MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 891 Who will kill the deer!

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Hilton Busan Hotel.

in the conference hall.

The conference hall of the Hilton Hotel is very lively today.

In addition to the Shinhwa and Samsung Group people who came to the negotiation conference, there were also many TV newspapers and major media outside.

"Mr. Li Mengxi, do you have confidence in this negotiation?"

"Is it true that Samsung Group bullies its employees?"

A large group of reporters gathered around Samsung Crown Prince Li Mengxi to ask questions.

Li Mengxi waved his hand: "No comment!"

He turned around and asked the secretary next to him, "Who spread the news? Didn't we say we were going to negotiate secretly? How did everyone know it?"

"I don't know about this either! Maybe it's Shinhwa's fault!"

"Myth? Xiba's, this time I want to completely defeat them!" Li Mengxi clenched his fists.

Here, the Samsung Crown Prince brought the team of lawyers and others into the conference room mightily. When he saw that it was empty, the people from Shinhwa hadn't come yet. .

"Xibachi, are you late for playing with me?" Li Mengxi swaggered, sat on the main seat, crossed his legs, took out a cigarette from his arms, took out a bit on his mouth, and threw the cigarette case on the table!

The secretary accompanying him hurriedly stepped forward to help him light the cigarette.

Li Mengxi smoked a cigarette, unbuttoned his suit, opened his arms and reclined on the chair, looking like a boss, took a look around the team of lawyers he brought, and asked, "Do you have all the documents ready?"

"It's ready." This team of lawyers is a team of lawyers established by Samsung Group, and the team leader is a man with glasses.

An Runji plays an important role in this group.

"That who--" Li Mengxi pointed at An Runji suddenly, holding a cigarette in his mouth, "I often hear your team leaders praise you, so I'll turn you into a regular! What's the matter, I'm nervous to take over such a big case as soon as I become a regular member. not nervous?"

An Runji didn't expect Li Mengxi to remember himself, so he wanted to kneel down and be loyal: "Thank you, President, for your suggestion! I'm not nervous! If I can work for Samsung, I will do my best!"

"Hahaha, Xiba's! I love hearing what you say! Will you be taken by Zhuge Liang's "Apprenticeship"?"

"Huh?" An Runji looked surprised.

"Why, you can't memorize it? I heard that you lawyers want to succeed in the exam, and the first thing is to learn to write Chinese characters, and know how to memorize articles such as "Apprenticeship List"! Haven't you read such a classic article?"

"No, I will back!" An Runji said hurriedly.

"Then tell me back!" Li Mengxi flicked the cigarette ash with a proud attitude.

Under the watchful eyes of all the people, An Runji cleared his throat and said, "This minister is a commoner, and he makes farming in Nanyang.

An Run Jilang recited it aloud.

In this era of South Korea, although the military is in power, the literati have begun to show their edge in the political arena! In particular, judges, prosecutors, and barristers must be familiar with traditional Chinese culture, especially Chinese characters. They must be able to write and memorize some classic chapters!

The reason is that South Korea is deeply influenced by traditional Chinese Confucian culture. In addition, the characters invented by their own country are "half-handed", and many times there will be many differences in a pronunciation, so it is necessary to use Chinese characters to indicate and explain.

And classic articles like "Apprenticeship" are also a way for many Korean chaebol families to test the loyalty of the people around them!

To put it bluntly, even someone as loyal as Zhuge Liang doesn't know, and he can't even memorize his articles. What qualifications do you have to claim to be loyal and loyal to me? !

An Runji first recited the "Former Apprenticeship Table", and seeing that Li Mengxi did not say a word, he recited the "Later Apprenticeship Table" again in a rush. When he recited "death to death", Li Mengxi then tapped the table and said: "Okay. ,enough!"

An Runji hurriedly stopped and looked at Li Mengxi.

Li Mengxi also looked at him and asked him, "You said that you will give your best and die, then who do you give your all to, and for whom will you die?"

At first, An Runji wanted to say, "For Samsung, and the Samsung Group!"

But immediately his eyes turned and said: "Of course it is for you, President Li! I will do my best for you, and I will die for you!"

"Hahaha!" Li Mengxi laughed, "Well said! You really are a talent!"

Everyone around was busy echoing, "Yes! Yes! It's really not easy to memorize such a long article!"

"We must all do our best for President Li!"

"It's over for him!"

Immediately there was a lot of flattery.

