MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1195 Are you serious?

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The conflict with Xia Ruya and Yan Menglu was not at heart, and Xia Ru and Yan Menglu did not get any good anyway.

Although she hasn't had a good contact with Yan Menglu, but she probably knows a few. Yan Menglu is not arrogant except she is very arrogant and arrogant, and by her observation, she is not like Jiang Yuqian. At the mercy of Xia Ruya, she deliberately borrowed the topic today to let Yan Menglu know that this is the capital city, not the port city. The wealthy and wealthy people gathered here have stood after years of ups and downs and vicissitudes of transit. The situation of an unrelenting family giant is more complicated than that of Hong Kong City. A little carelessness can bring disaster to the Hong Kong City speakers.

Xia Ruya is selfish and self-interested, and she is always proud of this. She naturally would not think of this.

But who is Yan Menglu?

She grew up as a child born and raised in a big family like Yanjia. The family's honor and shame have penetrated into the bone marrow, not to mention Yanmeng can stand out among the many children of Yanjia, and is favored and valued by her elders. Naturally, there are advantages, so she concluded that what happened today would make Yan Menglu alert.

Since then, she will not dare to deal with her in the future, let alone Xia Ruya's calculations and mercy.

As long as these two people will not cooperate with her to deal with her, then it is not a concern, she only needs to prepare for one or two.

Wen Ya finally dared to make a design, couldn't help raising her head, stretched out a laziness, seeing that Si was also looking at the learning materials provided by Teacher Ji, could not help but asked, "You don't learn jewelry design, this What catches your eyes."

Si Yizhang smiled and said, "Although I don't study jewelry design, it is also good to know one or two. Otherwise, will there be no common topics between us in the future?"

Jewelry design is Xinya ’s dream. When she returned to Wen ’s house, she was preparing for it. He was willing to understand her dream, understand her future path, **** her, and protect her. Push to the top.

Wen Xinya supported her forehead with her elbows, and looked at him with a head tilted. Under the gentle lamp, her face was soft: "In that case, you might as well learn jewelry design with me! If you are willing to learn, your talent is definitely better than me . "

Her tone, which is more ridiculous, is obviously a joke, but the words are not false words. Si Yizhen is a perfectionist. No matter what she learns, she can learn the best. This makes her more than once, envious. Envy and hate.

Especially in language.

Her E-language has been able to talk normally, no problem, but who can tell her that she even learns such a difficult E-language like English, but why is English still half-deaf?

Mr. Si also said, "That's not okay. I say that my colleagues are complainers. This is not conducive to feelings, as well as family and harmonious development. I'm not willing to do it."

Warm and glared at him, refuting: "Who said, there is also a like-minded relationship between colleagues, which is a friendship based on revolution."

Si Yixi held her between her legs and sat down, holding her hands freely, biting her ears gently and saying, "Who wants to build a revolutionary friendship with you like you." He breathed slightly Wet, with scorching heat and muddy, without concealing her attempts and desires for her: "I just want to establish a fixed, loyal spouse relationship with you, and the physical relationship under the spouse relationship, so ... don't want to think again next time Now. "

The Wen Xinya face flushed and gently pushed him a few times: "What a mess, you ... you let go of me first, my homework today is not complete."

Since the two people lived together, she spent more time together on weekdays. Things between the beds were much more stable than before, which made her almost forget how vigorous the man was.

Si Yizheng said: "There are priorities, you have time to do your homework, now, my business is more urgent ..." Where does Si Yixun agree with her, grab her hand, put it between his legs, tight Press tightly there, not letting her move away, and whispered in her ear ambiguously, "I didn't lie to you ~!"

Through thin clothing, she couldn't stop it at all. Her hands were so hot that her face was too hot, and she couldn't help but be embarrassed and said, "You let go of me. ! "

Si Yizhen's favorite look is her appearance when she is shy and angry, her cheeks are as red as the burning peaches in March: "This is not true. I closed the door. In my own house, naturally I want to ..." He paused, and looked a bit fierce: "Do what you do!"

In the last few words, he almost gritted his teeth, Wen Xinya, and felt that his body was warming up. Si Yiming had a skill, clearly and well, that can be said by him, ambiguous, rogue Breath of breath.

Wen Xinya, unable to resist, blushed and said, "You ... you can be serious!"

Si Yi laughed and bit her ear and said, "Okay, husband and wife, it's nothing more serious!"

As he said, he was rubbing his Wen Xinya waist, which was self-evident.

Shameless, she is so shameless. She has never seen a man who is as shameless as Si Yizheng and takes it for granted: "Your full belly has actually learned from the dog belly!"

Si Yizhen pressed her under her body and smiled lowly, "You want to know?"

Wen Xinya laughed: "I don't want to know."

Si Yi said, "But, I want to tell you!"

As a result, Wen Xinya finally failed to resist, and Si Yiqi looted strongly: "Langing with emotion", "Through death and forgetting life", "Can't bear the heart", "Stomach in the belly," Heavy heart "," Emotional anxiety "," Two petals of red lotus "," Bodhi spring water ", what does this mean?"

Nuan Ya couldn't help but cursed: "Shameless!"

I don't know where to learn the **** words. When I listened, I made my face blush and anxious, and I couldn't help but grin.

Si Yizhen chuckled, "I can't stand it anymore? I also learned a lot of **** poems. I didn't learn the dog belly, but I learned your belly."

He knew that warmth and elegance were lingering, his hearing was particularly sensitive, and he couldn't stand the slightest stir, so whenever he wanted, he basically succeeded.

Warm and glaring at him: "Don't say it!"

Si Yiqi "Haha" chuckled: "Okay, don't say it, use it."

To this day, Wen Xinya has long abandoned the resistance by violent self-abandonment, and Si Yizhang is in bed and is the absolute master.