MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1225 Win a fair deal

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Wen Xinya and Xia Ruya both returned to their seats.

Xia Ruya endured, everyone looked at sympathy, compassion, contempt, ridicule, mockery, and other eyes, and her heart was full of resentment. She never thought of losing, but ended up losing defeat. Lost in an unbearable way.

She will keep this account in mind, and one day, she will surely repay it, and let those who have stepped on her foot, slumped under her feet, dirty and lowly, begging for mercy, licking her toes and please her Flatter her.

And Wen Xinya, she will never let her go.

Winning Xia Ruya, Wen Xinya heart, although very happy, but also know that they win a bit of trickery, but who said that trickery is not a strength and ability?

Although she is inferior in painting art and has a deeper foundation than Xia Ruya, her four sceneries of plum apricot and pear tang in spring, both in composition and overall, are much more complicated and refined than Xia Ruya's peony pictures. It is a matter of course that Sheng Xia Ruya made a move.

However, the attitude of the owner of Boya Xuan made her somewhat interesting. According to the truth, the owner of Boya Xuan, as the organizer of the Qianjin Banquet, should not casually express his own opinions. Several judges must be Boya Xuan. Her views easily affect the views of several other reviewers.

The owner of Boya Xuan abandoned all the merits of this painting, and she had a shallow foundation and inexperienced in painting skills, and it was misleading to speak out.

She observed the judge who was hesitant and did not finally speak. He had made a decision about winning or losing, but then he did n’t know why, and suddenly he was in a dilemma. If it was not Du Ruoxin's proposal for everyone to judge, it is estimated He will turn the wind.

Therefore, the owner of Boya Xuan is on Xia Ruya's side.

What about Du Ruoxin?

What kind of person she is and what she thinks, if she is helping her, but her behavior is really not the same, or even because she has complained with her, so she wants to see her lively.

If she is not helping her, then what are the repeated reminders and the proposal this time? Although her reminder was a bit late and a little bit offensive, it was a reminder.

If she said she wanted to hurt her, but she faintly said to Du Ruoxin before, "I'm Du Ruoxin, although he's not a good person, but he doesn't hurt people." Those who are proud and truly proud should be disdainful.

But what is her purpose?

I do n’t know, is it related to her?

The thoughts were upset, clueless, Wen Xinya, and a headache, and she felt a sense of exhaustion all over her body. She rubbed her sore forehead, and her emotions agitated.

Because, she still faces one thing that she deliberately ignored, that is, Xia Ruya and Lin Yixin's hands and feet in her tea and snacks.

So far, she hasn't noticed anything unusual in her body. What she is most worried about is that the medicine will break out at the right time. How should she deal with it?

At this time, like Lin Wenya, anxious people, and Lin Yixin.

Xia Ruya Mingming said that Warm and Ya only have the finest art of piano and tea, so she took the risk to cooperate with her. The four arts of Warm and Yaqin are unique in terms of chess, calligraphy, and painting. meaning.

This means that at least she has to be Wen Xinya on the three talents before she can step on the Wen Xinya position.

Nowadays, even Xia Ruya is defeated with the Wen Xinya painting. The name of the Wen Xinya girl is flourishing. It is difficult to overcome the Wen Xinya. Use the toxicity of Datura to win the Wen Xinya This sort of logical calculation is already a bit reluctant.

She was the head of the last Qianjin feast. The most outstanding one was Qin Yi. After she won the first prize warmly and elegantly, she proposed fighting art because everyone is an Aegean, and both sides are the heads. Observation is a matter of course.

If she proposes another skill to fight with Warm Yabe, then in the eyes of outsiders, she wants to overwhelm Warm Ya's mind, and everyone knows that even if she wins, she won't have a good reputation.

Lin Yan's heart was in a dilemma, and her irritability made her almost unable to control her emotions.

Looking at the Wen Xinya eyes, he became more and more embarrassed, even without concealing it.

Du Ruoxin glanced at her, his eyes flashed with a hint of obscurity, his elbow bumped gently and warmly, and he whispered, "You haven't offended her!"

Du Ruoxin's actions made Warm and Ya's heart vigilant. She told Du Ruoxin to speak to her, and she was somewhat incompetent, because every time Du Ruoxin spoke to her, she had a deep meaning in her words, making her scalp numb.

But she couldn't help but followed her gaze and took a look at Lin Yingxin's heart. When she saw Lin Yan's red eyes full of irritability and staring at her, she was as venomous as a serpent, and she frowned slightly. "Probably I won the fight, I'm not happy!"

If anyone except Xia Ruya hopes that she will lose at the Qianjin Banquet, then Lin Yixin will not think of others.

Du Ruoxin smiled, and his face was full of shame, sharp like sharp weapons: "People say that the mind is simple, the limbs are developed, you have such a simple mind, the limbs have not seen how developed, and my height is not as tall as me."

Warm and Ya really wanted to "haha" her face. This cliff was a personal attack. It was so sharp that she couldn't communicate. Si Yizhen said she was smart and intelligent. Where is she simple? Although she does not have a height of one meter seven, but she is not short at one meter six or six. She is only eighteen years old and will grow longer. Visual inspection can reach the ideal height of a woman in country Z, one meter. Six or eight. Where is it short!

Du Ruoxin didn't look at her jerky complexion, and whispered, "You look at her and stare at your eyes, as if you were strong and violent to her, it is obviously a bad mood."

Warm and ya almost sipped a cup of tea, "qiang | violent" really lost her ability to think of it, she is a woman who cuts! Don't be sexually confused, okay?

In fact, Du Ruoxin only felt that Lin Yixin was selfish and ambitiously greedy. Even if she killed her parents, she wouldn't necessarily be like that, so she would make such a metaphor.

However, Du Ruoxin's words reminded her that Wen Xinya could not help looking at Lin Yixin.

Lin Yexin's face was flushed, and I didn't know if it was emotional or what reason. His eyes were covered with red bloodshots, and the red bloodshots in his eyes were like tangled snakes, spitting red letters. , Looks extremely scary, beautiful face, pale blue blood vessels appear, tangled on the face, like the fine lines like cracks, to destroy the beauty of her face, and the blue tendons on her forehead bulge, Seems to be beating.