MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 29 Ouyang Feng

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In his sharp eyes, she could still keep calm, Ouyang Feng found herself underestimated the young girl: "Little girl, I see you are very valuable in clothes, this is not where you should come, hurry up!"

The Wen Xinya look at Ouyang Feng's evasive eyes seemed to be true and false: "Ouyang Feng, do you believe me came for you?"

Ouyang Feng's eyes shot a sharp light suddenly: "Come for me, why?"

Couldn't believe Ouyang Feng, because she just called his name and guessed his identity. Where is this coincidence in the world? But the girl in front of him was too immature to let him believe it.

Wen Xinya said: "Because you are a financial genius."

"You want me to do something for you?" Ouyang Feng's eyes narrowed little by little, and she looked carefully at the girl in front of her. She looked at him quietly, with sincerity in her eyes, and a quiet breath on her body. It seems that it is different from ordinary rich people.

"I do have such an idea, just looking at your personal wishes." Wen Ya made a gesture that was not strong.

Ouyang Feng was a little hesitant. He didn't need to place his bet on a young girl, but he is currently carrying a huge amount of usury. If he can't pay it back as soon as possible, he will make a profit and develop into a huge number.

Seeing his hesitation, Warm and Ya smiled slowly and tempted, "If you promise to do things for me, I can pay you all the debts for you, I wonder what happens to you?"

If it was Wen Xinya, he instantly cut into his weakness, but let him work for a young girl, which made him difficult to accept for a while. Ouyang Feng looked at her immature face and mocked: "How old are you, Fifteen, or sixteen? "

Warm and natural naturally heard what he meant, slowly stood up and looked down at him and said, "You listen to Ouyang Feng, I am fifteen years old."

The girl ’s beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised, but with an astonishing sharpness. When she looked down at him, Ou Yangfeng saw a mature and rational soul from her eyes. Ouyang Feng vaguely understood that the girl in front of her could not use her age. To measure.

Wen Ya has already seen his softening, so he added a fire: "Ouyang Feng, rest assured, I just fancy your ability in investment, and will not let you do some wrongdoing for me."

Ouyang Feng did have such anxiety in her heart. At this moment, when she heard her say this, he could not find the reason for the rejection. He took a deep breath and said, "Little girl, do you know that I have been in jail and just came out? Jail, now on parole. "

The Wen Xinya eyes seem to have revealed the coldness of the bones after experiencing the storms and vicissitudes of the world: "So what?"

Ouyang's wind moved. After he was released from prison, she was the first person to hear that he hadn't looked at him in a different way after hearing that he was in jail: "You don't care if I have the case? I'm not afraid I will cause you trouble, even Betrayed you? "

Warm and indifferent: "What I see is your ability. Since I see you, then you naturally receive everything, including your so-called trouble. Regarding betrayal, I can only say whether I can control it. It's yours, that's my problem, not yours. "

Ouyang Feng looked at the young girl in shock. Her expression seemed to be full of nobility and confidence, and she looked up at all the momentum. She was only fifteen years old, but she showed wisdom and courage when communicating with him. However, the opinion is more like an adult. Such a person is destined to be extraordinary in life, and he has no reason to refuse.

"Okay, I promise you!"

But five words, like a declaration, with firmness.

"Hello, Ouyang Feng, my name is Wen Xinya!" Wen Xinya looking at Ouyang Feng, his face was blue and purple, and he could not see his expression at this time, but his tone was decisive and did not drag the water. She gives respect.

"Hello!" Ouyang Feng shook out his hand. He had already guessed her identity vaguely. The surname of Wen was relatively rare. The surname of Beijing may be a lot, but only one is known.

And Wen Xinya ... He has faintly read in the news, it seems that the young lady who has been in the family for fifteen years is the only heir to the family. At this moment, he is suddenly glad that he has overpowered Bao.

From the look of his own eyes, Warm and Ya knew that he had guessed her identity. Warm and Ya reached out to Ouyang Feng: "I hope we have a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Ouyang Feng held the slender and beautiful hands.

This kind of seriousness made him feel respected and valued, and this feeling made the hesitation deep inside him disappear.

Wen Ya asked: "How much do you owe the underground bank?"

At present, the only funds available to her are Wen Haowen's living expenses. If it exceeds this range, she decides to borrow money from the public, and in any case also wants to attract Ouyang Feng to her side.

"Before, I only borrowed 50,000 from the underground bank, but the profit was profitable, and now the debt has reached 300,000." 300,000 may not be worth mentioning to Miss Wen, but to him It was a matter of life and death, so he was still a little nervous, afraid that the girl would suddenly regret it.

Warm and sighing, who knows, the **** of investment ten years later, worth hundreds of millions of units, was so disappointed because of the 300,000 usury: "You can rest assured, I will solve your debts."

"Thank you!" Ouyang Feng thanked.

"Don't thank me, we are partners." Wen Xinya smiled at Ouyang Feng, and with Ouyang Feng's ability, she did not want to position him as a subordinate.

"Partner ..." Ouyang Feng stared at her immature face for a while. Was the partner not a subordinate or a tool that she bought?

Wen Ya felt the strangeness of him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"No ... nothing! Thank you!" Ouyang Feng felt warm.

Wen Xinya bowed her head slightly, bending her waist and raising him, "I'm afraid the injury on your body is not minor. I'll take you to the hospital first, and we'll talk more about it after your injury is healed."

Ouyang Feng's heart gave birth to a sense of warmth for no reason: "I can walk by myself."

Many years later, when Ouyang Feng was famous all over the world, he recalled the day when he encountered a Wen Xinya situation and said, "At that time, I was just released from prison. Because I had a case, I could not find a serious job. The underground bank borrowed usury stocks, but lost a lot of money, and was forced into debt every day. At this time, she came to me like an angel and gave me respect that I had never received for a long time. Such respect illuminated my life. For a moment I even felt that for this respect, I could go on fire for her. "