MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2485 mortal bravery

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East China Sea.

Inside the government building, Fei Yang, the former boss of the East Navy District, is now one of the official top commanders in the East China Sea and is handling affairs.

"Drip drip"

Fei Yang's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but the one who could reach him must not be an ordinary person. He picked up the phone curiously and asked, "Who are you?"

"Old Fei, I'm Fang Zhi." Fang Zhi, the spokesperson of the dragon beast tribe in the human race, used to be a low-level official under Fei Yang. He pretended to be very familiar and said, "What are you busy with?"

Fei Yang frowned. Fang Zhi, Cao Li and others had already appeared in the imperial capital. He didn't like to communicate with such people, and asked, "What are you looking for?"

Fang Zhi was very complacent and said: "Of course it's a good thing, now I am one of the seven popes who created religions in the human world by His Highness the Dragon Beast God. I'm here to persuade you to join, for the sake of old friends. , I want to give you a chance to live a long life."

"Ha~!" Fei Yang sneered, his face covered in frost and said, "Tell me about your conditions."

"You are still like this." Fang Zhi was very excited and said: "I believe you already know that in a month, when the gods come to the world, we will all be ruled by gods, but before the gods arrive, I'm worried about your Lulu. Yang will secretly do damage, he will fight with you for power and profit, how about handing Lu Yang over to the Dragon Beast God, he will reward you with infinite lifespan and infinite power."

Fei Yang smiled and said, "Then what should I do, I can't beat him?"

Fang Zhi said: "Intelligence, I need you to report Lu Yang's situation to me at any time. For example, where are his 10,000 people now? There are also action photos of these 10,000 people."

Fei Yang thought it was ridiculous, but he also felt that this was an opportunity. He deliberately pretended to be unhappy and said, "Lu Yang has indeed been against me a lot. Ever since he became powerful, he has been robbing me of my rights, his wife and family. He has been placed at the top of the East China Sea power level, making me famous and powerless now, you can't say it's ridiculous."

"That's right." Fang Zhi could know Fei Yang's current situation by guessing. According to his thoughts, how could someone in a high position accept others robbing them of their rights? He couldn't accept it, let alone Fei Yang's. senior officials.

"I can provide you with the information you want. It's not difficult. Lu Yang has placed people in my place, and I have placed people in his team, but I have a condition." Fei Yang said.

Fang Zhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked: "What conditions, you say."

"I want to meet the dragon orc in person, and I have to have his personal promise to do these things." Fei Yang said.

Fang Zhi was a little embarrassed, and said, "We can only contact the dragon orcs once in half a month. We have already used it just now, so we can't get in touch for the time being."

Fei Yang was happy, this information was extremely useful, and he deliberately said, "You're not looking for an excuse to lie to me, right?"

"Of course not, you come here a few days ago, and when half a month is up, we will let you meet the Dragon Beast God immediately." Fang Zhi said.

"That's settled. After 10 days, I will return to the imperial capital to report on my duties, and bring the information back by the way. If you have credit, I will cooperate with His Highness the Dragon Beast God," Fei Yang said.

"Okay, ten days later, I'll give you an address, our identities are sensitive, you know that." Fang Zhi said with a smile.

"Yeah." Fei Yang pretended to be nervous and hung up the phone directly. Then, he sat on the chair and sighed, looking at Tao Yue who was sitting across from him with a shocked expression, and asked, "Just now How am I dressed?"

Tao Yue was delighted and said, "If you hadn't mentioned that Lu Yang's family robbed you of your rights, I would have believed it."

Fei Yang was also amused, and said, "I asked the people in Lu Yang's family to participate, and they didn't come on their own initiative. If one person attains the truth, let alone his family, will their family still see such petty rights?"

"Then you are?" Tao Yue asked.

Fei Yang slapped the armrest of the chair forcefully, stood up and looked at the peaceful scenery of the East China Sea outside the window, and said, "It's time for me to do my duty as a defender of the East China Sea. I'll go to Lu Yang to explain this matter. I'll go with you."

Tao Yue's eyes were wet, looking at this old man who was already gray but in good spirits, and said, "You are going to die."

