewolf Patriarch Cyril, and Cyril had unexpectedly failed to pursue.

"The high priest, you killed it." Cyril's eyes were full of anger, closed, his expression calmed down: "Very well, you are really great."

"Woohoo ~" Cyclone Werewolf Patriarch suddenly lay on the ground, screaming.

"Woohoo ~"

The remaining werewolves also stopped, leaving from the cat girl and the bloodthirsty crocodile, and made the same action.

When Bai Song saw here, his face ran towards the water immediately, and even the bloodthirsty crocodiles ran into the water. The cat girl was afraid that Mizuhisa would not force her or waste time.

Of course, you can't let the cat girl idle, and Bai Song's head didn't return: "You are now holding an ordinary werewolf to kill, how much is killed, don't move the werewolf collar."

This is the great move of the Werewolf Patriarch Cyril to improve the overall attributes of the surrounding werewolves, but the werewolf collar cannot be touched. It can be touched but must guarantee a spike.

For Bai Song's words, the cat girl did not hesitate to do so. For a while, the werewolf continued to be killed and injured, but the death of his companions did not shake the werewolf.

There are genes for wolves in the blood of a werewolf. The death of a companion will not make them fear, but it will arouse the cruel blood in the heart and tear the enemy more brutally. This is their response to the dead companion.

Baisong didn't have as much control, and rode directly on the bloodthirsty crocodile. The bloodthirsty crocodile was fast in the water, much faster than Baisong's swimming.

"It seemed to stimulate him, and the big move opened so early." Bai Song didn't panic in his heart, his thinking was clear, and he saw the remaining iron cables: "It seems that it is about to be destroyed and the stone giant is liberated. The battle is simple. "

Of course, talking on paper is simple, in fact, the broken iron cable seems to be broken at any time, but no matter how white pine chops, it can't be broken.

"Toughness is still ..."

Bai Song frowned. At this time, the werewolves on the shore began to resume their actions, and the eyes were bleeding red one by one: "This is bad ~ ~ There are not many werewolves left, but the less left each The more power is distributed, the more difficult it is! "

The energy is limited, and if there is one werewolf and the other werewolves, there will be more points. This white pine knows, but he still lets the cat girl kill.

Dealing with one ordinary boss is better than dealing with three quasi-boss.

"There is no way ..." Bai Song watched as the werewolves were approaching, leaving the iron cord with the last point. When the battle started, there was no time to cut the iron cord.

"Blood crocodile, use big tricks."

At the order of Bai Song, a tombstone suddenly appeared in the iron cable, surrounded by layers of tombstones. The bloodthirsty crocodile attacks and attacks in the area surrounded by the tombstones have skyrocketed.

The bloodthirsty crocodile's big move has the effect of imprisonment and soaring abilities, but the cooling time is too long. Generally, white pine will not be used casually. This can be regarded as a life-saving magic of the bloodthirsty crocodile but it is now used in advance .

In fact, there is really no way out. Due to time constraints, Bai Song has no capital left to make a big move. If there is no Shi Giant to participate in the battle, even if he wins, it will be a disastrous victory.