MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1457 Alas, I also believe in past and present life

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She couldn't help but think that the night before her death, Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya calculated, she deceived the Jiayuan Club because she had a bad experience and often mixed with the bar club, so she knew it seemed like Extravagant enjoyment, a large sum of money in Jiayuan Pinjin Grottoes, in fact, has many unknown rules, because it was recruited in a hurry.

The first time she found out that she had fallen in love with drugs, and calmly treated others with anger, she had thought that she could escape a disaster, but she didn't expect that the medicine was so urgent and fierce that she couldn't fight.

When she was most desperate, she met Si Yichen!

Wearing a black suit, heavy and almost suffocating, the mystery, elegance, and power that the mixture reveals seem to be aggression.

She didn't know why, and instantly lost the courage to continue to run away, and the ghost sent God to send him a word of help.

The coldness that was expected was cold and cold, and she refused, leaving her with a dark envelope.

She is full of warmth and complexity, and she always thought that this scene was the intersection of Si and Yiyi, but did not expect that their fate had been intertwined when she didn't know.

Wen Xinya, full of complexities, are the emotions of the last generation.

"You don't look well. Isn't it uncomfortable?" Si Yixu held her hand, as he thought, holding it in the palm of her hand, exquisitely soft and cold.

Xinya's "cold cold" caused her to feel weak and weak, and her body was colder than the average person. The most obvious is that her hands are always cool. In recent years, this situation has improved a lot because of proper nursery, but Whenever her mood changes, whether it's anxiety, tension, restlessness, or fear, her hands get wet.

At this time, what kind of emotional changes did she feel to the woman who was smiling like a flower?

Wen Ya shook her head: "I'm fine, don't worry!"

Wen Xinya condensed the complex emotions in his heart, looking at the faint gloom in Si Yizhen's eyes, and did not deliberately cover up his inner emotions.

She knew that since her grandfather was critically ill, she had revealed too many questionable emotions. In the eyes of foreigners, she only felt that she was worried about her grandfather's body, but she and Si Yizhe stayed together for so long. Reach the point where the mind and spirit are a little bit better, but whether they are the body or the soul, in countless nights, after countless hits and fits, in the process, each other's feelings are constantly being tempered, they are each other in this The most intimate, best-knowing, and most fitting person in the world.

Therefore, her emotions and changes cannot be hidden from Si Yizhen's eyes.

And she never thought about hiding him.

Her heart, in front of him, could not be defended at all, so she never thought about concealing him. According to Si Yichen's cleverness, she was afraid of some suspicion in her heart.

It's just a matter of rebirth. It's too skeptical, and it's too ridiculous. Si Yizhen also needs an opportunity to see everything.

Si Yizhang took her hand and said, "Your hands are even cooler than before. This is a manifestation of qi and blood deficiency. During this time, Mo Gong was in critical condition. Not only did you lose your heart, but you also worked too hard and lost money. I do n’t know when I can make up for it. "

Si Yizhang held her hand. The shady sensation fell into his heart. Anxiety was in the heart, Qi was in the air, blood dysfunction was impaired in kidney essence, and Qi was deficient in blood. Xinya ’s body During this period, I lost a lot.

"焱 ——" Warm and Ya suddenly reached out and hugged his waist. Her height of one meter and sixty-seven was just right to his chest. He was thin and thin, but full of hidden strength. She blocked all storms.

"Huh?" Si Yiping responded.

"You said ... if we met in the last life, would you fall in love with me?" Wen Ya looked up from his chest and looked at her, her eyes are like the stars in the sky, bright and beautiful, intoxicating .

She looked at him seriously, with unknown perseverance and persistence in her eyes, as if she had to get the answer from his mouth.


Si Yi's soft voice, with unquestionable firmness.

His dark eyes, looking at the bright starlight in her eyes, was an elusive luster.

"Why are you so sure?" Wen Xinya pursed her mouth, and the light in her eyes was like a drop of clear water, pure and clean, as if there was nothing better than this world.

Maybe it was her eyes that were too high for Si Yimao to look directly into. He stretched out a palm and covered his eyes gently: "Xin Ya, I believe in Buddha, so I believe that between people There is cause and effect and fate. I believe more in the so-called past and present life of Buddhism. I also believe that the relationship between people is doomed, so I also believe that you are the incomplete soul in my life. "

From a scientific perspective, the attraction of men and women to each other is due to the effect of hormonal secretion on the opposite sex. Of course, in the process of this influence, the personality, behavior, and behavior of the opposite **** are also the most critical judgment methods for love. .

He does not deny this scientific argument.

But I don't agree with it completely.

He may be more convinced that warmth and innateness belong to the half of his life. No matter what kind of face, character, and behavior appear in his life, this person will be in this life. Become a unique existence in his life.

"I also believe in past and present life, so ... I believe in you!" Warm Yara opened his hand and opened his eyes to look at him seriously, his eyes flashing inexplicable light.

Maybe, before today, Si Yizhen told her that if she met her in the last life, she would fall in love with her. She would definitely not believe it. She must have seen and witnessed the coldness and rejection of this man.

But now she believes!

People, in fact, can't be blinded. She was blinded in the last life. She mistrusted others and lost her grandfather who loved her the most. She ended up in such a desolate end. Even she never knew that she had been sheltered by Si Yizhen.

Some things, in fact, can't just look at the surface.

Si Yizhen mixed with a great shock, looking at those persistent and firm eyes, glowing with a faint brilliance, as if the most gorgeous gem in the world, the brilliance flowing out, some kind of answer, ready to come out.

Wen Ya continued: "I believe that we are destined to be together, no matter how our destiny turns, no matter how we make people, we will only belong to each other!"

In the midst of it, she just had a feeling, and Si Yizheng's words were true!

She had no choice but to tell Si Yizhen something personally, but she could tell him about the opportunity, Si Yizhen would know everything about the wisdom and the demon.