MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1370 Impossible unless I die!

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Out of Gu Junlin's apartment, Wen Xinya looked at his watch. It was already 11:30 PM. Wen Xinya took the car directly and went to Zhou's house.

Some things should be done sooner or later. In the past, Gu Junlin and Zhou Tianyu, two young girls who had been in love with each other, did not even think about interfering with them, even if their relationship had not progressed. But now they have reached such a point, as friends can no longer stay away.

It was midnight, and there were no cars on the road, so the traffic was very smooth and Wen Xinya and soon arrived at Zhou's house.

However, rather than driving the car to Zhou's house, Wen Ya stopped the car on a fork road not far from Zhou's house. She called Zhou Tianyu: "I'm at a fork near your house, let's talk about it! "

After speaking, Wenya hanged up her phone without giving Zhou Tianyu a chance to refuse.

About ten minutes later, Zhou Tianyu was late, warmly and elegantly opened the door and got out of the car, slowly walked in front of Zhou Tianyu, suddenly reached out and slap Zhou Tianyu severely.

The crisp applause seemed particularly clear in the dark and deep night.

Zhou Tianyu subconsciously covered his hit face, so silently looking at the Wen Xinya, Wen Xinya body, wearing only a thin coat, standing in the night reflected in the dim street lights, his figure was particularly thin.

The winter in the north is always extremely cold, especially at night, and it is bitterly cold. Zhou Tianyu has seen today's weather forecast. The lowest temperature at night is minus four degrees.

Warm and ya looked at her quietly, mixed with anger in her tone: "This slap was played for Gu Junlin, his feelings for you for more than ten years, how can you be patient with him?"

At this time, the Wen Xinya heart really annoyed Zhou Tianyu, even though she knew that Zhou Tianyu had a heart in her heart, but no matter how serious her heart was, she couldn't hurt Gu Junlin so unclearly.

Gu Junlin is so innocent. He is burdened by Zhou Tianyu's ambiguous feelings.

The night was colder than she imagined. Zhou Tianyu was quickly frozen and mixed, and her whole body seized. Her voice was dry: "Junlin ... did he tell you?"

Zhou Tianyu knew that they would have to know about going abroad sooner or later, but they did n’t know why, but she did n’t know how to face such a fierce Wen Xinya person.

"If Gu Junlin didn't know about it accidentally, did you intend not to tell anyone, just walk away and completely live up to Junlin's true feelings for you?" With aggressive sharpness.

Zhou Tianyu lowered her head and did not answer her words, but chose to be silent.

Silence can always mean different things at different times. Sometimes it is resistance to silence, sometimes silent silence, but more often it is the default.

She smiled warmly and was laughed at. She suddenly raised her volume and said angrily: "Zhou Tianyu, it seems that I look at you high, and we haven't seen each other for many years, and you are so timid and selfish. Have you ever thought about it, where did you leave and put our group of friends who have known each other for so many years, and let the little Guzi be embarrassed? "

Wen Ya really didn't expect that Zhou Tianyu had a thought of leaving.

At this moment, she really did it for her, and the man who said "unless I die" to her was unworthy and even sad.

"I'm sorry ..." Zhou Tianyu knew that she was wrong, but she didn't have the courage to face the interrogations of her friends, and she didn't have the courage to face the wounded face like Gu Junlin. She was afraid she would change her mind beyond control.

However, she has no way back.

Nuan Ya interrupted her with anger: "The person you are sorry for is not me, but Gu Junlin, who has loved you for more than ten years, not because you have hurt his capital, nor is it the reason you played."

Zhou Tianyu raised his head in a panic, and opened his mouth to explain: "Xin Ya, I didn't mean to play with Jun Lin intentionally. He liked me for so many years. I probably didn't understand it at first, and he regarded him as a buddy. , Girlfriends, but then I ... I ... "

Speaking of the back, Zhou Tianyu's throat seemed to be stuck.

Wen Xinya asked: "What happened to you later?"

This is probably what Gu Junlin wants to hear most.

However, Zhou Tianyu's flustered face bleaked little by little, and finally she lowered her head slowly: "Xin Ya, no matter what you say, my plan to go to the UK has been settled, and it will not be changed anymore, for me Say sorry to Gu Junlin, let him forget me, find a woman who really loves him and live a good life. "

After speaking, she turned and left.

Under the yellow street lamp, her body was unusually thin, and her shadow was stretched old, with a taste of loneliness.

The warmth and anxiety were anxious: "Zhou Tianyu, why don't you dare to say such things to him? Because you know very well that Gu Junlin loves you to go deep into the bone marrow, it is impossible to forget that you fall in love with other women, you are really selfish, you know I don't know, what is he doing now, Xiao Guzi? "

Sure enough, the Wen Xinya words made Zhou Tianyu's panic left suddenly, and she suddenly stopped. She rushed over and took the Wen Xinya hand and asked nervously: "He, what's wrong with him?"

The trembling voice was full of fear.

"No, he drank a lot of alcohol, almost as much as alcoholism. If he didn't spit it out in time, I'm afraid his half life is gone, and the stomach juice vomited for half a pot, and he kept saying, Nonsense, you ca n’t live in peace for a moment. If you really walk away like this, he ’s afraid that you will fall down like this, drunk all day long and dream of death. Such a life is better to die than you are willing to see. ”

Warm and Ya thought of seeing Gu Junlin today, she couldn't help but feel sad.

Zhou Tianyu held her body, suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground, crying sadly: "Woohoo ... I don't want this, I really don't want this ... I want to be with him, love him, make up He gave me more than ten years, I don't want to hurt him, I really don't want to ... "

In this world, the person she is least willing to hurt is Gu Junlin.

Wen Xinya could not help crying, and crouched on the ground and hugged Zhou Tianyu: "Tianyu, do you know? During this time, Xiao Guzi worked hard, not because of brain pumping, but because he wanted to become stronger and support you. A sky, I asked him if he thought about giving up on you, do you know what he said? "

Zhou Tianyu just burst into tears.

"He said, impossible, unless I die!" In the night breeze, the words were sobering.

Read The Duke's Passion