MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1419 I don't want to lose grandpa ...

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Si Yizhen made a decision for Wen Ya on his own.

When Wen Ya was deeply trapped in the sorrowful magic wand, Si Yizhen made a decision for her and then carried everything for her.

Xu Chenyu couldn't tell what his feelings were like at this time. His understanding of Si Jiu was still in the negative emotions of the malicious speculation before coming to the hospital today.

When I first saw Si Jiu, it was 6 years ago that Nuo Ya was abducted by Fu Tianyang. Si Jiu took a step before he got Wen Ya, and he glanced across the window. At that time, the man was full. Xiao Mi's **** killing made him scared, and he took Si Jiu as a kind of unseen character.

The second time, he didn't see Si Jiu, but because of the warm-up and abduction of thugs, he and Si Jiu started an invisible contest with Xin Ya's rescue. Unfortunately, he lost a little bit, and was eventually defeated by this. People were fooled, and he increasingly believed that Si Jiu was not a bright and clear person, and he had deeper fears.

The third time, at the training base, Xin Ya Gong Han attacked, and Si Jiu entered the base as a cooperative inspection base. It was also that time that he learned the fact that Si Jiu and Warm and Ya love each other. At that time, his mind was Full of unwillingness and jealousy, Si Jiu became a shameless person in his heart.

Later, they met a few times and clashed.

The deepest impression was that Si Jiu told him maliciously that he was deliberately thinking about leaving the capital and wanted to escape from the family arrangements. As a result, it was difficult to escape his calculations and manipulation. The anger in his heart almost burned his reason. At that time, I felt that Si Jiu was an insidious villain who did everything he could to achieve his purpose.

However, these are one-sided.

He sees him from the perspective of his rival, with prejudice.

In fact, at this time, even his heart could not help but faintly admire Si Jiuqi, this man, calm, strong, decisive, firm is unimaginable.

With his behavior, he propped up a sky for Wen Xinya.

Thinking of him, in the dream, he could only watch Wen Xinya fallen wolves, suffering and despair ...

He knew that he would never do this for Wen Xinya.

After signing the critical notice, Warm and Ya finally awakened from the emotions of the magic wand. She wanted to take a closer look. The critical notice contained the specific situation of the grandfather, but the words on the critical notice could not be seen clearly in tears. .

Tears, dripping one by one on the critical notice in front of me.

Wet the thin tears on a thin piece of paper, and the tears in despair hazed the words that had just been filled out with a pen on the paper and blurred the handwriting.

Si Yizhen took the critical notice and gave it to the doctor: "Please perform a heart stent bypass operation for Mo Gong as soon as possible."

After the doctor left, Wen Ya finally sobbed "wheezing".

Si also dared to hold her cold hand, and comforted with pale words: "Don't cry ..."

"Woohoo ... I blame you ..." Xinya pounced into Si Yizhen's arms, stepped out of the shadow of refusal to guard, completely let go of his heart, and ran his hands freely around his chest: " You ... how can you force me to sign the grandfather's illness notice ... "

The muffled voice was extremely sad.

Worried that her grandfather's life and death are unknown, and there is a heartache, Si Yi did not hesitate to bear everything for her.

She knew that life and death were alive, she signed a notice of illness, and there was still a little vitality for her grandfather. Just now she was in the shadow of the grandfather's death in the previous life. Obviously, it was impossible to make a decision in the first place.

If it is delayed, it is likely to delay the grandfather's treatment.

Si Yizheng was always sober, so he made a decision for her.

She knew that he was the best choice to do so. No matter what, she wouldn't blame Si Yizhen, but Si Yizhen himself? Respect for the death of a person, the beloved woman is sorrowful, and the person who made the decision is him, even if it is not his fault, it is also a big blow to Si Yichen!

Si Yiming could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, took out the apricot white handkerchief, and gently wiped her tears: "No matter what happens, everything is with me!"

Seeing her pretty white and sad, sad and sad, Si Yichen's heart was not better than her.

Mo Gong is a benefactor, a teacher and a friend as a loved one to Si Yizheng. At the beginning of the Xia division, a division crisis broke out. It was Mo Gong who sheltered him, and he was deeply trapped in the death of his parents. Among them, Mo Gong's careful teaching made him out of the painful mood and began the transformation of the strong. Without Mo Gong's teaching, he would not have today.

Mo Gong is one of his most respected people in the world, no one!

Everything is with me!

A Wen Xinya heart, calming down little by little, hugging him and crying, "I know!"

She will never die again, the face of the death of her grandfather, with all the maliciousness and calculations of everyone, she is so warm and isolated!

Since receiving the call from Zhang Bo, she has never been so calm, it is a kind of inner peace.

This kind of calm was given by Si Yizheng.

The Wen Xinya emotions finally calmed down, Xu Chenyu and Zhou Tianyu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, especially Xu Chenyu, when he slowed down, he found that the spine was extremely cold.

Wen Xinya leaned on Si Yizhen's voice and asked hoarsely: "Well, my heart is really disturbed. I don't know if my grandfather can survive this disaster. I don't want to lose my grandfather ..."

I can't say anything later.

Even if she thought about it, she did n’t even dare to think about it. As soon as the bad thoughts in her head came to her head, she shook her head desperately and drove those thoughts to her mind. , It will be fine! "

Mr. Si also said: "From a medical perspective, the success rate of 40% is already quite high, and the probability of miracles can be achieved. It has been more than two hours since the onset of the disease, and he still supports it. Mo Gong is determined, and the patient's will is the fundamental factor that can affect the treatment, so on this basis, he should be able to add another 10% success rate. "

There was no bias or water in Si Yizheng's words.

"If the success rate is 50%, then the grandfather has half the hope of being rescued. Medically, 50% is already a very certain probability." No one will be pale and weak, and weak, but the truth from his mouth is far more convincing than the empty and trivial words of comfort.

"Well, so don't worry!" Si Yichen looked at the tears on her face, and was extremely distressed.