But Li Mengxi didn't have time to pay attention to these sycophants. He looked at his watch and said to the secretary impatiently: "Hey, it's almost nine o'clock! I've finished reciting such a long article, why haven't those mythical people come yet? I'm waiting, I'm busy! Call them and urge them to hurry up, or I'll leave immediately!"

"Yes, Mr. President!" The secretary nodded and bowed, and was about to make a phone call to urge him, but there was a noise outside, and the secretary hurriedly said, "It looks like they are here!"



Jin Suya, the female representative of Shinhwa Group, brought the Seoul lawyer team and the executives of Chase Bank to kill in a mighty manner.

The long-awaited media reporters swarmed up again!

"Excuse me, are you the Jin representative of the Shinhwa Group?"

"Can you say a few words about this negotiation with Samsung?"

Jin Suya frowned and asked the person next to her, "Who notified these reporters?"

"We don't have it here, it may be Samsung's side!"

Kim So-A snorted, "It looks like Samsung is trying to make this incident bigger!"

Zhao Zhenxiong walked in the front and helped Jin Suya to open the door of the conference room.

With a creak, the door opened.

Jin Suya glanced at Li Mengxi who was sitting inside with a big horse and a golden knife, smiled, and walked in with light steps.

Others rushed in.

Those media reporters were about to drill inside, but Zhao Zhenxiong creaked and closed the door again, then turned around and said to the reporters, "I'm sorry, there is a meeting inside, please be quiet!"

While speaking, a group of men in black rushed over, guarding the gate from left to right, so that those media reporters could not approach!

Looking at such a strict posture, those reporters became even more curious about the content of the meeting.


"Representative Jin, you're finally here!" Seeing Jin Suya appearing in front of him, Li Mengxi didn't stand up to greet him at all. He was still sitting with a big golden sword, with a rebellious attitude!

At this moment, the two sides are evenly matched in strength.

Li Mengxi brought his own team of lawyers and financial staff here.

Kim So-ah brought Seoul lawyers and Chase Bank executives here.

Jin Suya ignored Li Mengxi, Meimu glanced at the other team, and her eyes stopped on An Runji for a while.

An Runji also saw her at the moment, and was about to drop her jaw! A look of astonishment on his face! It seems that I didn't expect to see Kim So Ah in such a place!

"An Runji, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, nothing!"

"You look ugly!"


"Do you know this representative Jin?"

"Cough, how is that possible?" An Runji hurriedly lowered his head, not even daring to look at Jin Suya.

The colleague next to him looked suspicious, but he was too embarrassed to ask again.

Several other colleagues whispered: "I didn't expect this Jin representative to be more beautiful than the legendary one!"

"Yeah! I finally saw a real person today! It's even more beautiful than a fairy!"

"I don't know how the big boss of the mythology got involved with her! Xiba is so lucky!"

"You can do it with money!"


These remarks made An Runji even more unhappy in his heart.

Look at the scene again.

"It's almost time, let's start!" Jin Suya went straight to the topic.

Li Mengxi originally saw that Jin Suya was beautiful, and wanted to chat with her, but he didn't expect people to go to war directly.

"Okay, I like a refreshing person like you!" Li Mengxi said with a wink, and the members of the lawyer team immediately threw out the issues they had already prepared.

Of course, Jin Suya wouldn't accept it, and she also raised the issue on their side, and the war of words between the two sides officially began.

Almost an hour later.

Li Mengxi has been impatient with Jin Suya's soft and hard soaking.

"Representative Jin, let's all stop hiding it! Let's open the skylight and speak brightly!"

"Hey, to put it bluntly, this time your myth is trying to take advantage of the danger to buy our Samsung Electronics stock! The five idiots of Chi Jae-hee don't even know that they are being used by you! Fortunately, although they are a little stupid, they know how to turn around!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean?" Li Mengxi leaned forward and crushed the cigarette in the ashtray, with a hint of pride on his face, "An Runji, take out our magic weapon!"

An Runji hurriedly said "Ai" and took out a document and handed it over. Because of his excitement or nervousness, he was almost knocked over by the chair.

Seeing him so impatient, Li Mengxi glared at him fiercely.

An Runji hurriedly bowed and apologized, her attitude extremely humble.

Li Mengxi took over the information without looking at it, and threw it to Jin Suya and said, "Look at it! This battle is over, you lose!"

