MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 85 so arrogant

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Lame Hao is the type of excess energy. He eats a steak and keeps his mouth shut. He talks to Shi Zhijian about the recent big business in a loud voice, saying that he has made a lot of money in business with a group of Vietnamese guys. It has to be carried by boat. If Shi Zhijian wants to make a fortune, he will take him on the road himself.

Shi Zhijian can make any kind of money, but he will never make a profit. He can only refuse the kindness of the lame man.

At this time, it was near noon, and more and more people came to the western restaurant to eat, and soon there were thirteen or four tables, and most of them were ghosts.

Seeing Lame Hao eating steak with his hands, Shi Zhijian didn't care. For him, eating was just a form. He could use chopsticks, knife and fork, or even use his hands directly.

In the previous life, Shi Zhijian also tried grasping steak, and the feeling was similar to grasping barbecue.

The dozen or so tables of ghosts next to them saw each and every one of them with contemptuous expressions, showing disgust at Laihao, and some of the ghosts even said in English, "Oh God, barbarians!"

"The people in the colonies are terrible!"

"That's why they were colonized."

"Stupid like a pig!"

Shi Zhijian frowned. He didn't want to do much, but what these ghosts said became more and more ugly and harsh.

Lai Hao couldn't understand English but could understand expressions, and asked Shi Zhijian, "Is this ghost scolding me?"

Shi Zhijian: "What do you think?"

"I'm going to slap your lungs!" Lai Hao was about to slap the case, but Shi Zhijian stopped him and told him not to be impulsive.

Immediately, Shi Zhijian took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, then stood up slowly, stretched out his left index finger and pointed at the ghosts sitting around, and said, "Eat, the most important thing is to be happy, but now I am very unhappy. !How to do?"

As he spoke, Shi Zhijian took out the wallet in his arms with his right hand, and took out a stack of Hong Kong dollars: "From now on----- both of you grab the steak with your hands and eat it, I will reward him with 10,000 yuan!"

Lai Hao's eyes lit up, he was domineering in his own way, but he didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be more domineering than himself, to be so arrogant!

10,000 people per person, at least 30 people in front of them, wouldn't it cost 300,000 people? !

Not to mention the lame man, even the waiters next to him were stunned. No one would have thought that such a gentle-looking young man would use such an extreme way to smash people with money.

These ghosts in Hong Kong have always thought they were superior to others, and looked down on the local Chinese very much. For them, eating Western steak is a very gentleman's style, and it is also a high-level culture that they have always upheld and abide by. How can it be easily changed? !

But 10,000 Hong Kong dollars is very tempting!

In other words, these ghosts don't look at all five people who can drink coffee and eat steak in such a western restaurant. In fact, most of them don't have a lot of money, because the really rich ghosts don't waste time here, they They are all private parties, or they are rich people's associations, and they are always thinking about relying on relationships to get money, rather than being romantic and enjoying the sun here.

Shi Zhijian pointed his finger around the crowd like this: "After I finish speaking, which one will come first?!"

The whole restaurant was silent.

Those ghosts looked at Shi Zhijian with strange expressions, and looked a little hesitant.

In fact, to Shi Zhijian's heart, he feels that it is naive to use money to smash people like this, but now he is a young and vigorous young man. Young people should be sharp and sharp, especially in front of these ghosts. Dot the Chinese face!

"Why, no one wants to be the first? Very good, add 10,000 to the first place!"

Before Shi Zhijian raised a finger, those ghosts couldn't hold on anymore, and scrambled like crazy to grab the steak on the plate!

Shi Zhijian smiled.

Hong Kong is a really snobby place.

These ghosts look down on the Chinese, but they have to bow to money.

Even the Governor of Hong Kong in this era had to give three points to the rich Chinese.

If you say what is dignity here?

Just two words,


Compared to Shi Zhijian's calmness after stepping on people, the lame man laughed wildly, his crutches slammed on the ground, and gave Shi Zhijian a thumbs up: "Ajian, you are so sharp! I love you so much! What do you mean? Money can make ghosts run the mill? That's it! These gangs are on the street, thinking they are better than others in Hong Kong, why don't they talk about money? As long as we have money, we can teach them how to behave in minutes! Let them know that this is Chinese It's not their turn to be arrogant!"

Shi Zhijian stomped on these gangsters, which made the lame man's appetite so much that he ate all five steaks in one go.

Shi Zhijian didn't have as much appetite as him, and he only ate one and a half for two steaks.

After eating the steak, Lame Hao took a toothpick to pick his teeth, and glanced at the dozen or so tables of ghosts. There were thirty people in total. According to what Shi Zhijian said just now, one person ten thousand, that is three hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars. Anyone will put down their dignity and fight. a handful.