"Since ancient times, soldiers have been proud of dying in battle, and it is time for me to be loyal to the country. Fang Zhi found me, this is my life, I can't escape, just follow me ." Fei Yang strode out of the office, took out his phone, dialed Lu Yang's number, and asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm on the Hulunbuir grassland." Lu Yang said.

"Wait for me, I'll take a plane to find you immediately." Fei Yang said.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yang asked.

"Good thing, let's meet again, and send me a location." Fei Yang hung up the phone directly, went to the top floor with a smile on his face, and took Tao Yue to the Hulun Buir Prairie by helicopter.

Lu Yang didn't know the purpose of Fei Yang's coming. At this time, he was thinking about how to deceive the dragon orcs. According to his idea, he was to transfer the teleportation coordinates of the dragon orcs to Bandarsburg, but the enemies came in batches. It is impossible to transmit all of them in a short period of time.

If they find that the place where they are teleported is not the Hulunbuir prairie, but Bandarsburg, then they will not teleport all the following clansmen, and even the East China Sea will be hated by the entire dragon beast clan, and even more so. It will be hostile to the races sent by the three-faced and ghost-faced people, so Lu Yang wants to see the appearance of the Hulunbuir prairie and replicate it in Bandarsburg.

He sent his location to Fei Yang, and shouted to the more than 10,000 brothers around him: "Go to the distance, pull up soil 1 meter high in place, and transport it to Bandarsburg, remember, you can't Damage the weeds above, be sure to do it realistically."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison, and each ran to the area five kilometers away to dig the land.

Lu Yang also ran over. Originally, he wanted to open the portal of Bandarsburg on the spot, but he was worried that there would be spies from another world who would go here to observe the situation regardless of their lives. If Lu Yang had opened the teleportation array here , energy fluctuations will change the surrounding landscape, so he was cautious, he ran to the area five kilometers away, where everyone was digging the ground.

"Bandalsberg, open~!" Lu Yang activated his magic power, and the golden-red space portal opened.

Xiao Liang, Han Fei, Han Ying and others led the crowd to transport the land into Bandarsburg, and Lu Yang followed.

"Boss, the sun is too big for the vegetation to survive." Xiao Liang said, looking at the huge white sun in the sky.

"Look." Lu Yang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, pointed his right hand at Bai Tianyang, and said in a low voice, "Retreat~!"

The white sun in the sky, under the command of Lu Yang, flew towards the distance at a high speed, and did not stop until it reached a white disk with a diameter of 30 cm. The distance was like the real sun on the earth.

"Boss, you can control the white sun so freely. This distance is almost the same as the earth. You can definitely deceive the enemy." Xiao Liang said in surprise.

"As my strength increases, the fusion with Bandarsburg is also accelerating." Lu Yang took out a large number of low-level ice magic crystals and handed them over to the crowd, saying, "It comes with an ice dragon to break through the magic circle and summon Come out and cool the ground."

Binglongpo sounds like a strong name, but it is actually a third-order ice cone technique. Xiao Liang and the others produced a magic crystal and activated the array above. Suddenly, pieces of ice cones with a length of 100 meters fell on the ground. .


Although the white sun flew far away, the residual temperature on the ground was still several thousand degrees. After the ice cone fell, it quickly turned into water mist and spread into the sky.

As a result, the temperature of the entire space was lowered. When thousands of ice cones were shot one by one, the temperature within a few dozen kilometers around Bandarsburg dropped to about 27 degrees.

The sand on the ground became wet, and Xiao Liang and others spread pieces of land on it. It only took more than two hours to actually imitate the appearance of a Hulunbuir prairie.

It was almost the day of the red moon night, imitating the red clouds in the sky and the violent storms on the ground. Just as Lu Yang was thinking about what to do, a brother who transported the land ran in and said, "Boss, Fei Yang is looking for you."

"Everyone continue." Lu Yang greeted him, turned and walked out of the teleportation array. A burst of light flashed. He saw Fei Yang standing 50 meters away from the teleportation array.

