MTL - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 16 First time

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First hand!

That's it!

Shu Ning quickly took the distance and went upstairs. The speed was extremely fast. After all, it was not announced that the "counterfeit products" were not unsightly. The last generation was particularly concerned about identity. No matter what guests came, let Shu Ning avoids suspicion, with Shu Heng, Shu Yao to greet guests. This phenomenon did not change much until Shu Ning entered the company.

Is it true that my parents are right? Dad really likes the eldest son. Mom is deliberately pleased. The vicious curse of the back is so that Shu Ning can harm Shu Heng, and Shu Ning also hates Shu Heng. He wants to replace it and become a true pride of the sky. So the two also It’s a hit and it will take action whenever you have a chance.

The living room is very big, everyone is on the other side, drinking red wine, listening to the violin music, and occasionally some pleasant laughter, very happy.

Shu Heng stared down at his hand, and his emotions in his eyes were all blocked by his hair.

"Xiaoheng? What are you doing there? Come over, this is your uncle Shen!" Shucheng people called, and the eldest son and the younger son were not in the room. It was a walk.

Shu Heng walked over and expelled the feeling of discomfort.

Shu Ning, who went to the second floor, met the butler and met with some doubts: "Are you not in the front hall?"

"Well, when I am older, I should be a good man. The new housekeeper is Sun Haoran. It is my second son. My eldest son is Sun Haojie. I am a special assistant with Da Shao. I have a little daughter studying in France. I will concentrate on it later. With the father, call me Sun Bo, you can have a young master!"

Is this... agree?

Shu Ning has some small waves inside, well, when the good guys are really cool: "Sun Bo, are you waiting for me?"

"Well, big and small let you go to accompany the guests. Mr. Shen is the leader of the Shen family. It is very powerful. I came here today because of the change of land. After you go down, you can sit on the side, and the old man of the old family." Not so good to get along."

what! The heart is so warm, Shu Ning naturally understands who Shen Xiangdong is, and has had contact in the last life. Such an opponent can only understand Shucheng Shuheng, Shuning is just a simple contact, almost drop the layer of skin, now I think it is really shame. But Shu Ning is more concerned about another thing: "Change the land? Sun Bo quickly told me what is going on."

Sun Lin smiled very amiablely and was very willing to satisfy the young curse's curiosity: "I don't know where the lord got reliable news. Before I saw the problem, there was a problem in the land. So in the name of the experience, let the tyrant take over and come to Shu. The reputation will not be damaged, and the second will not be doubtful.

"Oh! It turned out to be like this," Shu Ning said goodbye to the old butler, and slowly went downstairs.

I was still thinking about how to make the big cockroaches look good and give them a long memory. Now the things of the Qin Yu bracelet are banging over. It’s really hard to get rid of the iron shoes. The wicked need to be wicked, hahaha... ...

But then again, Shu's game is so beautiful! Shucheng is a well-deserved c city leader! Turning your hand over to the cloud is a rain, and it’s just like it.

Under normal circumstances, He took the big head! Because it is the development right that He got!

Shu Shi naturally took the second piece of good land, and now let go, there must be a lot of wind words outside, and wonder if Shu is not good? The capital chain is broken? I can't borrow money and the like. Moreover, Shen’s company and those who are staring at the land must also look at it. Everyone is not stupid, and certainly must be stupid.

So put Shu Heng out, just 18 years old, let him experience and be the master.

The Qin Yu bracelet is in the third place. The bride has just entered the door. Is the child who is not pregnant wanting? Definitely sing the opposite, right?

So Shu's final decision was made on the 2nd floor, which is reasonable!

Shu Ning wants to make a case! Shu Chengming knows that it will be fired, so that Shu Heng tops the package. As soon as he arrives in the summer vacation, Shu Heng will not be opposed by entering the board of directors. When the East Window incident occurred, I really wanted to see the Shenjia old fox eating and licking the same face, losing to the junior, but also to be generous, definitely mad! Cool, so cool.

But at this moment, someone's face must be more exciting.

The Qin Yu bracelet is graceful and elegant, and the laughter is extraordinarily splendid. Shu Ning knows this woman, the more angry the smile is, the sweeter it is.

Shucheng has been around her, holding hands from time to time, ten fingers and interlocking, the performance is very close, Shucheng in front of outsiders wants to give Qin Yu bracelet face, after all, this is a husband who does not do well. Qin Yubiao Xianliang Shude, and understand himself so much, never complain, naturally pity.