Jin Suya didn't do anything. A lawyer next to her picked up the document and looked at it. Then she approached Jin Suya and said softly, "It's Chi Zaixi and the others! They have already signed a settlement agreement with Samsung behind our backs!"

Jin Suya's face changed slightly.

Li Mengxi took a panoramic view of the change in Jin Suya's expression, and laughed: "How is it, isn't it a surprise? I said earlier, you are definitely picking the wrong target if you want to take advantage of the fire! In Busan, in South Korea, we are the home court! You guys Myth is just imported goods, a Hong Kong company, what kind of storm can it create?!"

Before Li Mengxi could finish speaking, a voice said: "Really? According to the Korean commercial regulations, the settlement agreement will take effect three days after it is signed! During this period, the parties have three days to consider and can choose to abide by the contract or choose to give up. contract."

With the sound of voices, the door of the conference room creaked and was pushed open!

A man in white in a suit and leather shoes walked in from the outside with a smile!

He is Shi Zhijian!

Alongside Shi Zhijian are Hu Juncai, a barrister, and the ghost boy Bo Dejia!

Li Mengxi's eyelids jumped, "Who are you? What qualifications do you have to be here?"

The others also looked at Shi Zhijian with a look of surprise, at the young man who suddenly broke in.

Especially that An Runji opened his mouth wide and his eyes were about to fall out! Shi Zhijian knew him! To be precise, he could recognize it when it turned into ashes!

"You ask me, who am I?" Shi Zhijian smiled and looked at Jin Suya with a calm expression on the side, "This Mr. Li Mengxi is asking who I am, Representative Jin, you come and tell him!"

Jin Suya didn't say anything, but got up and walked straight to Shi Zhijian, and when she was in front of Shi Zhijian, she knelt down and bowed gently towards Shi Zhijian with the most solemn ritual in Korea, and said, "Mr. , hello! Welcome to your visit!"

There was a bang on the spot!

At this moment, even a fool knows who Shi Zhijian is!

The strongest man behind the legendary Kim So Ah!

"Wow, he's so handsome?"

"He's so young?"

"The legendary mythical Shi Zhijian? Hong Kong tycoon?"

There was a lot of discussion on the spot, and they were all amazed by Shi Zhijian's personal charm!

An Runji was sweating profusely. Thinking of the various rude actions he had done to Shi Zhijian the day before yesterday, he felt that life was really difficult and dangerous!

Li Mengxi never thought that Shi Zhijian would go out in person, and he was so imposing.

He tried his best to suppress his anger, "What if you are the real boss of Shinhwa? Shi Zhijian, right? Chi Jae-hee and the other five have already taken the money to fly far away and went to the Philippines for a vacation! Excuse me, how did you make them break the contract? Could it be you? Can you get them back?"

"You won't be able to chase after me, but I have the lawyers representing the five of them here!" Shi Zhijian smiled slightly.

Beside, Hu Juncai began to perform!

I saw that he stroked his middle parted head with a pretentious hand, then threw his hair back, and then stepped forward and took out a document and said, "My name is Hu Juncai, and I am the lawyer representing the five Chi Zaixi. Before they went to the Philippines, they had given me full authority to represent them in this negotiation! By the way, this is the compensation you paid to five of them, nothing has been touched, please count!"

Li Mengxi's face changed greatly!

He stood up abruptly and stared at the document!

He never dreamed that Chi Jae-hee's five those five ants that he had never paid attention to, actually played such a trick for him!

The head of the legal team looked at Li Mengxi who was in a hurry and did not dare to move, so he winked at An Runji.

An Runji was helpless, so he had no choice but to go forward and take the document, looked at it carefully, and said to Li Mengxi, "It's true! It has the personal signature of Chi Zaixi and others on it!"

In South Korea, private signatures have great legal effects, as long as they are stamped, everything is confirmed!

"Damn! These nasty guys! The guys who are not as good as pigs and dogs!" Li Mengxi had no choice but to curse.

Facing Li Mengxi's roar, Shi Zhijian just smiled faintly: "Now what else do you have to say? According to the original plan, Chi Zaixi and the others, for a total of $500,000, will buy out 50% of Samsung Electronics! Come on, pay for this Young Master Li!"

The ghost boy Bo Dejia came on stage, glanced at the Samsung group arrogantly, and then took out a check for half a million dollars from his arms and threw it over: "The Chase promissory note, only a little more!"