Over the years, Fei Yang has also practiced some spells, but he has no aptitude, and his strength has remained at the second level of the first-order, that is, an ordinary second-level fire mage.

Lu Yang had discussed with Fei Yang that he, like other Jagged Brothers, would rely on a lot of source soul crystals to improve his strength, but Fei Yang refused.

In the old man's words, such an expensive thing is not suitable for him, who is sitting in the back of the battlefield and enjoying himself in the office. It is better to leave it to the brothers on the front line.

Tao Yue and others persuaded Fei Yang several times, worried that he would be assassinated, especially when the major families who had taken refuge in otherworldly gods still existed, Fei Yang ran on the front line every day, very dangerous, but Fei Yang still disagree.

Lu Yang walked to Fei Yang's side and said, "Why are you disobedient? Now we have plenty of training materials, especially low-level materials. Let's practice."

Fei Yang smiled and said proudly: "Fortunately, I didn't practice. The opportunity came. Fang Zhi called me just now. This **** is one of the representatives of the surrender faction who took refuge in the Dragon Beast Clan in another world. He wants to win me over."

Lu Yang was a little interested and asked, "How did you win over?"

"Isn't it immortality and magic? Do I really care about these things?" Fei Yang sneered sarcastically and said, "I made an agreement with Fang Zhi that when I return to the imperial capital to report for work in ten days, I will meet them and give them to them. The photos of the last ten thousand people stationed in their Jagged Brotherhood, they promised me to meet the Dragon Beast God, you can think of a way so that I can tell lies in front of the Dragon Beast God."

Lu Yang frowned and looked at Fei Yang, and said, "You are a second-level fire mage, not even a magister. You can't learn high-level resistance to spiritual magic with such strength, you can't go."

Fei Yang shook his head and said, "Give me a loyalty contract."

Lu Yang was speechless and said, "You are the supreme commander of the East China Sea. I will give you a loyalty contract, which is inappropriate."

Fei Yang said: "I believe in your character. After so many years of invasion from another world, you are all fighting for the sake of mankind. Our goals are the same, and there is nothing that can't be beaten."

Lu Yang was still a little hesitant, but suddenly, the Blazing Demon God said in Lu Yang's body, "Boy, you can ask Fei Yang to sign another kind of loyalty contract, the object is human beings, as long as the contract is signed, no matter who will be in the future. If he wants to harm the interests of the entire human race, all his loyalties will become his enemies."

Lu Yang asked: "Can it be changed to only be loyal to the Chinese people?"

"Of course, the oath depends on what he said, we are only responsible for summoning the elemental elves." Blazing Demon God said.

"Teach me the spell." Lu Yang said.

The Blazing Demon God immediately passed a spiritual thought into Lu Yang's mind, and then, Lu Yang followed the instructions of the Blazing Demon God, urging his magic power to recite the spell.

In an instant, a golden elemental elf appeared from the sky. Lu Yang looked at Fei Yang and said, "This is a new loyalty contract. You are not loyal to me, but to the Chinese nation."

"I will use my life's energy to be loyal to the entire Chinese nation." Fei Yang shook the wilderness!

The golden elemental spirit shed a radiance on Fei Yang's body, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com then disappeared into the void, Fei Yang only felt the world spinning for a while, and when he woke up, it was already two hours later.

"What's wrong with me?" Fei Yang felt uncomfortable.

Lu Yang was beside him, and said with a smile: "The result is that you are too weak. When you meet the dragon and beast god, although he can only use his divine power in the air, his power is very weak, but he uses exploration magic and spiritual power. Curses are still ok, even curses that outsiders can't see, you have to be careful."

"It's good to be able to deceive them." Fei Yang put his life and death aside and said: "I will come back in ten days. At that time, you will take your brothers to Daqinggou, and I will take a photo and leave."

"Yeah." Lu Yang nodded.

"I'm leaving and staying here will cause suspicion." Fei Yang forcibly stood up and asked Tao Yue to help him onto the helicopter.

Watching the old man leave, Lu Yang could only sigh with emotion, and continued to set up camouflage in Bandarsburg.

He still has so much to do and no time for sentimentality!