MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-v2 Chapter 746 Take a step back

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\"Which murderer, will you say that people are killing themselves?" I don't know who whispered.

\"Yes, and, Tianshu Juggernaut also saw him killing himself." Another person said: "Tianshujian Shengde is highly respected, can't you say that he is telling lies?" Tianshujiansheng suddenly became The focus of everyone.

Yu Xuanzhi looked at the Tianshu Juggernaut before the power of the Zongmen family. Tianshu Juggernaut did not answer, just sighed. This sigh, and it’s all gone.

This time, the crowd seems to have been thrown into a hot iron outside the sky; suddenly boiling frying pan - "Look! Tianshu Jiansheng sees the eyes, witnesses are Mantian traces!

"煞修, he is repairing! - The next child will pierce the person, it is terrible!" "What is the annihilation meeting? Do not kill the scorpion marks, how many meetings are open!"

"You are the guardian of self-stealing! He dares to be in front of so many people today, and he is the murderer of Wanfa in the world. He will dare to kill the entire nine realms tomorrow!" "Yes! If you don't give us an explanation today," Even if we thoroughly and the Purple Emperor Tiandu’s family tear the face, they must be brought to justice!'

. . ...

The voice of accusation has grown stronger, like a lot of people wanting to drown people, and many people are eager to try and make a look that wants to be generous to kill the devil.

Like the tide of cursing sounds constantly rushing into the ears, the sky marks can not help but suddenly feel the bottom of the heart cold - this scene, why did you know each other? Is accused, beggar, was treated as the culprit, but clearly, made Those who are all are not him at all!

He thought that in this life, he was no longer the monster that everyone shouted. It was no longer a poor worm who could only squat in the dark corner and lick the wound. He thought that there were so many people supporting him behind him and trusting him. He It is strong enough to face rumors.

However, when everything happened again, he suddenly realized that nothing had changed.

"Not me... I smacked the lower layer and whispered: "Not me, really not me. "" is him, kill him, avenge these innocent people!

"I said it wasn't me!" The smack of the sky suddenly raised the voice and snarled at the people who attacked him.

"It can't be my little brother." Exhibition Fengting does not open the crowd, walks to the front, stands beside the celestial mark, and said: "I am willing to protect him with the dragon family."

The moon is also divided into flowers and willows. It’s a glimpse of the people around you. “My apprentice, even if I am a good boy, I’m a good boy. You have to be confused. Sometimes you see it, you don’t see it. It is true."

Beibeitian put the sword in the thick slate of the ground, cold and cold: "Who wants to start with my teacher, first pass me."

"My future daughter-in-law, of course, I have to protect." "The late step of Zhan Zhan went to the side of Xuan Wuzhen, and hooked his lips, saying: "You can’t see the way you planted it. It’s really a white meal that has been eaten for so many years. If I want to kill the dead, I don’t know what to do when everyone is staring at me. Think about it.”

"Oh, it makes a lot of sense." Fu Li-hand holding a tiger scorpion, stood up and smiled and said: "I also support the scorpion marks." One person next to him squatting, said: " What are you busy with, how familiar are you with him?

Fluttering his eyes, he said with a taste: "Not familiar, but who makes his husband look good, good-looking people, people look at it as a good person."

The sky mark suddenly wanted to laugh, so he really laughed.

Where will it be the same?

History can be repeated, but the process can never be copied as it is.

There are so many people who are willing to stand on his side: trust him, protect him, and fight against the world for him. Isn't that enough? It is much better than the Lingzong period.

What's more, no one now imposes a heavy burden on him, so that he can make a vow, but when he tells the truth, he has to suffer from the sacred one. Why should he endure these people's fall against him?

"Oh.. hahahahaha!" 晏天痕 suddenly laughed loudly, there is a tendency to stop. The laughter was so awkward at the time, and all the eyes of the people fell on him. "This girl is actually laughing! This time, he can still laugh!" Is it because there is no fear? Too arrogant, must be severely punished!" 蔺玄之 ​​grasps the shoulders of the 晏天痕; Brows.

After a while, the scorpion marks straightened up the waist and gave a smile to Xiao Xuan.

He took a deep breath and slowly raised his head and looked at the faces that were familiar or strange. He said: "You said that people are killing me, but I said no. Believe it or not, the death of these people today is I have nothing to do with it. My cultivation today is a great cause. With the cultivation of these people, if I want to kill them, it is just a matter of moving my little fingers."

Suddenly, Dun, the sky mark continued: "But it's no wonder that you don't believe it, I don't care. It's just that it takes a lot of effort and effort to get rid of it. It's not necessarily good. Let's start today, I'm going to do it. I will not look at it again. I have to look at what the nine worlds will look like in the future."

After that, the sly sneer sneered, and he said to the sin of Xuan Xuan: "Big brother, this is a big event, I will not do it." 'Xuan Xuanzhi sighed softly, said: "If you don't do it, don't do it, nothing. Big deal.

