MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 44 go home

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The villagers of this era are very simple, and when they heard that the ancestral hall distributes pork, people from the entire surrounding village ran over.

"Qibo, hurry up, the ancestral hall will distribute pork!"

"Sixth Aunt, grab the baskets, the ancestral hall will distribute pork!"

"It's not a festival today, so what pork?"

"Who knows! Pork is in charge of it!"

In a short while, the entire ancestral hall was crowded with people, all carrying baskets and bamboo baskets, helping the old and the young, craned their necks and waited to divide the pork.

Shi Zhijian stood in the center of the ancestral hall, stepping on three big fat pigs, looking majestic.

Ding Yongqiang greeted everyone to line up and maintain order.

Seeing everyone was almost there, Shi Zhijian folded his fists and cleared his throat to start the speech: "My fellow villagers, I am the owner of the Yuen Long Instant Noodle Factory. My surname is Shi. You can call me Boss Shi!"

"We don't care what kind of boss you are, whether the pork is divided?"

"Everyone, don't be impatient, please listen to me before dividing the pork!"

Immediately afterwards, Shi Zhijian explained the situation in the factory, and then said that the factory is now recruiting people, and the salary is paid monthly, including board and lodging, at least 300 yuan per month!

Hong Kong is still very poor in this era, especially in Yuen Long. Many young people like to go out of Yuen Long to work. Most of them join the prefix club, work as porters at the wharf, and some go to factories in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Work as a soda maker, a flower maker, a garment maker, and a toy maker.

The salaries of these jobs are sometimes paid on a daily basis, some on a monthly basis, a little less on a daily basis, and a little more on a monthly basis, but most Hong Kong people like to pay on a daily basis, especially young people who have money for a day and never save money.

The salary offered by Shi Zhijian is similar to the monthly salary of many factories, but it is not very attractive to active young people.

"Boss Shi, although we are poor in Yuen Long, our descendants are the most powerful. Many factories like to come to us to recruit workers! As for the salary price you gave, it is too low for us to accept. !" But it was an old man who looked very dragged.

Shi Zhijian had inquired a long time ago that the old man was the village head of the besieged village, which was equivalent to the “talker” of the besieged village, and he had a lot of energy.

Immediately, Shi Zhijian invited the village chief to have a chat.

Soon, the talk is over.

The village chief turned his head, and the style of painting changed.

"Listen, villagers, after I talked with this boss Shi just now, I think he is an honest and reliable person! He assured me that the three hundred yuan is just the initial salary. According to him, after three months, everyone will be paid. The salary will become 350 yuan, and the salary will reach 500 yuan after one year! If you can work for five years, the factory will directly sign a long-term contract and guarantee the minimum salary, at least 1,000!”

As soon as the village chief said this, it immediately caused a commotion.

"Wow, is it true? Can you get so much?"

1,000 yuan is not a small amount in this day and age. Even many white-collar workers can't get so much money.

Ding Yongqiang was also startled, looked at Shi Zhijian and whispered, "Ajian, have you been blowing water again?"

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "Blowing **** can't kill anyone! Besides, few people can do it for five years, especially young people!"

Ding Yongqiang rolled his eyes and felt that Ah Jian seemed to have deteriorated, but he seemed to be much stronger than before.

"You don't believe him, don't you believe me?" The village chief patted his chest and said, "Boss Shi's factory opened in our Yuen Long, that is, it is helping us in Yuen Long for the benefit of the people, and everyone needs to support it!"

"The village chief is right! Where you go is not a part-time job, you might as well stay here and earn at least three hundred per month!"

"Yes, we believe in the village chief! The village chief is well-informed and can't be wrong!"

With the majesty and credit of the village chief, these villagers quickly accepted the conditions proposed by Shi Zhijian and were willing to work in the instant noodle factory.

After considering this matter, the village chief gave Shi Zhijian a knowing smile.

When Shi Zhijian received it, he turned his head and said to Ding Yongqiang, "Slaughter two pigs and divide the pork!"

"How about another one?"

