MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 76 Good luck

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Seven o'clock in the morning.

Yuen Long, an instant noodle factory.

Today is the big day for the opening of the factory. The whole factory is full of gongs and drums, and the lanterns are decorated. You can feel the festive atmosphere here from far away.

Shi Zhijian originally wanted to hold a grand opening ceremony, but unfortunately he was short of funds, so he had to make more than 20 banners, hang them outside the factory, fluttering in the wind, and hired the most famous lion dance team in Yuen Long to build a small stage. , when the lion dance performance.

Seeing that it was almost time, Duo Qiang, Da Xiong, and Beard Yong took the lead in following the process, and three or four hundred people stood at the factory gate to greet the distinguished guests.

As for the VIP invitation, Shi Zhijian directly invited Xu Shixun, the third son of the Xu family, Lei Luo, the chief detective, Mr. Saipan from Standard Chartered Bank, Zhang Jiuding, the boss of Hong Yihai, and the eight major grain and oil merchants whom he had met before.

For Shi Zhijian, sending an invitation letter is a courtesy. As for whether the guests are willing to show their respect, it is their freedom.

People from the surrounding villages heard that the factory opened today, and a large group of people came to watch the fun.

Some elderly people holding their grandchildren, and some women holding their children, all gathered around the factory, ready to watch the lion dance performance.


Inside the factory office.


Shi Zhijian took out a tissue from the table and wiped his nose.

Last night, he went to Macau to blow the sea breeze and rushed back to the Yuen Long factory overnight to confront Jiang Kun, which directly infected him with the cold.

At this moment, Shi Zhijian felt uncomfortable and pinched his nose with the toilet paper. His nose was not breathing, which made him very uncomfortable.

There was a knock on the door from outside, but I saw Shao Qiang walked in excitedly, holding a large bundle of fireworks for the opening ceremony in his arms.

"Ajian, everyone is ready outside, just waiting for you to go out and preside over the opening ceremony! By the way, this kind of fireworks is hard to buy in Hong Kong. Bang, it's super beautiful!"

Men are teenagers until they die, especially when it comes to setting off firecrackers, they like to do it themselves.

Silly Qiang is no exception. He likes to set off firecrackers since he was a child. Once, he threw firecrackers into the toilet where his father was shitting, breaking his father's body.

But at that time, the family was poor, and the fools and strong ones played the most with the two kicks and the monkeys. Now it is rare to hold such a large pile of fireworks and firecrackers.

"Are you planning to set off fireworks yourself? Just let others do it!" Shi Zhijian didn't let Hu Shuyong tell everyone what happened last night when Jiang Kun came to find fault, so silly Qiang didn't know what happened last night.

"I don't worry about them doing it, so many firecrackers are very dangerous! Besides, you also know that I like to set off fireworks the most, and my hands are very itchy. Let me do it later!"

"Whatever you want, but you have to be careful!"

Shi Zhijian threw the used toilet paper into the trash. He took out the pen in the pen holder and prepared to write on the white paper.

The pen ran out of water. He shook it, but still couldn't write, so he opened the ink bottle and sucked the ink, while asking silly: "Are you really going to be a policeman in the future?"

Silly put down the fireworks and firecrackers he was holding, and leaned over to Shi Zhijian's side and said with a grin, "This is my ideal! It's so majestic to be a policeman. You used to be a policeman, I don't know how much I envy you! But I also know that I'm stupid. , I have no money at home, so I can only bury this wish in my heart!"

"It was Sister Yufeng who helped me. Not only did she give me money to help me, but she also told me, Silly Qiang, if you have any wishes, you must work hard to pursue them, and don't leave any regrets! From that moment on, I decided that I would leave in the future. Lu, no matter how poor or stupid I am, I will become an excellent police officer!"

Shi Zhijian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that Xiao Qiang was thoroughly brainwashed by the old sister, and it was estimated that ten cows could not be pulled back.

"Silly strong, I respect your choice, but being a police officer is not that simple. In addition to bribing examiners with money, you also need to have your own skills, such as written tests, interviews, and physical fitness tests! So you have to be mentally prepared. , If you are not admitted, don't be sad, the door of my factory is open for you at any time!"

When Xiao Qiang saw Shi Zhijian say this, he mustered up his courage: "Actually, I'm here to tell you..."

"Tell me baa?" Shi Zhijian took the ink-filled pen out of the bottle and turned to look at Sha Qiang.

Silly scratching his scalp: "I have been admitted to the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy!"

Shi Zhijian shook his hand and almost knocked over the ink bottle: "What did you say?"

Silly Qiang scratched his head: "I said, I was admitted to the police academy!"

Shi Zhijian was stunned for three seconds, "If you are illiterate, how did you pass the written test?"

Silly Qiang: "There are test papers for sale, I have someone help you to copy a copy!"

"This is also possible?" Shi Zhijian's eyes widened.

Xiao Qiang was very happy: "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so easy to become a police officer! Ah Jian, did you also spend money to buy test papers before?"

"I'm different from you, I wrote it myself!"

"Oh, or Ah Jian, you are smart, I can only write my own name!"

"Don't talk too much, when will you report to the police academy?"

"I'll go tomorrow, so I can only help you until today!" Xiao Qiang looked embarrassed, "A Jian, don't blame me, I can't continue to help you..."

"It's okay, I said it just now, I will respect your choice!"

"Ajian, you are such a nice person!" Shao Qiang said happily, "Don't worry, if I do become a police officer in the future, I will definitely protect you and Sister Yufeng, so that no one will bully you!"

After a pause, Du Qiang suddenly said, "Ajian, I actually know what happened last night. Those police officers came to find fault and collect protection fees, but unfortunately I'm nothing right now, so I can't help you!"

Seeing Shao Qiang's self-blame look, Shi Zhijian couldn't help but be taken aback: "Who told you? Beard Yong?"

Silly Qiang hurriedly shook his head like a rattle: " I accidentally heard it when I was urinating!"

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes, "It's not easy to be a police officer! You don't have to be a big official! You can protect the people around you!"

Silly Qiang hurriedly said: "I don't care about that, in short, I will protect you and Sister Yufeng when I become a police officer!"

Shi Zhijian nodded: "I have a heart! But even if you do become a police officer, you have to remember one thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't accept black money!"

Shi Zhijian knew very well that the "ICAC" would be established in a few years' time, not to mention those little police officers, even big tigers like Lai Luo would be wanted and run away.

Silly Qiang smiled: "I will remember your words, if I really become a policeman, I will be a good and honest policeman, and I will never charge black money!" After a pause, "But what if I don't have enough money? You know, I have a grandma to support, a mother to support, and a younger sister to support...they all spend a lot of money!"

"I'll give it to you!" Shi Zhijian didn't hesitate at all, "Although you do your part, the other is to read and read, and work hard to climb up! I will do my best to help you pave the way, you must be obedient!"

Silly Qiang was stunned for a moment: "Ajian, I don't understand when you say that. Is it me as a policeman who is here to help you, or are you helping me?"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly, wrote the word "beautiful" on the white paper with a pen, and said, "I will help you now, and you will help me in the future!"

When Shi Zhijian's voice fell, he heard the sound of firecrackers "crackling" outside.

Silly Qiang was stunned for a moment: "Which one fired the gun first?"

Outside, a loud voice shouted, "Brother Jian, come out quickly! Pick up the guests!"