They have enough strength to protect themselves, and they can find a place where the mountains and the waters are full of aura, enough for them to live their own lives. As for those repairs, whether they are killing people in the massacre, what is the relationship with him?

He has already had enough of the things that the coffin has experienced. Now he is framed by no one, and he will naturally not be pinched by a soft persimmon.

Wan Liyao flashed a touch of deep meaning in his eyes, saying: "Whatever is wrong with annihilation? If Wang Shizi is now suspected, it would be better to push it into the prison first, and then find out the truth, and then decide what?"

Wan Yi’s cross-brows are upright: “Why do you press into the prison? What are you mixing here!”

Wan Liyue swept away and looked at it; said: "I just stand on a fair stand to make judgments. In short, I have always distrusted Yu Xiu and want to come to the scene. Most of them are similar to my thoughts.

"I agree. "The person who opened the door was actually the elder of the town of Wanfa, who was the patriarch of the law. He said: "Since the dispute is not over, the first thing will be to close the small mark on the small dish. If it is really repaired, If you sneak into the authenticity of the law, you must also fall into the sect of the sect: even killing people under the eyes of the public, this matter must not be underestimated."

If you pick up, you can see what you think about the sacred mark: "What do you think?"

拂叶尊人 looks at Wanliyuan again and says, "What about you?"

Wan Liyao arched his hand and said: "I heard that the place of Xiao Penglai is the residence of Huarong Jianzun in the authentic place of Wanfa. The relationship between Huarong Jianzun and Wang Shizi is not a secret. In order to avoid suspicion, please also The elders changed places, so as not to misunderstand the good intentions of Huarong Jianzun and the elders."

Fu Ye Zunren 兀 turned his own eyes and said to the Tianshujian holy road: "You can find a more suitable place, but also block the long mouth."

Tianshujian Shengdao: "Under the Tianzhu Cliff, there is a secret room that is specially built for imprisonment. You may wish to put Ashi in there, or temporarily tie him to his cultivation, so as to avoid any accidents. Some people suspect that he is Body."

The mysterious cold of Xuan Xuan: "I have been to that location, the daily squally showers, it is very cold and humid."

Tianshujian Shengdao: "It is true outside, but it is calm and calm, there is nothing to hinder." The scorpion marks staring at Tianshujian, saying: "If that is the case, then I will go to Tianzhu Cliff. Tianshu Juggernaut Nodded and turned to Wanli: "I don't know if you have any opinions?" "Nature does not, so it is fair." "Wanli is far away.

Since Wan Liyao has spoken, other people naturally have no opinion.

晏 痕 痕 昂 昂 昂 昂 昂 昂 昂 昂 昂 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕 痕Behind him, he was in a mess: crying and desperate.


Under the celestial cliff, in the secret room.

There are no light everywhere, and there is no aura. When you come in, the whole person seems to be in another world. Although the size of this secret room is not small, no move can be made, and no outside world can be seen. It is day and night.

Fortunately, the heart is already very firm, just sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and meditation one--he seems to have been in Lingyin Shengzong before 10,000 years ago, he is thinking back to the words that Daozu said, in an attempt to Get the way to kill.

It’s the method used by the Taoist ancestors thousands of years ago. It turns out that the repairs have not been completely eliminated. They just let them be sealed for the time being, just wait - after a certain time, they will break through again and make a comeback. .

Why did Daozu die?

Is it really because I will pass it on to him?

However, Daozu had already reached the half-step fairyland in the same year. Even if the world’s meditation was added together, it was definitely not his opponent. If Daozu personally killed it, it is not without it.


Why must I choose him?

晏天痕 always felt that he ignored what.

There is no day or night in the sky, and the sky marks open his eyes, and his thoughts are erratic.



Wan Yiqi - The ankle opened the door of the sinking wood, and the face was like a frost, and strode in.

Several servants wanted to stop him, but they were thrown away by the owner of the house, and they all retreated.

Wan Yizhen took out the sword: pointing at the mood, sitting in a chair, and enjoying the tea, the flowers are far away, and said with anger: "Wanli is far away, you are really not something! How can my younger brother offend you, you I took the lead to frame him!"

Wan Li took a sip of tea, and then put down the tea pot and looked at it with Wan Yi, saying: "I am still a great master of your younger brother. When I meet, I find that I can’t even care for myself. The little things are gone. Take the tip of the sword and point to the elder brother, Wan Yiyi, your previous education, are you eaten by the dog?"

Wan Yishun hated and said: "I don't care if I want to point at you, I want to marry you! Saying, Wan Yizhen will kneel down to Wanli.

A purple bamboo scorpion slipped out of the fingers of Wan Liyao, "" slammed the sword and blocked the sharp sword. Wan Liyue gently turned the fistula, and then turned back, the voice began to scream, screaming pharynx.