Qin Yu bracelet has actually exploded! The whole person feels like floating... but she must be generous! Must bear, but also from time to time to praise Shu Heng has a vision, a force, and the heart is screwed.

She dreamed that Shucheng would do this. She hadn't told her that the whole company had no ventilation reports from top to bottom. It was so scary! What is the reason for Qin Yu bracelet? If it wasn’t for the 3rd place, Shen finally got a gift at the door, thank you for the gift, and thank you on the bright side. Actually, I came to see the joke... Qin Yu bracelet was still in the drum, and going to work tomorrow will definitely become a laughing stock. The old dead man means to raise a baby at home.

It’s awful, it’s awful, and all the efforts in the past have been in vain.

Shen Xiangdong Pi Xiaomei does not laugh, cold-eyed, juniors are crazy, Shucheng is also following crazy, both sides are not good people inside and outside, it is really a pot of good dog blood, dripping gray face.

Shu Ning drank the juice, leaned against the wall, stood behind the large bonsai, and enjoyed it very much.

Time is tight, Shucheng wants to succeed, and must not be able to leak a little bit of wind, several high-level privately. With the personality of the Qin Yu bracelet, when you look back, you will slap your confidants from the beginning, doubting the ghosts and leaving hidden dangers. Shen Xiangdong stood up and Shucheng took people out to him.

After watching the good play, Shu Ning smeared oil back to the room to take a shower, waiting to climb the bed.

Shu Heng came back very quickly, took a shower, and leaned on the bed to read a book, occasionally looking up at the bell and looking at it.

Shu Ning pushed the door open with a pillow, and the small head came in and smashed it. He closed the door with a smile, and ran his little short legs to the bed and went to bed.

"How come?"

Means just now? Shu Ning shrugged and looked innocent: "What did you do in the past?" Looking at the face of Qin Yu bracelet? What if she wants to press Shu Heng to take my life? ╮(╯▽╰)╭The fool is only past!


I am going, is this praised? Shu Ning is a bit squared for a while, feeling super good!

Shu Heng put down the book: "Sleep."

"Well," Shu Ning was excited. He took a sip in Shu Heng's face, and then pulled the quilt to cover it. He couldn't stand the day when he was tossing. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Shu Heng is terrible, maintaining an action for ten minutes, just that is... kiss? ? ?

The face is black, the dead child can't be educated, and the nose is on the face, but... He slept → _→ Shu Heng's heart is particularly helpless, and the left and right feelings are not bad, forget it.

No dreams overnight, my brother is not in the morning, Shu Ning is sitting on the bed of Barabara hair, where did he go? The bathroom heard the sound of screaming water. When I thought of my brother’s good figure, Shu Ning felt uncomfortable. He returned to his room with his pillow, washed his face, just came out of the bathroom and saw Qin Yu bracelet sitting on his bed. .

"The quilt will not be taken care of, the next person will clean up," Qin Yu bracelet is very unhappy, even if you take Shu Ning to enjoy it? Wearing a robes is not like a prince: "Also, the next person on the second floor is Shu Heng, and I will definitely look at you. My poor child, you suffer, it is not good for me."

Naturally, you are not good. Fortunately, she doesn't care much about Shu Ning. She didn't find any doubts, and she didn't know who Shu Ning Night/Night was with. This bed, Shu Ning only slept once.

"Is there something?"

"Come and sit!"

Want to make a long story? Shu Ning is not interested: "I have something to say, I took the exam yesterday, and I didn't have a class in the afternoon. I went to see it..." Shu Ning Barabala puts a big slap on how to insult the little cockroach, how to squeeze it and even indirectly kill it, and want to occupy it. The house, the forced little sister did not dare to go back to the village to the construction site and other things have been said!

With the word grief, said hoarse choking, listeners crying and sad.

Qin Yu bracelet's heart beats faster, and a sullen flash in his eyes: "Good boy, I will deal with you in this matter, just go to school."


Business reforms, I’m thinking that I have been hoping for a few days. Recently, I was too depressed, too wrong, and the object of venting was naturally two sisters.

Shu Ning sang songs, dressed and went downstairs to eat, just happened to meet Shu Heng who opened the door, and immediately the eyes were bright and sweet: "Brother!"

Shu Heng was shocked and retreated, and he slammed shut!

what's the situation?

What happened to the little p child? Shu Ning’s doubtful scratching of the head is because yesterday’s incident was plagued by Qin Yu bracelet? possible. This is a good thing, quickly comforting him, pulling into each other's distance, Shu Ning stepped forward.