MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1841 You ... you tease me on purpose!

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Si Yizhen's words, like artillery battles, exploded in the Wen Xinya mind.

Thinking of the anger and anxiety of his own face, his cheeks were red with warmth and elegance, his chest was undulating and he glared at his eyes, but no fire broke out.

Si Yizhen was so bad.

It's just terrible.

It was only after a Wen Xinya response that she could not help but widen her eyes and looked at Si Yizhen angrily: "You ... you deliberately tease me!"

And she was really fooled.

Think of Wen Xinya, I feel a little helpless.

Si Yizhang arranged her clothes for her: "You know about the special license plate number. You really can't blame me for this."

He hurriedly made a statement to clarify for himself, otherwise it really annoyed the little tigress, and his [sex] blessing will be worrying in the future.

Wen Xinya opened her mouth, a little annoyed: "I ... I forgot it for a while."

She couldn't help but want to knock on her own brain. Why was she with Si Yizhen? Many times, she felt that her IQ was in a hurry online, and the balance was insufficient?

Obviously, even without the privilege, Si Yizheng could not really let the police check his car.

As a matter of fact, in the end he is also a man with a face and face in Beijing, how can it be impossible to let those small police officers lose face.

Then, she glared at him rightly: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't forget it as soon as I was nervous. I would blame you."

Because it was Si Yizhen who was trying to tease her, she was fooled.

Si Yizhen kissed softly, and her lips were slightly red and swollen. "Well, blame me."

The Wen Xinya anger suddenly seemed to be poured into a puddle of cold water by the head, and suddenly suffocated. Although there was some indignation in my heart, it was impossible to get angry.

She thought that she was really planted in Si Yizhen's hands.

Si Yiming's fingertips gently passed her gorgeous red cheeks, and her voice was low and dumb, "Let's go home!"

His lacquered eyes were turbulent and faint.

Breathing Wen Xinya, as if the whole heart, was occupied by his eyes, was held by a big invisible hand, and could not escape.

We go home-

Obviously unusual words.

The implied ambiguity and turbulence are only known to each other.


During this time, she and Si Yizhen were both busy.

Those sentiments are flooding and lingering, and they are all converged.

For Warm Yana, she was tender and sweet last night, sweet and intoxicating.

However, to Si Yizheng, it is like a deep pond. On the surface, it is not shocked and unbearable, but hidden under the calm surface, it is a tide that is about to erupt.

"Uh-" The office door was knocked suddenly.

Cozy and elegant converged in an instant, regarding the last night's love-flooding process, he patted himself with some hot cheeks and yelled, "Come in!"

Xue Yishan and Cao Zixing entered the office with the materials.

Outside the door, Sun Yichen looked at them, walked into the Wen Xinya office, took the door with him, and turned away the vice president, his heart filled with indignation.

This picture is not twice at a time.

Every time, Huan Ya talked with Cao Xingzi and Xue Yishan and never let him be present.

Nuan Ya didn't trust her at all.

Then don't blame him and betray Wen's!

Man is not for himself, and is destroyed by nature.

Sun Yichen's thoughts were blocked outside the door, and it was impossible to know Wen Xinya. At this time, looking at the dignified faces of Cao Zixing and Xue Yishan, she knew that something had happened.

"Miss, the batch of clothing with quality problems in the warehouse that should be disposed of was found to be sold in a few remote small cities. This is the details of my investigation."

Cao Zixing's face was ugly.

After the young lady inspected the warehouse that day, she ordered the batch of clothing with quality problems on the spot. Because she was worried that the batch of clothing would flow to the market, the young lady asked him to keep an eye on this matter. Sure enough, the most worrying thing, It still happened.

The Wen Xinya complexion completely cooled down, and hurriedly looked at the information Cao Zixing gave her.

Xue Yishan said: "Fortunately, we found out earlier that these batches of clothing were only available for about three days and the sales did not open. We have determined the few cities. At present, I have sent someone to go in person to make things smaller. solve quickly."

Wen goes the route of luxury brands.

If a large number of clothing with quality problems are quietly sold at low prices in small cities, if the media knows, the first thing to be hit is the brand image of Wen's, and the credibility of Wen's Group next.

For Wen today, this is like a devastating crisis.

Wen Xinya look: "It's too late. It is estimated that the media will report tomorrow. For the benefit, Wen's will harm consumers, and put the clothing with quality problems on the market. This is the trap set by Lee's group for Wen's. conspiracy."

Xia Ruya was indeed pervasive.

With this batch of problematic clothing, Wen's credibility and brand image are further cracked down.

For a large company, the most important thing is credibility and brand quality, which are the most critical factors for consumers to choose you.

Cao Zixing clenched his hands into fists: "Ming Ming's internal gangsters have been cleared, why are they still ..."

After all, under the rectification of the young lady, the Wen's Group saved its strength, but now it has failed, and his heart was filled with anxiety and anger.

The Li Group is simply insidious and despicable, and actually uses this kind of bad business competition method.

Xue Yizi was silent for a while and said, "I don't think this incident was committed by a traitor, but a high-level member of the Wen's Group. Someone rebelled."

He did not believe that the Li Group could insert people into Wen ’s internal core. However, the clothing that was to be disposed of could be hidden from the sky and sold in remote cities. It had been shown that this person was inside the Wen Group. Networking is no small business.

As a result, there is only internal high-level mutiny, this kind of explanation.

The internal high-level members are the core members of the Wen's Group. If there is any rebellion, this will be a huge blow to the Wen's Group.

Xue Yishan's words coincided with the Wen Xinya idea: "Grandpa's principle of action is extremely strong, and through the Wen's crisis, the Wen's group was rectified and cleaned, probably touching the interests of some people. . "

"This person is lurking in the inner core of the Wen's Group. The picture must be not small. Vice President Xue will leave it to you to investigate. Remember not to make a fool of the snake. I will see what tricks they have.

The Wen Xinya complexion was fierce, with a cold spirit.

She hated betrayal the most in her life.

No betrayal can be forgiven.

Any betrayer must pay a painful price for his choice.