MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1413 Mo justice is rescue

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Wen Xinya never felt that time was so hard to bear. Every minute and every second seemed to be stretched by people intentionally and infinitely. The short 20-minute drive was so tortured. and.

Time kept pounding her heart, and her mind was full of mixed thoughts.

In the last life, her grandfather's death gave her too much shock. She almost lost her life, her guilt to her grandfather, her despair for the death of her loved ones, the regret of the child's desire to support her, and her deep self-blame. Little by little destroyed her willpower.

Her drug addiction deepened during that time.

The Wen family, who had treated her coldly, changed her attitude completely. Ning Shuqian, who was honey-stomached, revealed her hypocrisy. Although she was arrogant and arrogant, she was still kind of good The face of Wen Yuya also completely tore off her face, which was not too much camouflage, showing contempt for her.

All this made her deeply realize how ridiculous she had been wrong.

She mistrusted a foreigner and hurt her parents-in-law, causing her to be desolate and dead.

She realized very clearly that she killed her grandfather!

So she is willing to fall.

Even after meeting an internationally renowned drug treatment expert, she was unable to quit her addiction.

After she was born again, she just wanted to be an obedient granddaughter daughter and accompany her grandfather to filial piety, so that the grandfather avoided the sad and desolate end of the previous life, made up for the loss of the grandfather of the previous life, and made the grandfather a hundred years old.

Therefore, she attached great importance to her grandfather's body. She deliberately learned pharmacology with Du Yexiong, and used the medicated diet to nurse her grandfather. The grandfather's poor health has become very good after years of nursing.

She hadn't thought about the sudden happening of the grand guild.

"Xin Ya, we're here!" Xu Chenyu parked the car to the side of the road.

The action on the Wen Xinya hand was faster than the reaction of the brain. As soon as the car stopped, she had pushed the car door and got out of the car, and ran towards the hospital.

Xu Chenyu parked his parking space and quickly ran after him.

Cozy and rushed to the operating room, Zhang Bo, He Ma, and Jiang Ma were waiting in front of the emergency room.

Warm and rushed to Zhang Bo, grabbed Zhang Bo's hand with emotion and asked anxiously: "Bo Zhang, how is my grandpa? What did the doctor say?"

Zhang Bo's face was gray and his lips were pursed: "The doctor said that it was an acute sudden myocardial infarction, which caused the heart to rupture, leading to myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock.

Zhang Bo thought about sending the old man to the hospital. The old man didn't know if it was going back, or what was going on. Suddenly he took his hand and said hardly, "Take care of me ... Take care of ... OK ... Xin ... ... "

Before the latter ya word goes far, he is unconscious.

Warm and yawning eyes widened in horror, her body stepped back suddenly and screamed, "How is this possible!"

The cause of death was the same as the death of Grandpa I.

Sudden myocardial infarction is inherently extremely dangerous, because the disease is lurking in the body and there is no way to diagnose it. Naturally, there is no way to prevent it. The grandfather of the previous life died because of this.

Ventricular septal rupture and perforation, a loud systolic murmur in the fourth intercostal space on the left margin of the sternum, often accompanied by tremor, can cause heart failure and rapid death. And it was extremely painful before death.

Wen Ya screamed, "Impossible!"

Because she knew the cause of her grandfather's death in the last life, she knew how weak her grandfather was. Therefore, for many years, she had taken care of her grandfather's filth. She had been abducted a few years ago, and her grandfather had an outbreak of colic. Gong's dirty gas has been adjusted in a targeted manner, and the results are extremely significant.

Over the years, my grandfather has never had heart problems.

And she once took her grandfather to the hospital for an examination of an authoritative expert on the heart, but no problems were detected.

How could my grandfather burst into a myocardial infarction like the last life, causing the heart to rupture and die?

The Wen Xinya pupils could not stop contracting, and the whole face was ashamed.

He Ma already cried red eyes: "Xin Ya, this is true. Fortunately, it was discovered in time. When I took the old man to the hospital, he was still alive."

The thought of the old man's bluish-purple face and his weak breathing seemed to be extremely difficult.

"Impossible ... impossible ..." There was a roar and buzz in the Wen Xinya mind, and a pair of eyes lost focus.

Mother Jiang stepped forward and hugged Warm and Ya, her body was so cold that she had no temperature: "Xin Ya, the doctor is performing an operation on the old man, the old man will be fine."

For the first time since the child returned to Wen's family, she saw her fragile appearance for the first time.

How much Xinya's child relied on her grandfather, these old servants all saw in their eyes.

Cozy and elegant eyes were dry, his nose was sour, and his throat was uncomfortable: "Grandpa ... Isn't his body good? Why suddenly ... just ..."

Without saying a word, she choked with speechless words.

Zhang Bodao: "We don't know what's going on. It was okay in the morning. How could we know that suddenly ... we called an ambulance right now, and Mom cut off a millennium wild ginseng from Si Jiu. , Put it under the tongue of the old man, and the old man stayed until the ambulance came. "

Over the years, under the arrangement of the young lady's recipe, the father gradually became accustomed to drinking ginseng tea. When He gave the ginseng tea to the father, the father leaned on the sofa with his heart in his pain and scared them .

He couldn't help tearing her head down: "There were no signs before ..."

Several people were stunned, wondering what was going on.

Mother Jiang also cried: "Recently, my father's life has been regular, his diet is normal, and there are no other problems with his body. Why suddenly ..."

In the Wen Xinya eyes, tears kept flowing. Because of the death of the grandfather of the previous life, she had a deep understanding of the death of the grandfather of the previous life. She was too clear about how terrible the disease was, almost More than 95% were sudden deaths, and more than 4%. On the way to the hospital, they could not survive and died. There was a 1% probability that the survival rate was too low to be trembling.

"What about the stimulus? Did your grandfather have been violently stimulated before this?" Wen Ya thought, the most frequent incidence of myocardial infarction is induced by intense emotional changes such as excitement, tension, and anger.

She didn't believe that the guild had an unprovoked illness.

There must be a reason.

Zhang Bo thought for a few moments and shook his head: "Never before!"

Knowing that the old man's dirty air is a little weak, the young lady also usually instructs them to pay attention to the old man's living rules, diet, and emotional changes. If the old man's mood is relatively high, they will notice.