"Send it to the village chief's house one by one!"


Although Shi Zhijian had expected it, he still did not expect that the "labor force" in Yuen Long would be so abundant.

It took only half a day to recruit more than 700 people. According to this momentum, all the people can be recruited in one day.

However, compared to the ordinary skilled workers in the factory, Shi Zhijian's headaches are the transportation team and the security team.

In contrast, these young people in Yuen Long, although Confucius and Wu are powerful, are not suitable.

The transportation team needs to be able to drive and know how to load and unload goods. The most important thing is to have a good relationship with major shops, and to supply and distribute goods through one-stop.

Not to mention the security team, in addition to being physically strong, they also need to be good at skills, at least eating porridge overnight to learn kung fu.

It's the 1960s in Hong Kong, and dragons and snakes are mixed. If you want to set up a factory in such a place and **** goods, it is impossible without a strong security team. Maybe two ends will be set on fire in three days. , robbed halfway.

No matter what, the recruitment was almost done, and Shi Zhijian finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the time, it was almost noon.

Shi Zhijian asked Ding Yongqiang to sit in the surrounding village and register the information of the villagers. He picked up three catties of pork, stopped a rickshaw by the roadside, and rushed back to Shek Kip Mei's home.

The three catties of pork were all tendon meat, and Shi Zhijian specially asked Xiao Qiang to help him stay when he divided the pork.

Older sister Shi Yufeng worked very hard in the plastic flower factory, and she was reluctant to eat good food. Baoer was growing up again, so Shi Zhijian had to seize the opportunity to get them some good things to make up for it.

Shek Kip Mei is almost the same as before, still "dirty, messy and bad".

A group of children were riding on bamboo poles, and a large group of people were still looting the public kitchen and public toilet in the corridor. From far away, they could see the black smoke billowing from the kitchen, and smell the pungent urine in the toilet.

A woman sat on a pony at the door to nurse her child. She saw Shi Zhijian and did not shy away from it. Instead, she proudly shone her snow-white roundness towards Shi Zhijian.

Four shirtless men were playing mahjong. The floor was full of cheap cigarette butts. As soon as they saw Shi Zhijian, they hurriedly stood up to say hello, "Ajian, come back!"

"Ajian, you are getting more and more handsome!"

"Ajian, where have you been making your fortune these days, I can't see you!"

Shi Zhijian casually said a few words to them, but these people were both flattering and which made Shi Zhijian very uncomfortable.

The more he went home, the more people he met, and the more wrong everyone looked at him.

Now that Shi Zhijian's name is out, he has an "iron" relationship with the third master of the Xu Group. That's the attitude of rising to the top. These poor people usually like to hold high and step down. Of course, when Shi Zhijian wants to develop, he will try his best to flatter him.

Shi Zhijian is not used to this kind of scene, especially he doesn't like these neighbors who see the wind and turn the rudder.

"It looks like I'm going to find a place to move quickly!" Shi Zhijian thought.

After finally breaking free from these so-called uncles and uncles, three fathers and six mothers, Shi Zhijian came to the door of his house, and before entering the door, he heard Shi Yufeng's chest beat: "This matter is settled, I will definitely help to the end. !"

When Shi Zhijian heard it, he knew that the elder sister was trying to make a promise, and he didn't know how big the promise was and whether he could handle it.

Not caring much, Shi Zhijian rushed into the room carrying the pork. Before he could stand firm, he was taken aback by the situation in the room.

Originally, the place where he lived was very cramped, but now it was filled with all kinds of things, such as canned biscuits, eggs and fruits, as well as chickens, ducks and fish hanging on the wall, so Shi Zhijian almost didn't even have a place to put his feet.

Looking at the bed in the room, there are three people sitting, one is the old sister Shi Yufeng, and the other two are a pair of middle-aged men and women dressed in extraordinary clothes. , grateful.

Seeing Shi Zhijian suddenly barging in, the three of them were stunned for a while, and Shi Yufeng immediately said happily: "Look, it means Cao Cao Cao Cao is here! I'm back!"
