MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1427 Inexcusable

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The massage was about 20 minutes. The Wen Xinya headache finally got better. The nausea on her chest completely disappeared. Si Yizhen put her bath water. After exhausting the bath, the fatigue and mental tension were swept away. It's empty, and she's relaxed a lot.

She was wearing silk pajamas that Si Yichen had prepared earlier, and slowly walked out of the bathroom and came to the small living room. The smell of food made her hungry, and her stomach groaned.

After dinner, I warmly and lazily leaned on Si Yizheng's arms, frowning slightly: "Si Yizheng, I think my grandpa's sudden outbreak of sudden myocardial infarction is too sudden, even That's strange! "

Previously, grandfather was critically ill and in a critical situation. She was too worried in her heart, and was deeply saddened. She had no mood to think about it, and it was impossible to take care of it.

However, now that Grandpa's condition has temporarily stabilized, it is impossible for her to not think about it, and it is impossible not to speculate and doubt it!

Si Yizhen's eyes flashed, passing a trace of embarrassment.

Wen Xinya continued: "How is Grandpa's health, I know better than anyone. Although Grandpa's dirty gas is easy to cause sudden illness, but for many years, under my careful care, I have completely stabilized. It is not affected by external factors. It is impossible to have an outbreak and a sudden myocardial infarction. "

Sudden acute myocardial infarction, in general, the incidence of severe external stimuli is the highest, but she asked Zhang Bo them, and recently my grandfather was extremely normal in terms of life, diet, exercise, and emotions, and found nothing Possible causes of sudden myocardial infarction.

Just before she called Zhang Bo and asked them about the specific situation, they didn't find anything unusual about the grandfather recently. This was the most strange and warm place.

Si also said quietly: "It is the sudden illness caused by intense external stimuli."

She looked at Si Yizhen warmly and eagerly, feeling a little excited: "What the **** is going on?"

Even she suspected her grandfather's sudden myocardial infarction. There was something strange about it, and Si Yizhen could not be unaware of it. Si Yizhen's tone was so determined that it was clearly confirmed that he must have detected something.

"I asked Zhang Bo them, but I didn't get any relevant information from them. Then I asked Du Gong. According to Du Gong, Mo Gong's liver, kidney, spleen, and heart were all damaged, so I concluded that Mo Sudden outbreak of sudden illness was caused by intense external stimuli, from intense emotional disturbances, or even out of control, and occurred within an hour before Mo Gong's illness broke out. "

After receiving a call from Zhang Bo, he suspected that Mo Gong's sudden illness was very strange, so he sent Gu Yuehan to investigate, but the results of the investigation have not yet come out.

His eyes were warm and horrified, and his breathing suddenly increased sharply: "Grandpa has a thin temperament and always pays attention to self-cultivation, which can make his grandfather emotional and even out of control, except ... except ..."

Warm and astounded to the extreme, the body shivered violently.

Suddenly the thoughts in the brain seemed to break the string, and a harsh buzzing sound was found.

"Yes, it's your mother's death!" Si Yizhen's voice was so faint, as crisp as a blade, revealing boundless coldness, chilly coldness, shocking.

Everyone's heart, more or less, has a deep past buried in his heart.

Even if he is known as the great Confucian Confucianist, Mo Gong, a saint in the world, is not exempt from vulgarity. The most difficult thing in Mo Gong's heart is always the death of his daughter.

Mo Yunyao was born prematurely. Because of a communication meeting, Mo Gong was not in Beijing. When Mo Gong knew that his daughter was born prematurely, Mo Yunyao died because of dystocia.

Mo Gong rushed back to Beijing and came to the hospital to see only his daughter's dead body!

The pain of the white-haired and dark-haired man, the regret that she did not even see her daughter on the last side, has always been a puppet in Mo Gong's heart, and Mo Gong's body has also become weaker and weaker since then. The problem was also at that time.

If anyone makes use of Mo Yunyao's death to make a fuss, even if calm as Mo Gong, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

"Someone made use of my mother's death to make a fuss, the purpose was to count my grandfather!" The Wen Xinya pupils suddenly opened, and in the eyes of those phoenixes, the clear waves were so clear that they became incredibly dark. It seemed as if the vortex could not be reached, and there was a storm coming deep in the vortex.

This storm is the ultimate anger.

The dragon has inverse scales and will die if touched!

People have taboos, they will hurt!

Someone touched her inverse scale and touched her taboo, then it would pay the price of fear!

"It's Mo Gong's life that counts." Si Yizhen's thin eyes seemed to be the bottomless cold pool, and the bitter chill erupted, hurting him and killing him.

No matter who it is, people who should not move will pay the price.

"Knowing her grandfather's ill health, knowing her grandfather's body, knowing her grandfather's weaknesses, and knowing what methods can make her grandfather disappear, I only think of one person." Her voice was as cold as it sounded from **** The brow was full of anger, and the monstrous evil in his eyes was like a raging flame. A cold expression slowly appeared on the cold expressionless face.

Si Yi frowned and raised his candidacy.

"Xia—such as—Ya!" Warm and Ya used a very slow tone, chewed carefully, slowly tasted, and slowly said, in this word, her mouth seemed to become a sweet food, she Her face changed unpredictably. Every time she chewed a word, her face softened. For every word she tasted, her voice became colder. When she was told a word, her momentum was stronger. .

Until she was shrouded in intense murder.

Xia Ruya, Xia Ruya, Xia Ruya ...

In the heart, Wen Xinya, letting these three words continue to bite her heart, and her strong hatred swept her whole person.

At the beginning, Xia Ruya used her grandfather to calculate the golden feast. At the golden feast, she gave Xia Ruya a hard lesson, but she did not expect her to die.

Xia Ruya, she dared to start with her grandfather.

How dare she--

That was her most respected, admired, respected and favorite grandpa!

Dare to hurt grandpa, there is no excuse!

The emotions in the Wen Xinya heart screamed wildly, making her whole person almost lose her mind.

Never forgive, never forgive--


Not forgive--