MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 111 Buddha cannot cross you Nirvana, I cross you free

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In the afternoon, I went to Huayuxuan to make a beauty spa, and when I got home, I started to prepare a birthday banquet tonight. My grandfather gave her a congratulatory gift. I think the grandpa valued this friend.

She opened the cloakroom. The original cloakroom was enriched because she went to Saint-Joseph's last time, where she met Si Yejun, and she bought almost all the clothes that suit her in that day. There are more than twenty pieces, and there are clothes that can be worn on various occasions.

Wen Xinya picked a beige waist gown. When I was ready to take it off, I suddenly thought of the silver-gray shoes that Si Yizhen had replaced for her. After the shoes were bought, , As if never passed through.

Wen Xinya changed her mind and chose another dress.

The material of the dress is woven with gold and silver velvet threads, which not only has the noble gold and silver luxury, but is neutralized by light gray, which does not seem so eye-catching.

Wen Xinya put on the dress, took the pair of shoes out of the shoe cabinet and put them on her feet. She stood walking in the mirror for a few steps, and the lotus leaf skirt of the dress rolled gently with her lotus waves. From time to time, the shoes lined with jewels across the feet turned out to be very suitable.

She stared at the shoes beneath her feet a little bit dreamily, as if she could still feel the shudder that aroused when he held her ankle bone with his thin cocoon hands.

Thinking like that, her cell phone rang.

Nuan Ya quickly converged her thoughts, and she picked it up without looking at the number and then picked up: "Hello, I'm Wen Ya!"

"Xin Ya, it's me!" Si Yixuan's voice passed through the phone and passed into her ears at once.

The Wen Xinya heart trembled at once, and Si Yizhen's voice was not as clear as usual, with a slight husky and turbidity, with a strong exhaustion and weakness, her heart tightened suddenly. .

"Why don't you speak?" Si Yichen asked lowly.

The low voice became more and more dull. Where is the clearness in ordinary days, like a chronically ill patient: "Where are you now, why did you suddenly disappear?"

There was a hint of question in her tone, even if he appeared to rescue her when she was abducted, but she still felt sorry for him without saying goodbye, he knew ... for many days after he left, she was Speculation on the reason why he left.

"There are some things that need to be dealt with. It is estimated that I will not be in the country for a while, and I will not be able to contact you for the time being." Si Yizhen's voice was hoarse, weak, mixed with deliberate intentions, and even looked a little suffocated.

Cozy and elegant, she clenched the phone in her hand: "Si Yizhen, what happened to you?"

She had previously guessed that Si Yezhen had a black background. At this time, his words confirmed her guess. It must be ... Now that the technology is developed, even if it is a foreign phone video, it is said that he cannot be contacted for the time being!

She couldn't think of any circumstances besides Si Yizheng's own danger.

But when she asked, she felt regretful. Since he didn't mention it to her, she took the initiative to ask, but she seemed to interfere too much. If he didn't want to say it, wouldn't it be embarrassing? If she thought about it, she quickly turned the topic away. Road: "Yi Si, I was kidnapped before, thank you for saving me!"

Si Yi also said: "Your previous kidnapping incident was a premeditated planning act. I guess it could not be separated from Ning Shuqian, but no useful information has been found so far."

Then she told her about what happened to Fu Tianyang before Gu Yuehan checked.

Warm and strong, suppressing the anger and hatred that turned over her heart, said dumbly: "It's so omnipotent, wantonly hurts innocent people, and wastes lives to achieve their own goals."

Si Yizheng's voice became attentive: "Since you know who you are dealing with, you need to be cautious everywhere, like the things on Black Sunday before, you should never do it again. Once you have a relationship with there You ca n’t pick it off. Of course, do n’t be too nervous. In the end, you are Miss Wen and you are the granddaughter of Mo Gong. They dare not kill you. ”

"I have a sense of proportion, you don't need to worry." The Wen family has wealth and strength, and although the grandfather is only a literati, but the people in this world who can truly shake the country are always those literati who are responsible for inheriting the world of Tao Liman, otherwise since ancient times Since then, there have not been so many tragic incidents of burning books and Confucianism.

Even after the death of her grandfather in the previous life, the Wen family gave up her, and Ning Shuqian did not dare to take her life directly, but only after she completely became the abandoned son of the Wen family, did she dare to kill her.

After a long silence there suddenly said, "Wen Xinya, can you read me the Guanyin Heart Sutra?"

Wen Xinya, I did not expect Si Yizheng to make such a request: "Good!"

"Viewing the Bodhisattva ... the color is not different, the empty is not different, the color is empty, the empty is color ... without hindrance, no horror, stay away from upside down dreams, what is Nirvana ..."

The Guanyin Heart Sutra is an article that teaches people awareness. It educates the world that all desires are vain. There is no thought or worry in the heart without panic and fear of getting detached from ease. She does not know why Si Yizhen suddenly wanted to listen to this Sutra.

After finishing the reading, Si Yizhen said hoarsely: "Wen Xinya, I believe in Buddhism, Prajna Heart Sutra, and I feel relieved. In the past seven years, I have often used this Sutra to warn myself that whatever I do, I must hold the last Only in this way can we achieve liberation. "

Cozy and silent, he didn't know what to say, nor could he guess what he was going to say next.

Si Yizhen again said: "Wen Xinya, in my life, it is difficult to surpass! Because I have desires and obstacles, these emotions will become obsessions, become tangible to bind them, and once obsessions are formed, I have The desire to carry it out. "

His voice became more hoarse and uncomfortable, like the sound of an untuned piano popping up. She is not a fool, can't you hear the meaning of his words, he just wants to express that she is the source of his desire, The trouble is, and what he has to do now has been backed up.

In this way, he gently and vaguely answered her embarrassing questioning under the impulse before: "If the Buddha cannot cross your nirvana, I will cross you."

Such ambiguous words, when she reacted, had already been transmitted to the other end of the phone, she thought she would be upset and regretted, but strangely, her heart was in peace and joy.

"Okay! From now on, I believe in you!" Si Yiming's hoarse voice was filled with joy, such a dull voice, a little clearer at this time.

The Wen Xinya heart could not help but raise a strange feeling. The Buddha is a kind of faith. Si Yizhen said that she believed in her ... So does he mean to treat her as a belief in this life? Her heart shrank slightly, and in her mind she thought of the man she had loved torn heart in the last life. Why didn't she take it as a belief, and finally her disillusionment, she lost all hope for life.