MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 74 Who is the hero

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The meeting room of the Central Police Station.

Because there is a general meeting today, whether it is the senior police superintendent of the police station or the senior detectives of various jurisdictions, all of them will be present early.

Before the meeting started, the inspectors and others had already found their seats.

At this time, Chief Inspector Yan Xiong walked over with a smile, accompanied by Agui.

Before Yan Xiong entered the door, the eight Inspectors Hua stood up together, some clasped their fists at Yan Xiong, and some went directly to the front to shake hands with Yan Xiong.

"Congratulations, Detective Yan, I wish you victory in advance!"

"Yeah, Master Yan, all the big guys are optimistic about you this time. You must treat yourself tonight!"

Yan Xiong laughed: "Where, where, the meeting has not started yet, and everything has not yet been settled, there are many variables!"

"What variable could there be? We Sham Shui Po have always supported you, Master Yan!" Sham Shui Po Detective Yuan expressed his loyalty.

"That's right! It's the general trend that Mr. Yan will serve as Inspector of Yau Tsim Wang, and it's also what everyone expects! Our Kwai Tsing District also supports you!" Inspector Feng of Kwai Tsing District was not far behind.

Immediately afterward, Inspector Gan Hua stepped forward to beat the horse, for fear that he would not catch up with the opportunity after waiting for the appointment.

Yan Xiong was in high spirits and was extremely proud.

Lan Gang and Han Sen, who were among the four detectives, were just sitting on the sidelines watching jokes.

For the two of them, whether Yan Xiong seized Yau Tsim Wang or Lai Luo defended Yau Tsim Wang, it didn't have much impact on them.

There are a total of 18 districts in Hong Kong, and each of the four chief inspectors has jurisdiction over at least two districts, and the rest are distributed to other Chinese inspectors.

Therefore, everyone's power should not be underestimated. Even if Yan Xiong is really high, he should give them some face. Maybe in order to maintain a good relationship, he will even invite them to dinner.

Just when the entire conference hall was buzzing with excitement, Lai Luo brought Chen Xijiu in from outside.

Detective Hua, who was beating Yan Xiong's horses, and Sha Zhan, the military police and others, immediately turned their heads and looked at Lai Luo.

Yan Xiong also saw Lai Luo, walked over with a smile, and said to Lai Luo: "I'm sorry, Brother Luo, I couldn't say hello to you in the car just now! It looks like you look good, how are you, you slept well last night. Are you ok?"

Lai Luo smiled, reached out and patted Yan Xiong's shoulder: "Thank you for your concern, I slept well last night, I didn't even have a dream, do you know why?"

Lai Luo leaned over and pressed close to Yan Xiong's ear, "Because I know it's mine, it's mine after all! I can't take it away!"

Yan Xiong smiled, and in turn reached out and patted Lei Luo on the shoulder: "Brother Luo really knows how to joke! You Jianwang is not your family's ancestral property, so why can't others move? Besides, even if you don't want to. Ten thousand people don't want to, just a word from Shangfeng, Brother Luo, don't you want to obey?"

Speaking of the end, Yan Xiong also leaned close to Lei Luo's ear and said with a sinister smile: "Anyway, I will eat you today!"

Everyone around looked at Lei Luo and Yan Xiong arguing, but no one dared to say a word.

Only Lan Gang put his legs up on the table and said, "Detective Lei, Inspector Yan, everyone is their own people, and they make money with peace. Don't let the ghosts see jokes!"

Han Sen bit his cigar: "The meeting is about to start! Brother Luo, sir, you should sit down first!"

At this moment, the ghost boss James walked in from outside with a portable translator.

Only then did Yan Xiong throw a provocative look at Lei Luo, and sat down on his seat.

Lai Luo glanced at James who came in, nodded slightly at him, then walked to his seat, unbuttoned, took off his suit jacket, and hung the jacket directly on the back of the chair, only then put his thumb in the vest pocket , Sit down slowly, with a domineering posture.


Superintendent James walked to his seat, and all the leaders of the police forces in each jurisdiction were below him.

The translator picked up the pointer and tapped on the exhibition board in the conference room, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then said to James, "It's time to start."

Ghost James straightened his body and said a few words in English.

The interpreter said to everyone: "Superintendent James said that today's meeting is very important, and it is about the transfer of the jurisdiction. I hope everyone can stay calm and listen carefully."

After a while.

"Now, based on the annual performance assessment, the following decisions have been made regarding the appointment and removal of Inspector Hua in the three regions of Yau Tsimwang. Inspector Lai Luo of Crude Oil Tsimwang will no longer have jurisdiction over these three areas, and Inspector Yan Xiong will be appointed!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became lively.

Everyone congratulated Yan Xiong.

"Detective Yan, congratulations!"

"Inspector Yan, what everyone expects!"

Yan Xiong was even more complacent. He got up and tidied up his suit, and then he kept cupping his fists at the crowd and said, "Thank you for your support. Tonight is hosting a banquet at Taibai Seafood Restaurant, everyone must be there!"

After speaking, he hurriedly bowed respectfully to Superintendent James, and said, "I would like to thank Superintendent James for his cultivation. I will definitely work hard!"

After speaking, Yan Xiong glanced proudly at Lei Luo, who was sitting, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Lei Luo leaned on the chair and was indifferent to Yan Xiong's provocation. Instead, he raised his legs and lit a cigarette leisurely and started smoking.

Yan Xiong sat down with excitement and joy in his heart, fantasizing about a happy life after he took charge of the three places in Yau Tsim Wang.

Just when everyone thought the conference was about to end, James said a few words to everyone.

The portable translator was a little stunned, then looked at the crowd and said, "James said that in addition to announcing the appointment and dismissal of Yau Tsim Wang Hua's position as Inspector, there is one more important thing to announce today."

The detectives who were about to get up and leave were stunned for a moment, and could not help but sit up again and look at Superintendent James.

Superintendent James continued to speak in English.

Portable translation: "In view of the current chaotic management of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, the uneven distribution of resources, and the difficulty in personnel After negotiating with the above, Superintendent James intends to take the position of the original Chinese Inspector. One more post..."

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of discussion on the scene.

"What are you doing? A new position?"

"Why didn't you receive the news before?"

Even Yan Xiong, who had just ascended to the top, couldn't sit still, wondering what the **** these ghosts were doing.

Seeing that there was some noise at the scene, James winked at the portable translator.

The portable translator picked up the pointer again, pointed it at the display board, and tapped a few times, "Everyone, please be quiet!"

The scene was quiet again.

James continued to speak English with a serious expression.

The portable translator followed the translation directly: "This newly added position is the Chief Chinese Inspector! The function of the Chief Chinese Inspector is to supervise all the Chinese Inspectors in the 18 districts, and is responsible for allocating all resources, including the performance evaluation and appointment of the Chinese Inspectors in each district. It is also the responsibility of Chief Inspector Hua!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked!

This power is too great, doesn't it mean that they will act according to the face of this Inspector General Hua?

Even Yan Xiong, Han Sen and Lan Gang's three inspectors suddenly changed their expressions!

In the past, they were unique existences. In their own jurisdiction, they said that one is one. No one can check and balance them. But now that there is Inspector General Hua, don't they want to be someone else's younger brother? !

James continued to announce the appointment in English and translated: "Finally, according to Shangfeng's research, the new Chief China Inspector is..."

Lei Luo, who had been out of the way and smoked with his legs crossed, didn't wait to announce the name of "Detective Zonghua", and stood up recklessly in front of everyone.

Just then James announced: "He is—Laylo! Inspector Ray!"

on site,

A dead silence!