MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1753 Am I the one who can't afford to lose

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Since the listing of Lanxin Group's health care products, sales have continued to rise, and the stock has also shown an upward trend. At the same time, it has also driven the development of its skin care products and real estate, and the prospects are bright.

"Xu Er, why are you willing to call me?"

Wen Xinya leaned in the boss chair, because she received a call from Xu Chenyu, she put down all her smart and capable, and became relaxed and relaxed.

During this time, she was busy and Xu Chenyu was also busy. The two were not in contact.

"Yo, now you are the well-known general manager Wen, a busy man. I'll call you if you are okay." Xu Chenyu looked at the cars coming and going on the street, and there was still the cafe behind him.

Don't know what happened, he developed an urge to call her.

"When did you learn to infiltrate me! Even when I was busy, when did I not answer your call?" Wen Xinya said dissatisfied, but with a smile on his face.

Xu Chenyu did not continue to quarrel with her: "Have you been working well recently? You are not only acting as the acting chairman of the Wen's Group, but you should also take care of the Lanxin Group. Can you afford it?"

After the Lanxin Group went public, it continued to move. How much is behind her sales myth?

At first, Wen's Group was badly hurt. She hasn't recovered yet. She takes control of the board of directors and balances the shareholders' meeting. She is definitely not at ease.

"Fortunately, there is Secretary Cao in the Wen Group and my grandfather is in the town. The overall situation is stable, but I don't need to worry about it. Although Lanxin Group has just been listed shortly, the company's management and operation have been on track, and it has been easier recently Come down. "

Soon after the company Lanxin was founded, Si Yizheng taught her the essence of employment of the lower laborer, the middle laborer and the upper laborer.

As a person in power, the most important thing to learn is decentralization! Hold power in your own hands, work hard, and work hard.

Knowing people well and doing their best is the means for those in power.

Therefore, except for some decision-making matters, almost all the work in the group was given to Yan Shaoqing and Zheng Yifan, and the two of them, one with insights and insights, one with insight and analysis, and one with management decisions The ability is all on one's own, so she is very relieved.

"That's good, work is important, but also pay more attention to the body." Xu Chenyu concerned.

It can be more laborious, and it is vividly reflected on the Wen Xinya body.

Every time he thought about how she worked hard to this day, he couldn't help but feel a distress.

Regretfully, on the most bumpy road in her life, he could never stay with her, not even helping her.

Hang up and sigh slightly.

Xu Chenyu's officials go to the colonel, and the future is immense. It is no secret that the Xu family arranged a blind date for Xu Chenyu in the high society.

She had also paid attention before, but Xu Chenyu seemed to have no intention of starting a family. Later, she never paid attention.

She only hoped that in this life, Xu Chenyu could get rid of his uncle's fate and also get his own happiness.


After leaving the Lanxin Group, the Wen Xinya came to Mo's house, and had a talk with his grandfather in the study.

Father Mo fixedly looked at her: "Do you really decide to do this?"

With a blink of an eye, Xinya had returned to Wen's family for ten years.

Until today, he truly let go of his granddaughter's worry and was really proud of her.

Wen Xinya nodded: "I have already thought about it. This arrangement will not only complete the reputation of the Wen family, so that the Wen family will not be dumb because of Jin Yu's illegitimate son, but also give Jin Yu a good future."

Grandpa promised to hold a full moon banquet for Jin Yu, mainly in her face, she naturally made plans.

Mr. Mo's face was light, and he said lightly: "Since you already have a decision in your heart, you don't need to consult with me about this kind of thing. This is a matter of your Wen family, and I won't intervene."

When Yunyao died, he did not intervene in Yue Dingdai to intervene in Wen family affairs, and it is even more impossible now.

Grandpa's attitude, Wen Xinya is not unexpected: "I just want to hear what you mean."

Grandpa's temperament is the most indifferent. There is a hillock in everything, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about it. This is the gentleman's strength.

Mr. Mo sighed slightly: "You act with integrity and are flexible and human, what else can I say? You can let go of Wen Jinyu's prejudice and sincerely, let go of your obsession with the Wen family. Seeing sex, this is what the grandfather is most happy to say. "

At this point, he is worthy of Yun Yao under his nine springs.

The Wen Xinya heart settled and turned to the topic: "Grandpa, I was busy with the listing of Lanxin Group during this time. I haven't had time to accompany you well. I'm better to play a few games with you today."

Grandpa's health is good in recent years, but in the end she is old, and she hopes to spend more time with him, Cheng Huan.

Therefore, she intends to move into Mo's house for a few days.

Anyway, what she has done is almost over. The Paris Fashion International Jewellery Design Competition in France will start in less than a year. She also needs to take the opportunity to study jewelry design.

Father Mo tilted her a glance: "As long as you lose, don't ask Si Jiu to come and find a place."

When Xinya was too busy to start business, Si Jiu occasionally came to sit with him, drink tea, play chess, Si Jiu lost more and won less, and gradually he figured it out, but when Si Jiu won him, Thai half They are looking for grandchildren.

Wen Xinya can't help but yell, "Where can I be? I can't afford to lose?"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

Father Mo put the tea cup in his hand on the coffee table and gave her a slight glance.

"Hehe-Si Yixun's chess skills are taught by you. He occasionally wins you, and he is also merciless." After that, Wen Xinya, he quickly picked up the tea in front of him to drink.

The tea is slightly cold, with a hint of bitterness in the mouth.

She didn't mean it, but she lost too much in the hands of her grandfather, and occasionally complained in front of Si Yizhen.

There was a smile in Father Mo's eyes: "Okay, don't make me fart. I really get fooled when I get old!"

A chess skill has clearly surpassed him, and he always tries his best to lose to him.

A chess player is not as good as others, but he always likes to play chess with him, and loses and is not convinced.

Wen Xinya said quickly: "How can you, grandpa, you are healthy, old and strong, not old at all, how dare we fool you."

Grandpa's chess skills are already superb, and Si Yizheng is probably between Bo Zhong, Si Yizheng is not so easy to win grandpa.

Father Mo looked at the coquettish granddaughter beside him, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Over the years, she has lived up to her teaching.