MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 46 For others, for yourself, Shi Yufeng

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Shi Yufeng sent Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu away with great enthusiasm, and when she came back, she was still smiling from ear to ear.

Entering the room, Shi Yufeng saw Shi Zhijian sitting on the bed smoking at a glance. She walked over and took a cigarette from the slender man's mouth, put it in her mouth and took two sharp puffs.

"Don't you have anything to tell me?" Shi Zhijian asked her.

Shi Yufeng exhaled the smoke and dispelled the slightly thick smoke with his hands, "Next time you smoke three or five, don't smoke Marlboro! The taste is too heavy!"

"That's it?" Shi Zhijian looked up at the old lady.

Shi Yufeng sat down beside him: "What do you watch me do? It's so difficult to ask you to help me with a little thing?"

"It's not a trivial matter to help someone get a job in a bank!"

"I know that too, but Uncle Liu promised me that he will help Bao'er enter 'St Paul's College' to go to school!"

Jiang Meibao is currently studying at the Christian School organized by the Christian Church near Shek Kip Mei. Most of these schools recruit the local poor, with low tuition fees, but limited education levels, especially those recruited from outside the teaching staff of extremely low quality, who often abuse and beat students. Bao'er was once insulted by the school teacher because she couldn't pay the tuition, which made the little girl a little tired of studying.

In contrast, St. Paul's College is also a school founded by the Christian Church from its roots, but with the improvement of its teaching strength, it has already become the most famous women's college in Hong Kong.

Not only can tuition fees be reduced or exempted according to grades, but the education of the children is still British-style bilingual teaching. After graduation, many of them became translators and were promoted to white-collar workers.

"You know, your elder sister, I have never attended any school in my life, and I don't even know a few big characters. But Meibao is different, she is so smart, she was the first to memorize all English twenty in Shek Kip Mei. Six letters!"

"So I want her to go to a better school and find a good job in the future, unlike me, who can only work hard for a lifetime in a factory!"

Shi Yufeng flicked the ashtray, "Uncle Liu said that he installed an electric fan for the teaching building of St. Paul's College not long ago, but the balance was not paid, and the other party promised to give an indicator, as long as Uncle Liu said a word, Baoer can go to school! "

Shi Yufeng turned her head to look at Shi Zhijian: "I asked you to do a little thing in order to let Bao'er go to school and for the future of your niece, is it wrong?"

Shi Zhijian is speechless.

"You understand that I am a human being. I have always planned for you and Bo'er. I have never thought about myself, because I understand my situation. As the head of the family, I must always be worthy of this family!"

Shi Zhijian was not only speechless, but also moved.

At this time, Jiang Meibao came back with a doll, and when she saw Shi Zhijian, she rushed over happily: "Little uncle, you are back, Meibao misses you!"

Shi Zhijian hugged Bao'er in his arms, pinched her cheek and said, "How much do you think?"

"I really want to!"

"How much do you want?"

"So many!" Bo'er hugged the doll and gestured for a size.

"My uncle misses Bo'er too!" Shi Zhijian touched her little head, "By the way, who bought your doll, is it your mother?"

"It wasn't my mother, it was bought by the guest who just left!"

Shi Zhijian knew that it was Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu, and also, how could someone as old-fashioned as my sister buy such expensive dolls for Baoer.

"It looks like they like Bo'er very much. They bought such a good thing for Bo'er!"

"They also like mom very much, and they also bought good things for mom!" Bo'er said, ran over with the doll in his arms, took out a lipstick from the drawer, held it up and said to Shi Zhijian, "Look, does it look good? Okay. Wipe your mouth!"

Shi Zhijian made an "uh" and looked at the old lady.

Shi Yufeng's expression was calm: "It's just Zhiyang lipstick. Dry lips can moisten your mouth."

"And this," Bo'er took out another bottle of perfume.

Shi Yufeng's face changed slightly: "It's just a bottle of foreign perfume, it tastes similar to toilet water!"

Bao'er took out another white lace chest sign. This time, before Bao'er could speak, Shi Yufeng rushed over, stuffed the things behind her back, turned around and said innocently to Shi Zhijian, "It's just a little Yang's apron, Ah Jian. , you wouldn't mind, would you?"

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes

as a human being,

for myself,

Shi Yufeng!

"You said you took so much from Uncle Liu, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Just help, for Bo'er, for me!"

"What about these?" Shi Zhijian pointed to the eggs, fruits, hanging chickens, ducks, fish, and dried salted fish in the house, "What do you do with these things? Do you know that people are short-handed and cannibalize people? Soft-mouthed, they only send these things because they have something to help!"

"I know this, so I only accepted these miscellaneous things, and I didn't dare to accept expensive ones!" Shi Yufeng lost the confidence just now, and didn't even dare to smoke.

"The problem is that I may not be able to do what they ask for!"

"I didn't let you do it either!"

"Eh? Are you going to eat for free?"

"What is free food, I mean you can help if you can help, forget it if you can't! Anyway, these guys used to bully our sister and brother a lot, either occupying the kitchen or the toilet, and they often speak ill of you and scold you. You are a waste, I remember all these things, and the things they sent should be our compensation for so many years!"

Shi Zhijian looked at the old lady in surprise, "Aren't you afraid that they will settle accounts with you?"

"What are you afraid of? You are so familiar with Master Xu, how dare they rebel? I want them to look good at that time!"

Shi Zhijian smiled bitterly. UUkanshu "What if my relationship with Young Master Xu is not that strong, what would you do?"

"It's okay, I still have a plan!" Shi Yufeng smiled smartly, poured a glass of water and handed it to Shi Zhijian, and said to please: "I know you care about me, but I'm not stupid, I bought insurance."

"What insurance?" Shi Zhijian took the teacup and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"I took all the money you gave me to pave the way for Xiao Qiang. In a few days, he will report to the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy to be a police officer for you!"

With a puff, Shi Zhijian spurted out the tea, "What did you say?"

"Why do you have such big eyes?" Shi Yufeng wondered how his younger brother reacted so strongly, "Aren't you and Sha Qiang good friends, he always calls me a sister, and I always treat him as my own brother, so Ah, I'm going to make up for your regret that you can't be a bad guy, and let the fool do it for you!"

"No way, can you come up with such a difficult idea?" Shi Zhijian looked shocked.

"Silly Qiang is a bit stupid, but he is very loyal, and he is also very good to you and me. Then he is really a bad guy, so why not help us? Those neighbors who see the wind want to rebel, right If I'm in trouble, then I have to weigh it!"

Shi Yufeng felt that Shi Zhijian made a fuss, but also felt that she was too smart.

Shi Zhijian was really speechless. He remembered that when he was talking about ideals with Shaqiang before, this guy was still secretive, so he was trying to be mysterious. It turned out that he wanted to be a bad guy! And the noble person who sponsored him as a poor man turned out to be his old sister!

Just when Shi Zhijian was startled, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

A hurried voice shouted: "Brother Jian! Is Brother Jian at home? Help-----!"
