MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 148 Cottage goods are always cottage

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After Lawyer Luo left, Wen Xinya returned to her room.

When she walked into the room, the whole person was startled. The room had completely changed. The whole room had been renovated. The ceiling was made of rare boxwood ceilings. The wood was extremely delicate, and the brown eye pores were not visible to the naked eye. The off-white color is opalescent and stunningly beautiful.

Boxwood is a well-known precious wood in the world. Because of its slow growing characteristics, most of the boxwood that appears on the market today are craftsmanship, and they are only used as embellishments in furniture.

The boxwood is light, elegant and elegant, and it can repel insects and sterilization. Therefore, the wealthy people will always put one or two boxwood objects!

The furniture is made of precious walnut wood with creamy white edges and a light brown to chocolate gradient of halo, echoing the boxwood on the ceiling.

There is an ebony bed in the middle of the room. The surface is smooth and lubricious, and it feels like satin. The wood is polished very beautifully. It looks like a bronze mirror. It is bright and transparent. The unpredictable black pattern resembles famous mountains and rivers, such as flowing clouds and flowing water, winning over jasper and Qiongyao, implicitly and not publicly.

There is a delicate carved wooden door near the dressing table. The door is slowly and warmly pushed in. The entrance is actually a cloakroom of nearly 100 square meters. The cloakroom is slowly opened. There are all kinds of clothes hanging in it. They are all well-known luxury brands in the world. The labels on the clothes have not been cut off, and a row of shoe boxes is placed in the long grid below. Dozens of pairs of valuable shoes are resting on the shoe boxes.

She opened the cabinet on the left, which contained dozens of accessories, everything from headgear to earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

She took a deep breath, these should be prepared for her by grandpa!

Mom Wang was still organizing things for her, and saw her come in: "Miss, the old man in the room ordered someone to renovate. The wife's things were taken to your room before. I'll show you."

Grandpa really recognized her, so it took such a thought, and nodded warmly and elegantly: "You have a mother!"

Wang's mother opened the cabinet with the hand ornaments and opened the bottom partition drawer: "Mrs. originally had a lot of precious hand ornaments. The old lady gave it to Miss Xia. Later, the old man asked for it and sent it to the jewelry company. Go to your room after cleaning. "

Cozy and elegant, there were more than twenty large and small boxes in it. She opened one of the boxes and set a full set of blue starlight gemstones to make bracelets. The deep gemstones emit bright starlight, as if on a summer night. Starry sky, beautiful dazzling.

She closed the box lightly, and she did n’t need to know that the bracelets in it were all valuable. The grandfather did not give her these things in the last life. It must be cheaper Xia Ruya's bitch!

"Yes, Miss, Madam, there is a large box left, but there is a password on it, Miss Xia has not opened it before, and I don't know if you can open it." Wang Ma opened another cabinet door, which contained Old debris left by my mother, and a big suitcase!

She knows the suitcase, which is a classic limited-edition insurance suitcase from LV in France. It has long been out of the market. The information of each person who ordered this suitcase is filed with the LV head office. Each box has a unique password, which cannot be opened without knowing the password.

The Wen Xinya Fu Zhi pressed the six-digit password, and the box was opened with a click!

Mom Wang was stunned: "The young lady is indeed the wife's flesh! Even the chest left by the wife can be opened!"

"Probably mother and daughter are connected!" The password is very simple. Six zeros, zero is the number that mother likes most, and she knows from mother-in-law that her mother likes simple passwords. Of course, six zeros are the simplest password. Anyone who knows her password will know it.

Mom Wang nodded quickly: "Ms. Xia spent a lot of time before she could not open the box. She even called the LV company to open the box, but was rejected by the LV head office. The reason for their rejection was, This safe code is the highest-end design in the world. Everyone has a unique password. Since the owner has not left the password, let the secret in the box be sealed. "

The smile on the Wen Xinya lips deepened. Xia Ruya's greed hidden in her bones would definitely not let go of this suitcase. It is also normal for her to make such a move. The cottage is always a cottage. "

Ms. Wang also felt that Miss Xia had a deep temperament and didn't like her very much, so she didn't think there was any problem when she heard the Wen Xinya words: "Miss, everything is almost sorted out. I'll make some snacks for you."

Wen Wenya knew that Wang's mother was interested, and she didn't want to disturb her to look at the old things left by her mother, and her smile was a little bit more real: "Thank you, Wang!"

After Wang's mother left, she opened the suitcase warmly and elegantly. She guessed right. It really was a box of books, but it was still an ancient one!

She glanced through it again and again, it was actually the design drawings of various jewels handed down from the ancestors of the Zhou family, as well as the experience and experience of predecessors in designing jewellery, as well as a lot of jade gold, silver, and gemstones. The abundance is amazing!

In today's society, where is there such comprehensive and rich jewelry knowledge!

There are many design papers from mom, and design experience. Wen Xinya, I knew from the last generation that Wen ’s jewellery industry was also developed because of mom. Mom designed a lot of jewelry accessories that attracted the world ’s attention. Because of the popularity of Wenjia jewelry, Wenjia's jewelry industry can develop into the world's top luxury brand.

This is the most precious treasure that her mother left to her. The mother knows that Wen's family values ​​nature, so she has taken precautions early.

In the last life, in order to please her grandfather, she chose a famous design school in Beijing and chose jewelry design when she was in college. At that time, her mentor praised her for her talent in design, and her designs were very aura, even She was given a place to study at the Bright Pearl Design Institute in France, but unfortunately at that time she was very stupid and told Ning Shuqian about it, but the place became someone else's.

In this life, she has what her mother left her. She is confident that she can reach the pinnacle of jewelry design!

"Mom, I won't let you down." Wen Xinya looking at the box solemnly, yeah ... Mom gave her life, gave her wealth, gave her knowledge, what a mother can do for her children, She can do everything for her children. She is the happiest child in the world.