MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1884 Let Xu Chenyu participate in Plan S

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The Wen Xinya mood is not so wonderful.

Although she had made a mistake, she had already apologized to Si Yizhen, and even planned to quit his job to please him. He not only said nothing, but did n’t even give her any response, which made her the first time in Si Yizhen. I tasted frustrated.

She bit her lip and complained that Si Yi was still in her heart. She had calmed down her emotions and had a tendency to be irritable. She frowned slightly and pressed her inner irritability.

"Actually, I came to see you today because of the money laundering case in the entertainment city. The police will close the case soon. The investigation will also be transferred from the bright place to the dark place and accepted by the military. The person in charge of this case is exactly Xu Chenyu. "

Wen Xinya told Si Yizhen what Xu Chenyu and her said before.

This time she was beating Ma Fengwo. Although Si Yizhen did not make it clear that she was angry, Gao Leng's attitude had already shown that he was not so easy to forgive her.

Although Wen Xinya, the mood for the H-Z League of Nations cannot be neglected.

Sure enough, Si Yizhen's complexion gradually became calmer: "Plan S has been comprehensively completed. As long as you disintegrate the Li Group and the Xiao family controls the entire Xiao family, we can completely disintegrate the operation of the HZ League of Nations in the Z country. , They will be uprooted, but if the military intervenes, it will become more complicated, and if we are not careful, we will be scared. "

The ghost snake is related to the HZ International Alliance organization. This was something he had guessed long ago, but the situation in Eastern Europe is complicated. The power of Lucifer over there is doomed to not involve this matter too deeply, otherwise Lucifer will bring The most devastating blow is to change the world.

Helping Xu Chenyu complete his task is already his limit.

He guessed that Xu Chenyu would suspect the ghost snake, probably to start with the munition group he shattered. In fact, the munition group was just a cover. The real munitions resources were actually in the hands of the ghost snake.

I believe that according to Xu Chenyu's cleverness, at that time he should be consciously aware of the problem, so he was invited to participate in the apostle mission. On the one hand, he participated in the mission, while on the other hand, he secretly investigated the ghost snakes, doing secretly, even he concealed it.

Plan S has everything in place, but it owes only Dongfeng.

At this moment, the military ministry stepped in, which was not good for them.

The Wen Xinya face was a little dignified: "What should we do now?"

In fact, in addition to worrying about the extracurricular problems of Plan S, she was more worried about Xu Chenyu. As she learned more about the H-Z League of Nations organization, the more she learned about this organization.

Xu Chenyu couldn't fight this organization at all.

Si also said lightly: "The only way to do this now is to allow Xu Chenyu to participate in Plan S and temporarily stabilize him first."

He knew the Wen Xinya concerns well.

Now that the situation has reached this point, it is better to cooperate with the Ministry of Military Affairs. In this way, you can also control the unknown factor of the Ministry of Military Affairs in your own hands, so as not to cause extra branches due to the intervention of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Wen Xinya nodded: "I will first sort out the relevant information of the H-Z League of Nations organization and give it to Xu Chenyu."

Since Xu Chenyu was involved in Plan S, I can only tell him about the organization of the H-Z League of Nations.

"Well, for specific cooperation details, I will find an opportunity to talk to him in person."

Because of a previous cooperation in the east, although some unpleasant things happened in the middle, in general, he still admired Xu Chenyu very much, he was quite talented, and cooperated with him again. Not exclusive.


In the end, Wen Ya still couldn't get Si Yizhen's forgiveness and left Jiayuan Club with great frustration.

Si Yizhen always looked faint.

He couldn't help thinking that before he heard Warm and Ya said in a rage that he wanted to break up and break the marriage contract, his pale face suddenly sank again. He clearly remembered that moment when he was rationally detached from his mind and was panic when he was controlled by anger .

This is the first time that Si Yixun tasted it, losing his sense of reason!

At that moment, what he thought in his mind was to destroy her and break her wings so that she could only depend on him for life or imprison her completely so that she could never be picked out.

This strange, yet terrifying emotion drove his proud control and made him almost become an angry slave. For the first time, he clearly realized that his Wen Xinya feelings had reached A degree of writhing morbidity.

While he was preparing for action, the grievance and fragility in her eyes touched his heart.

"Why--" There was a knock on the door.

Si Yizhang was like a devil. The thinking of Zhang Yahu's claws instantly collapsed into the bottom of his heart. He closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the obscure emotions in his eyes had all converged, leaving only a coldness. .

"Come in!" He ordered lightly.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Amphya slowly entered the office with nervousness, excitement, excitement, ecstasy, and shyness: "BOSS, I'm Amphiya, and I will be your secretary. Work, assist you in your work, and ask for your advice. "

At this point, Amphiya was happy.

She has loved Jiu Shao for many years. When Jiu Shao was in Italy, she was too young and did not dare to be too brazen because of her young age. She only appeared in front of him every time through her father's relationship.

After graduating, she entered the division.

She wants to use his ability to get his approval.

Because, she believes that only truly outstanding women can truly match the perfect nines in her mind.

Just when she was distressed about how to approach Jiu Shao, her excellence and excellence were appreciated by Shao Xi, so she came to the capital of Country Z and served as the secretary of Jiu Shao.

The excitement and joy in her heart were beyond description.

She arrived in Beijing at 2 am last night. She came to work early in the morning today. She had been imagining all day long, and she will get along with Jiu Shao for work and love.

Si also turned slowly, his face was pale, without any emotional ups and downs, and his facial contours were particularly deep and cool: "I don't want a secretary."

Bingyu words, chill into the bone.

When Afia trembled, her whole body was covered with fear, and she stunned and said, "Nine young ... for ... why, Xi young him ..."

Some of her words were incoherent, and some couldn't believe it. She came with enthusiasm, but ended up bleak and hopeless.

"Go out!"

Relentless evictions cannot be rejected and resisted.

Amphya's body was emaciated, and even if she was unwilling, she could only become a sense of powerlessness, because the nine young people at this time made her unable to rebel against any resistance.


Whoosh, Xiao Si is about to keep his word, and it won't end at the end of the month. . Recently, small friends have added Q private chat, expressing that they want to see some interesting plots at the end. . . Taking into account the mood of the little friends, the end time will be delayed, but it will not take too long, I hope everyone can understand.

In addition, the new text has been finalized. Xiaosi wants to enter the mode of depositing and publishing new texts. I hope that the new texts will be presented at the end of the book.

Moreover, the publication of this book has been confirmed. The publication manuscript will be submitted on July 20. Because the publication requires a large amount of revisions, Xiaosi is really busy and very hard. I hope everyone will not urge more, nor do you want to end, because Xiaosi I am also anxious in my heart, I want to finish soon, concentrate on writing, and concentrate on revising the published manuscript.