MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1914 We will return home right away

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On the side of Country E, because Wei Che was still fleeing, Si Yizheng's originally set time for returning to his country was repeatedly delayed, so that even if calm and indifferent, he could not help but be anxious.

What worries him most is Wen Xinya.

He hasn't been able to contact Wenya for several days. She called her mobile phone to shut down, and she didn't reply when she sent a message. For the first time in her life, Si Yizhen tasted it and asked for the bitter taste.

Fortunately, there was a Wen Xinya news every day at Gu Yuehan, which made him feel relieved.

"Hello, the call you dialed has been turned off. Please dial again later." The cold shutdown tone sounded Si Yi's pale face, completely gloomy.

Even now, even if he is slow, he should be aware of some problems.

Wen Xinya is not the kind of unreasonable temperament, although occasionally a little spoiled, small temperament, but it is harmless, but makes each other's feelings more harmonious.

He didn't say goodbye, and might make her feel upset, but it was impossible to achieve this.

Si Yizhen always felt a little restless.

"Boss, the army of dogs and Japanese people dare to overshadow us in the back. If it weren't for the grandchildren, we would have already held Wei Che." Xu Xianghu rushed into the living room. It seems that he is even more forgiving.

Si Yizhen put his phone away and looked at Gu Yuexi and asked, "What happened?"

Although Wei Che escaped again and again from Lucifer's hands, but he still did not escape from Lucifer's tracking. Wei Che was seriously injured, and Lucifer was trivially determined to be unable to continue to escape.

Gu Yuexi's face was also not very good: "Wei Che mixed into a ZE travel bus, Xu Xianghu and Yue Ze took their brothers to catch people in person. We had already caught Wei Che, who knows that the military side They joined in and asked us to hand over Wei Che to the military. The two sides resigned, and did not budge. Just as we were dealing with the military, Wei Che hurt our brother and took a hostage and fled. "

The military wants Wei Che, it is nothing more than an invitation.

As a matter of fact, Wei Che, as a big leader of the H-Z League of Nations, would be greatly rewarded if he could hold Wei Che, and the military department would be rewarded, and even further would not be impossible.

However, now that the hostage of Wei Che is fleeing, the military side is not stealing chickens.

Si Yizhen looked pale: "How many people were injured, how was the injury?"

"Four people were injured, Wei Che was trying to escape, so the brothers were not seriously injured, and they were already undergoing treatment." It was a misfortune that did not cause death. For them, the most important thing was the brothers. life.

"On Country E, no one has dared to be right with me and sent someone to beat Lance. I hurt four brothers and asked him not to overdo one finger."

A Lucifer is not a big deal in country E, but Lucifer's high society in country E means indefensible authority.

This time, the military was acting too far and had already stepped on his bottom line, and Si Yizhen was completely outraged.

Not only did he want Lance to have a finger, he also wanted Lance to have no further possibilities in his life.

Gu Yuexi should come down.

At this time, Yue Ze said: "Boss, we have failed in Wei Che's whereabouts, and this escape from Wei Che is tantamount to returning to the tiger. What should we do now?"

Wei Che is not only a big boss of the H-Z League of Nations, but also the enemy of Lucifer's life and death. They can't let go.

Si also said quietly: "That may not be the case." Then he spread out the map, the red pen, and kept marking it on the map: "Look, Wei Che's escape seems to be chaotic and purposeless, like It's in the warehouse, just thinking about escape. "

"But these three places are all remote towns. They are the marginal areas of Lucifer's influence. These Lucifer's influence penetration is very limited. At the same time, these four places have a common purpose."

He clicked a point on the map.

A few people's faces changed dramatically.

On the border of country E, there are some people who specialize in illegally leaving the country. Wei Che's purpose should be to connect with those people and then sneak out to escape country E.

The scar on Xu Xianghu's face was horrifying: "Boss, I will immediately take someone there to intercept it. If Wei Che escaped from country E, would it not be so high and the sky wide, it would be impossible to arrest him again."

"Don't worry, Wei Che is already in the midst of lingering, ready for us to return to country Z right away."

It's been so long since I came to country E, it's time to go back.

Gu Yuexi nodded, no objection.

Yuzawa and Xu Xianghu were both confused and confused about the situation.

Oze couldn't help asking: "Boss, why do you think Wei Che's purpose is Country Z?" Didn't you really want to return to Country Z because you missed Xiaozi?

But then he dare not ask.

The boss has been abnormal for the past two days. Even without Xu Xianghu's wild instinct, he can guess that the boss is trapped in love.

Si Yixi replied lightly: "I remember you told me just now that you found Wei Che on a ZE coach, obviously his destination was Country Z in the beginning."

"However, his purpose has been completely exposed. He is not going to be stupid. He will go to Country Z!" Xu Xianghu couldn't help but question, his face was full of anger.

He was almost played by Wei Che.

"There is such a person in the world who likes to go the other way, and Wei Che happens to be this kind of person, in fact it is empty, and it is empty, in order to fool people."

At first, he fled from Guy Accord, and no one expected that he would throw himself in the net, but he did.

Nowadays, Wei Che will definitely do the trick.

During this time, he and Wei Che fled after you, Wei Che could not escape his Wuzhishan, and he did not get Wei Che, and Wei Che could surely guess that his whereabouts were not only trivial Even behavior has been thoroughly analyzed.

Therefore, he deliberately released this smoke bomb, exposing his purpose in front of everyone, intending to hide his eyes and eyes, but he did not eat this set.

Yoshizawa and Xu Xianghu looked at each other suddenly. He suddenly felt that the IQ balance was insufficient, and rushed online.

Gu Yuexi said with a smile: "But there are people in the world who don't follow the cards. They happen to be his nemesis. Wei Che thinks that Lucifer's forces have not penetrated into the country Z. As long as Escape to Country Z, you can successfully escape from Lucifer's pursuit, but I do not know that Lucifer runs the Jiayuan Club in the capital of Country Z. "

Ren Weiche changed God through man seventy-two times.

Can't escape the Wuzhi Mountain that Rex has a clear view of the earth.

Si Yizheng was undecided. At the moment when he decided to return to China, the anxiety of the past few days was completely relieved, but there was some agitation that he couldn't hold back his heart.

On the contrary, Wei Che became the second.