MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1826 Preside over shareholders meeting

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The case is open to the media and the business and industry investigation team is invited to Wen's for evidence!

When everyone suspected of Wen's money laundering, Warm and Ya made a preemptive attack, and it was a deterrent to the media.

The courage and courage of this move is not only inferior to that of Father Wen, but even better than blue. She personally cut off all the retreats of Wen ’s and exposed the entire Wen ’s presence to the media and the public. For the purpose of demonstrating the innocence of the Wen Group.

Her behavior was too shocking.

If there is a violation of the law by the Wen's Group, this move will undoubtedly push Wen's out of hell, so that Wen's will never stand up.

I really don't know, everyone should say that she is ignorant or confident.

However, it is undeniable that a series of Wen Xinya behaviors, holding on to Mr. Wen, are not afraid of things, and face the difficulties. The decisive and decisive style makes the reporters present admirable.

Reporters are crazy.

"Miss Wen, don't you think your move is too reckless?"

"The cruelest and most terrible thing in the world is nothing more than distorting a guts. The credibility and reputation of the Wen Group for more than half a century. It is not to be tarnished and discredited. It is worth paying for all this. Do n’t think you are acting recklessly. "

"Have you ever wondered where the move will be for Wen?"

"I think Wen's situation will never be worse than it is now. I believe Wen's can withstand the police and business investigations, and withstand the eyes of the masses, so he has no fear."

After half an hour of interviews, the reporters were still interested, but they were helpless.

In the eyes of reporters who often deal with Wen Xinya, Wen Xinya is a legendary woman, she will always do something unexpected, but take for granted.

For example, this time money laundering ...


The employees of the Wen's Group, looking at the folder with a magnificent body, Miss Wen, who had a strong aura, entered the Wen's Group, and the heels on the ground made a "chuckling" sound, as if stepping on everyone's heart.

Strangely, everyone panicked and calmed down.

One minute before the start of the meeting, all the directors and shareholders participating in the meeting have arrived. The meeting room was noisy and there was a lot of discussion about the money laundering incident.


The door of the conference room was pushed open, entered the conference room warmly and slowly, and took the chair as a matter of course. After a brief quiet in the conference room, it boiled again.

The shareholders meeting ignored the presence of warmth and elegance.

Despised the majestic warmth.

Wen Xinya lightly buckled the desktop, dull sound, full of rhythm, echoed in the noisy conference room, almost hit everyone's heart, and gradually quieted down in the meeting.

Warmly and slowly: "The chairman gave me the management and operation of the Wen's Group, and gave me the full power of the agency. Before the chairman returned to Wen, I acted as the chairman of all the chairman's functions. Do you have any opinions?"

The cold majestic voice sounded, without any trace of emotional ups and downs.

She just sat there quietly, deterring the audience, and for a while she shocked everyone present.

For a while, the shareholders reacted, thinking that they were actually deterred by the momentum of a little yellow-haired girl. At the same time, they couldn't help but sigh that she was indeed the granddaughter of Grandpa Wen.

This seemingly natural momentum is on par with that of Mr. Wen.

"Wen family is the majority shareholder of Wen's family, and Mr. Wen will give you the agency of the company to you. We have no opinion, but how can you explain to everyone what happened to Wen's alleged money laundering?"

"What's the matter about the media's involvement in Wen's money laundering investigation and the investigation and obtaining of evidence by the business and industry's presence in Wen's? Why didn't we know anything beforehand?"

"So important, why didn't you discuss it with the board of directors? Although the old man gave you the agency power of the group, you can't ignore the interests of the group and act nonsense."

"Do you know what terrible consequences your move will have for Wen Group?"

"If you don't give us a satisfactory account today, we will divest."

Shareholders have expressed their dissatisfaction with Wen, indignant accusations, aggressive questioning, and the tide is generally drowned.

After a long while, Wen Xinya everyone's emotions gradually calmed down, and then he said, "Everyone finished?"

Shareholders below, look at me, I look at you. Although they recognize the Wen Xinya ability, they are extremely dissatisfied with this arrogant attitude of Wen Xinya.

Wen Xinya voice: "You are finished, and then it is my turn to say, dare to ask all shareholders present, did Wen Haowen propose the entertainment city project at the beginning, did the chairman and me fully stop it?"

The entertainment city project was strongly supported by the shareholders 'meeting. At that time, Wen Haowen held 15% of the group's shares, and the shareholders' meeting held 40% and 55% of the shares, which was more than enough for Grandpa and her. .

She proposed that the original thing was to provoke teachers to blame, but to suppress the arrogance of shareholders.

"What do you mean? Does the Wen family want to shirk responsibility?"

"Are you asking the teacher for sin?"

"At the time, we had a responsibility, but when money laundering happened, it was Wen's weak supervision ..."

The stern questioning, although aggressive, but weak in the end, Wen Xinya at the time to turn the tide, the intention to stop the project of the entertainment city is still vivid.

Wen Xinya did not bother, the shareholders questioned and said lightly: "This is the end of the matter, and the top priority is to lift the crisis of the Wen Group. What is the most important thing for a company? Reputation is credibility, credibility, When the heart is there, Wen can stand. "

"Wen's suspected of money laundering has encountered the biggest credibility crisis since the founding. If he can't show his innocence in the first place, even after the incident, the water comes out, and Wen's elution is suspected. 'S. "

"The project of the entertainment city is to set up a separate branch with independent accounts. It is not deeply related to Wen's, so I dare to do this. The old saying of Z state is" Seeing is believing, hearing is false. " Believe what they see, then let them see it clearly. "

The Wen Xinya reason is very convincing.

However, it's about everyone's interests. Even if it makes sense, everyone will pick out bones from the eggs.

However, from the beginning to the end, Wen Xinya to deal with calmly, although can not subdue the shareholders' meeting, but also comforted the shareholders.