MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1498 It was you who turned me into a devil

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There was a wolf in the room. The broken glass was covered with the ground, and there were still dried blood and dark red blood on the transparent glass.

Three days have passed since Xia Ruya saw her true appearance in the mirror.

The shock at that time completely destroyed Xia Ruya.

For three full days, Xia Ruya kept herself in the room, not eating or drinking, and not allowing anyone to enter. Even the occasional footsteps outside would make Xia Ruya afraid and even scream and cover herself. Face, hiding in the bathroom.

She was afraid to see her ghost.

Even more afraid to let others see her ghost look!

She crouched in the darkest corner of the room, clasped her knees tightly with her hands, and buried her face between her arms. This was a person in a state of extreme fear, uneasiness, fear, despair, Only then will the self-protection gesture made by the subconscious be resisted by everyone's approach, peeping from everyone, and even insecure to the whole world, rejecting the self-abandonment of the whole world.

Yes, self-aversion!

This self-denial made her anxious to ruin herself.

Therefore, whenever her eyes accidentally landed on the broken glass pane, a **** and crazy thought flashed in her mind. She picked up the sharp glass pane on the ground and shivered more than once. On his neck, imagine the sharp and sharp lenses, and when he stroked across the aorta of the neck, the blood spewed out at that instant, just how gorgeous the fragrance of blood was, how charming it was.

She had also used sharp and sharp lenses to cut through her wrists, imagining the arteries between the wrists, the moment when the blood was flowing, the glamorous beauty of blood flowing.

But she didn't dare ...

When the sharp and sharp lenses cut through the thin and tender skin between the wrists, and when the beautiful and beautiful blood beads came out of the wounded product, the kind of deep pain in the soul, and the shocking red, made her shudder. fear!

At that moment, she admitted that she was afraid of death.

Because she was afraid of death, she chose to linger.

She hated being weak and timid, so she learned to harm herself.

Xia Ruya's thin fingers, tremblingly held a piece of blood-dark, dark red lenses, and trembled his hand and suddenly swiped into the arm, on a piece of yellow skin, the beautiful and enchanting blood spewed out of the skin instantly, that She was so addicted to this bone marrow, but she was so happy.

Then, Xia Ruya slowly lowered her head, and rushed out the blood spurting from the wound.

When the sweet blood slipped into the cavity, the sweet and fragrant taste was intoxicating.

It wasn't until the blood in the wound was no longer flowing that she slowly lifted her face, the face set off by the extreme beauty and ugliness, and the pale and cracked lips were covered with a touch of bright and charming blood. Increasingly weird, blood horror.

"咚咚 咚咚-" The door was knocked by the doormen, and the sound of the finger joints knocking on the wooden door panels was dull and heavy, as if the sound of a magical sound penetrated the ears, striking Xia Ruya's autistic atrium, as if only With a single push, she could knock open her rotten, ugly, dirty and terrible atrium, revealing the truest innerness.

This feeling made her terrified, terrified and disturbed!

"Miss Xia, you haven't eaten for three days, and your body will not be able to eat this way." There was a young woman's voice outside the door, which was different from the cold and weird of that nurse, but full of tenderness and detail.

However, no matter how gentle and delicate the voice can't be comforted at this time, Xia Ruya's self-closed atrium at this time, all the sounds outside the atrium are a terrible existence for her.

"Roll ... you roll for me ..." Xia Ruya screamed exhaustedly, grabbed the glass at her hand, and smashed it fiercely against the door panel. The glass hit the heavy door panel. Instantly shattered, transparent fragments hit the ground and splashed around, and the ground was full of residue, so Xia Ruya's heart suddenly gave birth to a strange pleasure.

"Ms. Xia, you ..." The movement in the ward apparently shocked the people outside, and the other party even trembled with a voice of fear.

"Rolling ..." Xia Ruya's mood was very irritable, and her fierce voice exhausted her sharp madness with his hiss.

Eventually, the room was calm again.

This is a kind of calm that will make Xia Ruya feel a little sense of security.

However, Xia Ruya, who did not eat or drink for three days, was already quite weak at this time. After the irritability just before, she was suddenly weak in blood, dizzy, tinnitus, palpitation, and weak body. The whole person suddenly fell to the ground. , Powerless gasping.

Only for a moment, Xia Ruya's sweaty and cold sweat sticky to her vest, which made Xia Ruya's body cold, and her body couldn't help trembling.

"Hahahaha ..." Xia Ruya suddenly lay on the ground and smiled madly, the two extreme faces of beauty and ugliness, twisted into a weird and terrible cricket, like a terrible ghost, and like an abyss. Demon, ugly madness, let Xia Ruya have lost her mind.

"Warm and sweet, you are so cruel, you are so cruel ..." Xia Ruya screamed and screamed exhaustedly, with a sharp and screaming voice, with mad hatred, and her staring eyes flickered. The frenzy of blood.

At this time, Xia Ruya's hatred for Wen Xinya, because of the disfigurement of the car accident, became more and more distorted.

Xia Ruya suddenly got up from the ground, because she had not eaten for three days, and her body was very weak. Such a simple movement, she had already consumed her whole body strength.

Xia Ruya suddenly said, "Wen Xinya, you turned me into a real devil!"

After speaking, Xia Ruya put out her tongue and licked the blood between her lips gently. Such a blood-sucking action was done by her, which was even more horrifying than the Lingyi TV series.

Then Xia Ruya found her cell phone and called Mr. Z.

The phone was quickly picked up, and Mr. Z's voice was somber and weird: "Xia Ruya, do you think clearly?"

These days, Xia Ruya has locked herself in the room and closed her self-harm. He knows, but he has not stopped Xia Ruya. Although Xia Ruya is valuable to him, if she is disfigured by a car accident If the facts are unacceptable, you might as well discard them as soon as possible.

Of course, only Xia Rangruya is deeply trapped in this extremely insane and hateful emotion, and letting this emotion accumulate in her heart to keep her ferocious, poisonous and cruel. Can be better used by him.

Xia Ruya's voice was hoarse, with a cold cruelty: "I think about it, I will accept cosmetic surgery."