"However, Ah Jian, by the way, did you play a little bigger this time? 300,000 baa, so cheap for these ghosts?" Lame Hao spat out the foam that was stuck between his teeth.

Shi Zhijian crossed his legs and picked up the thick cigar he hadn't finished smoking before, spit out smoke: "Stupid or not, I'll find out later!"

"Ghost horse! I really don't know what you think! But I appreciate you!" Lai Hao gave Shi Zhijian a thumbs up, then stood up with a cane and said, "Checkout, let's go!"

Shi Zhijian got up, picked up the jewelry box containing the diamond, and was about to return it to Lai Hao, but Lai Hao said, "Don't open your mouth any more! If you open your mouth, you don't recognize my big brother!"

Shi Zhijian had no choice but to accept the diamond.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian and Lai Hao were going to leave, those ghosts who had given up their identity and dignity to grab a steak were unhappy, and got up to ask Shi Zhijian to fulfill their promise.

In the face of these chattering ghosts, Shi Zhijian was not afraid at all, and pointed at the noses of these ghosts with a cigar: "Hey, I'm a very trustworthy person! Say 10,000 to 10,000!"

Shi Zhijian turned around and said to Lame Hao, "Brother Hao, didn't you say that you have done business with Vietnamese recently? Three hundred thousand VND, is there any problem?"

Lai Hao was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Shi Zhijian did not say what currency 10,000 was from the beginning to the end, although he took out Hong Kong dollars from his wallet.

"Hahaha!" Lai Hao raised his head and laughed, "No problem! Vietnamese dong, it's like a **** wipe! I lost his mother!"

Those ghosts, look at me, I look at you.

Shi Zhijian spit out, "Stupid is like a pig!"

Shi Zhijian and Lai Hao left the western restaurant together amid the swearing of the ghosts.

Along the way, Lame Hao was getting more and more high salary. He felt that Shi Zhijian was beautiful when he did things, which was extremely cool. No wonder Lai Luo admired him so much.

Shi Zhijian was about to beckon for a rickshaw, but Lai Hao hooked his fingers and asked Snake Ziming to come over.

She Ziming took out the Volkswagen key and handed it to Lai Hao with both hands.

Lai Hao threw the car key to Shi Zhijian again: "What is the rickshaw called, drive my car!"

Shi Zhijian was stunned: "I drive your car, what are you driving?"

Lai Hao smiled, raised his crutch and pointed to a new Bentley parked not far away: "Of course it's a Bentley, that's what fits my identity!"

Shi Zhijian looked at the new Bentley, but saw Lame Hao's bodyguards Dawei and Xiwei smilingly waiting beside the car.

Seeing Shi Zhijian looking over, Dawei clenched his fists towards him, while Xiwei made a face at him.

She Ziming laughed beside him and said, "Brother Jian, this is also a piece of Brother Hao's heart! I have maintained that car very well, and the fuel tank has been filled up for you!"

Shi Zhijian has nothing to say. It can be seen that Lai Hao has done a lot of work in order to get closer to him.

"Do you have a driver's license? It doesn't matter if you don't have a driver's license. I'll buy one for you!" Lai Hao thought very thoughtfully, thinking that Shi Zhijian was worried about his driver's license.

In fact, there are still a few people in Hong Kong who can afford to drive a car in this era. Therefore, the driver's license is not strict and easy to obtain. After all, if you have a car, it means you are rich. There is nothing rich in Hong Kong that cannot be done. Son.

Shi Zhijian did not refuse. Since he has already received the diamond and the car, why should he care about receiving an extra driver's license.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian did not refuse this time, Lai Hao seemed very happy.

Shi Zhijian had a few more chats with Lai Hao on the side of the road, and the two broke up.

Lame Hao drove away in a Bentley, and Shi Zhijian took the car keys and drove a car for the first time in this era.

Getting used to riding rickshaws and buses of this era, Shi Zhijian suddenly felt the steering wheel of a Volkswagen car, and Shi Zhijian was in a trance.

Shi Zhijian drove the car slowly on the road of Chater Road. From time to time, girls in cheongsam walked by, giving Shi Zhijian a dreamy feeling.

And when those girls saw Shi Zhijian who was driving the car, young and handsome, they winked over.

Some school girls who had just started dating saw this, but they didn't dare to look directly at Junyi's face. Instead, they secretly glanced at Shi Zhijian who was driving, guessing which family's son or young master this was?

No matter what era, having a car is great!

Just when Shi Zhijian was driving with one hand and sighed in his heart, a figure suddenly broke out from the front of the car.

The man rushed out without looking at the road at all, ignoring the car that Shi Zhijian was driving.

Shi Zhijian turned the steering wheel and braked suddenly.


The car almost stopped, but it still hit the person with a bang.
