MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1609 Xia Ruya VS Chu Jingnan

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Xia Ruya didn't know that Warm and Ya had already guessed that she had returned to Beijing and launched a comprehensive investigation into her, which strengthened her vigilance.

In Xia Ruya's view, her return to China was arranged by Mr. Z. As long as she did not expose herself, no one else could detect it.

She returned to Beijing for five months, during which time she quietly hid in the dark to observe and watch Wen Xinya.

On the other hand, she has been collecting information on the Wenjia Entertainment City project, and intends to participate in the entire entertainment city project plan, using this project to deal with Wen Xinya.

It's just that the entertainment city project is too huge. Although the information given by Ning Shuqian is quite detailed, it is still only the tip of the iceberg of this plan. Because of the fear of revealing her identity, her investigations are carried out in the dark. In this way, contacts And channels are limited.

She is also very slow to grasp the information of the entertainment city project. During this period, there has been no breakthrough progress.

Therefore, she decided to focus on the acquisition battle between T-K Group and Lanxin Company first.

"What to drink?" Xia Ruya stepped into the bar slowly and elegantly.

"Wine is fine!" In front of the floor-to-ceiling window of Chu Jingnan Station, a black suit was hot and straight, elegant and noble cut, tightly attached to his slender figure, let him mix up and down, exuding a kind of M country The style of the elite on Wall Street.

Even the brilliant night scenes behind him can't take away the flamboyant style that belongs to him.

Xia Ruya's eyes flashed with appreciation, and he poured a glass of red wine for him: "Raphael in 1878 is the most beautiful work of Lafayette winery ever. It was once called the water of God."

She hasn't seen Chu Jingnan for a long time.

I still remember that when she first entered Lanfeng College, Chu Jingnan's outstanding performance and warmth as jade made her very admired and thrilled.

Especially when she knew that Chu Jingnan was interested in Wen Xinya, that kind of heartbeat became an imperative.

But then her [Yanzhao] and [Virgin-membrane] incidents broke out. In desperation, she had no choice but to leave school and left Yunchuan for Yunchuan. She slowly lost contact with Chu Jingnan.

After knowing that Wen Ya had no intention of Chu Jingnan, her thoughts about Chu Jingnan gradually faded.

After that, she heard that Chu Jingnan was born to the Xiao family, and it didn't take long for Chu Jingnan to go through the withdrawal procedure of Jingcheng University and left Beijing. Her whereabouts were unknown, and she never paid attention to this person again.

Chu Jingnan took the red wine, and his wrist was flexibly turned. The liquid in the glass was sloshing, and the wine was full of mellow aroma: "It is indeed worthy of being the world's top red wine, with rich and delicate taste and mellow fragrance."

Chu Jingnan looked at Xia Ruya while sipping red wine while leaving no trace.

When he was at Lanfeng Academy, Xia Ruya felt noble, elegant, pure, and kind, just like a white lotus with good temperament.

He laughed in his heart!

I didn't expect him to see people in Chu Jingnan, and sometimes he looked away.

Xia Ruya is indeed a white lotus, but it is a poisonous white lotus.

Xia Ruya adjusted a glass of **** Mary, a beautiful and strange liquid for herself, with a seductive temptation: "I haven't seen you for so many years, your change is so great!"

Fading away all the impetuousness and tenderness, it is a piece of jade that has been polished over the years, becoming more gentle and smooth.

Upon learning that Chu Jingnan was the senior investor who assisted T-K Group in the acquisition plan this time, Xia Ruya was more or less surprised. Chu Jingnan returned to Beijing this time, which can be regarded as the return of clothing and brocade!

On Wall Street in country M, how prominent a senior investor's net worth is, she knows it.

Chu Jingnan stared at the liquor in her hand for a long while and smiled, "You too!"

Looking at Xia Ruya's appearance alone, it seems that there is not much change from the original.

If you look closely, you can find some subtle differences. Her five pipes seem to be more refined and beautiful than before, as if they are carefully crafted, even better than the warmth and elegance, but he does n’t know why. This look is too false.

Xia Ruya gently turned the wine glass in her hand, seemingly casually asked: "The loss of initiative in the acquisition battle between TK Group and Lanxin Company caused Genesis Investment Company to be passive against Lanxin's acquisition plan In the deadlock, I heard that you have been studying Lanxin Company recently. You want to find out the weakness of this company and cooperate with the TK Group's product warfare. Lanxin Company was caught by surprise. Am I right? "

Before abroad, she has been watching this acquisition war.

After returning to Beijing, she has been collecting information on the acquisition war. For Chu Jingnan's actions, she can guess more or less.

The expression on Chu Jingnan's face gradually faded, a shrewd look of the business elite: "Ms. Xia specially invited me to meet today, I'm afraid not just for the sake of the old, but for another purpose!"

Obviously, Xia Ruya's purpose is the acquisition plan of T-K Group.

The acquisition of Genesis Investment Company was indeed deadlocked. T-K Group's financial support was limited, and their acquisition plan for Lanxin Company could not be implemented.

After the popular battle, the TK Group was still deeply in the midst of resisting the wave of acquisitions. In the highly anticipated product battle, Lan Xin took his nose away and ate a big slump. Putting pressure on Genesis Investment Company, he was a bit stumped during this time.

Xia Ruya also did not continue to play a mystery with him: "Lan Xin company encountered the crisis of the acquisition of TK Group, Zhishan Ya openly expressed its support for Lanxin company, but a small company that has not been listed can actually get Zhishan Ya's attention. You There is no doubt, what is wrong with this? "

She used to be a member of Zhishan Yahui. She was very aware of the set of articles of association of Zhishan Ya. So this time, Zhishan Ya openly supported Lanxin's resistance to foreign acquisitions, which made her very surprised.

She thought about it for only one reason!

Chu Jingnan's eyes glinted a little light, his face asked as usual: "Do you know why?"

When Zhishan Yahui organized a charity dinner together with Lanxin Company, he collected information about Zhishan Yahui. Instinctively, it was not that simple.

Xia Ruya smiled slightly, showing the elegance of a noble lady: "The information I understand is definitely more valuable than the information you collect. Why should you consider cooperating with me?"

After speaking, Xia Ruya picked up the **** Mary in her hand, the sweetness of the tomato neutralized the fierce taste, the nose was strong, the vodka stimulated by the fire, the sweet taste, like the fresh blood.

For this cooperation, Xia Ruya is quite confident. She is not worried that Chu Jingnan will not agree.

Because, Chu Jingnan will never allow his investors to have any failure in his career.