MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1459 Unbearable blow

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At this time, Ning Shuqian didn't know that in her eyes, Wen Haowen, who was so stupid and arrogant, was no longer the object she easily manipulated, not only had she doubted her, but also had an understanding of her ambition and Be prepared.

Xia Ruya was injured in a car accident and has not been out of danger so far, which makes Ning Shuqian very worried, because the capital investment of the entertainment city project is fully in place, and this project has been temporarily, she has devoted most of her energy these days to Xia Ruya Body.

Of course, she has also paid attention to Wen Haowen, but she has not been as close as before. When she learned that the sales strategy for the next generation of collections is in full swing. Recently, Wen Haowen is too busy, and sometimes she does not return home at night, and she has no doubts. .

She naively thought that Wen Haowen was persuaded by her previous words, and was secretly paying attention to the sales strategy for the next generation of collections, ready to add warmth and elegance.

But I didn't know that Wen Haowen had already turned the gun and aimed her!

Of course, Ning Shuqian would not know that a huge crisis has quietly arrived.

After Xia Ruya woke up that day, she was stimulated fiercely, almost ... After that, Xia Ruya was unconscious for three days and never woke up.

She was lying on the bed like a white mummy. If it wasn't for the vitality of her instrument, I was afraid that Ning Shuqian would think that this person is actually dead!

Ning Shuqian was about to get up and leave. At this time, Xia Ruya's eyes opened suddenly, her gray and black eyes were astonishingly empty.

"Ru Ya, you ..." Ning Shuqian couldn't help exclaiming, her body subconsciously froze.

Because Xia Ruya was so suddenly sober, she actually had a sense of horror and surprise, which made Ning Shuqian startled, her heart fluttering, her blood clots stiffened.

She thought about it three days ago, after Xia Ruya sobered up, the struggling process before her death could not help but be amazed.

Xia Ruya tilted her head and looked at Ning Shuqian. There was no focus or gray emotions in her gray eyes. When she stared at people, it was like the eyes of a poisonous snake. Gathering and emotional, some only endless cold and cold.

At this time Xia Ruya was just like that.

"If ... Ruya, you woke up!" Ning Shuqian swallowed her mouth, always feeling that Xia Ruya was really scary at this time, making her unwilling to stay in the ward for a moment.

"What's wrong with me?" Xia Ruya stared at Ning Shuqian, her voice was hoarse and dry, and she felt like a gossamer, just like the poisonous snake that spit out letters, cold and flat, poisonous, without any emotion.

Ning Shuqian's face was a little white, her body was stiff, her voice was trembling, "I ... I'll go to the doctor to see you."

She didn't even dare to look into Xia Ruya's eyes, let alone tell her the truth about her injuries.

"What happened to me?" Xia Ruya looked stubbornly at Ning Shuqian, determined to get an answer.

In the three days of coma, the memory of the car accident was like a nightmare, constantly played in her mind, destroying her fragile nerves again and again, impacting her brain, tearing her heart, she even dreamed To the picture that he was fried to pieces and flesh, and the flesh was blurred.

The pain caused by the fire made her realize that she could survive this accident. This was not a lucky thing, but a terrible thing.

She knew that her body must have suffered huge injuries.

Ning Shuqian pursed her lips and said, "You ... you're fine, the doctor said to take a good rest."

Ning Shuqian subconsciously avoided those unfocused, but cold and abnormal eyes, and the guilty heart almost dared not to look at her. She did not dare to tell Xia Ruya her injury. The doctor said that Xia Ruya could not be stimulated Already.

"Aunt Ning, don't lie to me. I know I'm injured, and I'm very hurt. I can't move when I'm in bed. There's no pain in the whole body. It feels like I'm being burned in the fire. Yes, I must have been in **** before the accident. "

Been to volcanic hell!

Otherwise, why does her body hurt so much?

Ning Shuqian listened to her muran, and her heart was sour: "The doctor said that you ... forty percent of your facial skin burns and seventy percent of your entire body skin burns, your condition is very dangerous, even if you wake up , For the time being has not been out of danger. "

After speaking, Ning Shufu could hardly bear to look at her.

She knows all this, as long as a woman ca n’t accept it. Today, she saw a news, a former Hong Kong city goddess star, because of cancer chemotherapy, her facial features were completely deformed, and she was accused of cosmetic surgery. , Netizens scolded and scolded him, and his words were extremely irritating.

Ruya is not an ordinary person. She is the heir of the Li family. She is an elegant and exquisite white rose in the social circle of the high society of Hong Kong City. No one will accept her facelift. Once the news of her car accident injury and facelift is exposed I'm afraid she will also face such a terrible situation.

"Impossible ..." The sharp voice, like a sharp weapon with rust, has the ability to torture chronic death. Xia Naya was lying on the hospital bed, her eyes widened, her eyes were dark, It's incredibly scary.

The words of disfigurement and disfigurement, like heavy bombs, were thrown into her brain, and a roaring sound was made in her brain, and her brain screamed, an uninjured hand, She clenched her sheets tightly, and her spasm of blood vessels could be seen under the white skin, and the blood of Pentium tortured her arrogantly.

"Mirror!" Xia Ruya spit out two words dryly.

Ning Shuqian didn't hear clearly and asked subconsciously: "What?"

"Mirror!" Xia Ruya's hoarseness became exhausted, and she was obviously wrapped with the mummy's face, but she could not see any expression, but it gave people a shy character, as if a lead-white face suddenly cracked. When it opened, it seemed as if it fell to the porcelain on the ground, and cracks cracked.

"Oh ... mirror, mirror, I'll give it to you at once ..." Ning Shuqian was startled, almost subconsciously rummaged through her bag, took out the makeup mirror from the bag, and handed it to Xia Ru In front of Ya.

Xia Ruya looked at the head of her eyes, nose, and mouth, and her eyes suddenly opened. The gray-black eyes suddenly turned red, and her eyes seemed to hide a ferocious devil.

Xia Ruya's eyes widened, and her headache was about to explode. Numerous laughter and screams pierced her head like silver cones.

"Ah ah ah--"

The sound of screaming, with sorrow, pain, despair, horror ...