MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2470 No Tears Camp

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The Blazing Demon God was extremely nervous, which surprised Lu Yang and asked, "Is the lower **** of the dark dragon clan very strong?"

"It's not a question of whether they are strong or not, but just to restrain your current state." Blazing Demon God said anxiously: "Dark dragons are themselves dislikes of elements, and any lower-level god-level spells hit their dragon skins. , they can't cause too much damage, but their strength is extremely strong, and their flying speed is extremely fast, and the general early stage powerhouses of the median gods will take the initiative to avoid them when they encounter them!"

Lu Yang asked, "What about spiritual spells?"

Blazing Demon God said: "Don't expect your little spiritual power to hurt the dark dragons of the lower **** level, they are masters of the spiritual system themselves, and most of the fields are spiritual, as long as you enter the five kilometers around them. Within the range, they will be attacked by their spiritual spells, you quickly fly to the southeast, at the intersection of the flame star and the dark moon star, there is a way to escape."

Lu Yang was a little surprised. He quickly took out Princess Heilong's head from Bandarsburg, turned around and flew in the direction indicated by the Blazing Demon God.

Bandarsburg has the ability to isolate the breath. Originally, the three dark dragons only sensed that the black dragon princess was dead, but they did not know where the corpse was. They could only vent their anger into the dark castle. Now that they sensed the location, they quickly put The breath locked and flew in the direction of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang suddenly felt that the air around him was freezing. It was the spiritual pressure of the dark dragon. Fortunately, the Blazing Flame Demon God taught him how to fight, otherwise this move would be enough to make Lu Yang unable to move.

"In the future, I'll provoke humanoid lower gods. The strength of this beast-like lower **** is too terrifying." Lu Yang shook his head as he flew, his face full of depression.

Originally, he thought that he had used the body of a demon god, and there were so many treasures. In another world, even a lower **** would not be his opponent. He didn't expect that just three dark dragons would make him helpless.

Blazing Demon God said: "It's good to teach a long lesson. This is just a dark dragon. You will encounter more terrifying creatures in the future. In this world, no strong person is absolutely invincible."

Lu Yang nodded educated and asked, "Where are we going now?"

The Blazing Demon God said, "The Tearless Camp."

"Tearless Camp?" Lu Yang heard this name for the first time and asked curiously, "What is this place?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "The Tearless Camp is a group of powerhouses who have lost their race. They formed an organization that shelters the powerhouses who have also encountered genocide or been driven out by the ethnic group. A chief god, only believing in themselves."

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "How come there is still such an organization? That is to say, they have a hostile relationship with any of the main gods or any of the surrounding races?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "It can be said that there is a professional dragon slaying army under the No Tears Organization, and the strength is above the quasi-god. I learned about this organization from my subordinates back then, and I gave them one because they were pitiful. Let them build an underground city in the place where the flames and the dark moon meet, but they will not be grateful to me, once they discover my existence, they will **** me out of your body and eat me."

Lu Yang nodded, he has no better way now, he can only take a step by step, fortunately, the domain of these three dark dragons is not speed, they can't catch up with Lu Yang.

The two sides were flying at full speed in the sky, watching the scenery of the earth constantly changing, and it didn't take long for Lu Yang to come to the place where the flames and the dark moon meet.

In this vast land, Lu Yang saw the red land for the first time, as if the land was reddened by flames.

The ground is full of trees with red and white light, and there are no flowers and plants on the ground, as if all the nutrients have been sucked up by the trees.

Flying forward along these trees, Lu Yang saw a volcano with black smoke. In the area of ​​​​the crater, he used his mental power to scan a group of living creatures, but their camouflage was too good, Lu Yang knew Their location, but their people can't be found.

"Is it invisible?" Lu Yang asked with a frown.

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said, "Look at the stones on the ground. They are descendants of ancient rock giants. They call themselves rock demons. They have good personalities. You can ask them for help."

Lu Yang quickly landed in front of the rock demons and asked for help in elemental language: "There are three dark dragons at the level of lower gods, can you help me?"

The red rock pile surging, three pairs of huge black eyes protruding from the rock pile, the center asked Lu Yang through consciousness: "Tell me your race."

Lu Yang said anxiously, "I am the last member of the Demon Fire Clan."

This is what the Blazing Demon God taught him. The Demon Fire Race is very ancient, and most people don't know it, and this race has indeed been exterminated.

The three rock men glanced at each other, and the rock man in the center said to Lu Yang, "Hide in the crater, and the battle here is left to us."

Lu Yang nodded, jumped to the top of the crater, looked up, three dark dragons had appeared in the sky, and the roar was deafening.

"Damn flame bugs, I will torture you for ten thousand years." The dark dragon headed was already in a hurry.

The three of them clearly felt that Lu Yang was a demigod. The three subordinate gods chased and killed a demigod, but they didn't catch up for a long time, which made them very angry.

"Brother, let me torture him first." The dark dragon on the left couldn't wait to turn into a shadow and swooped towards Lu Yang's position.

Lu Yang pretended to be exhausted, but he said to the Blazing Demon God in his consciousness: "Are the three of them so stupid? Even the Rock Demon can't find it."

The Blazing Demon God said: "Of course they won't be able to find it. The secret technique I teach you, no one else in the whole other world understands. The rock man is a race that is good at hiding, and it is impossible for the dark dragon to find it. Look at it, These three dragons are going to be miserable."

The voice just fell.

The first dark dragon that swooped over was less than 200 meters away from Lu Yang, and the other two were only about 300 meters away, but at this moment, countless rocks burst out on the **** of the volcano.

In the smoke and dust flying in the sky, the three-headed rock demon stood up, and they were more than 300 meters high. They were extremely fast. The right hand in the center grabbed the nearest dark dragon and pinched it hard.


The shrill screams sounded, and the dragon's wings were broken, followed by a hard fall from the rock demon, throwing the dragon to the ground, smashing a deep pit.

The two dark dragons in the back watched this scene, and quickly turned around and ran away, but the other two rock demons were extremely fast and attacked again, and they easily caught the remaining two dark dragons, just like the first one. , broke his wings and fell to the ground.

"Rock Damn bastards, you are not dead yet, I will kill you." The dragon roared frantically, struggling to stand up.


A huge roar sounded, and more than a dozen rock demons drilled out of the rock pile, kicking their big feet on the back of the dark dragon. In front of the rock demon, the three dark dragons were like children. The kicked one was powerless to fight back.

Lu Yang was dumbfounded and said, "Aren't they quasi-gods? Why are they so terrifying that the dragons of the lower gods are vulnerable in front of them?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "This is normal, who made them the descendants of the ancient giant gods? Don't look at these dozen or so rock demons as quasi-gods, but their quasi-gods are based on their huge bodies with a height of more than 300 meters. A quasi-god, not a quasi-god like you, a creature less than two meters tall, can compare.

Quasi-gods of this size, as well as the blood of the ancient gods, are invincible on the ground. All elemental spells cannot cause damage to them. Only law-like spells like you and me can hurt them, but look at them. The rock armor, it is estimated that you are out of play at this stage. "

Lu Yang sighed that he didn't know what to say!