MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 729 Behind the scenes

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Ning Yuya couldn't hear it, and scrambled to grab her bag ...

Ning Shuqian looked at her like this, no matter how much scolding was useless, she suddenly held Ning Yuya tightly in her arms: "Yuya, it's mother who is wrong, mother shouldn't let you go abroad at first, you Rest assured ... Mom will help you, shall we quit the drug? "

Ning Yuya was struggling, snotty, and drooling out, her body twitching: "Bag ... give me! I want ... I beg you ..."

How could Ning Shuqian give her, but just hugged her tightly and calmed her and said, "Yuya, you can bear it, it will pass immediately. As long as you can bear it, you will never have to be tortured by drugs again. "If you listen to your mother, your mother will not harm you. Your mother will always be with you ..."

Ning Yuya was struggling fiercely, constantly scratching, and slap Ning Shuqian ...

Ning Shuqian kept crying: "Yuya, don't do this, listen to mom, mom will help you ..."

Ning Yuya was completely crazy, grabbing Ning Yuya's arm and biting it hard.

Ning Shuqian suffered from pain for a while and released Ning Yuya.

Ning Yuya went madly toward the bag.

Ning Shuqian suddenly rushed forward and held the bag in her hand: "Yuya, mother can't look at you wrong and wrong again, mother will help you, you believe in mother ..."

"Give me ..." Ning Yuya rushed forward and snatched Ning Shuqian's bag, even tearing Ning Shuqian.

How could Ning Shuqian give her the bag, and looking at Ning Yuya, her tears kept falling.

Ning Yuya had no choice but to kneel on the ground and hugged Ning Shuqian's legs and cried, "Mom ... give me, I beg you, give me, I'm so uncomfortable, so painful ... I will die. Really Will die ... "

Speaking, Ning Yuya saw the fruit knife on the ground, and madly took the fruit knife in her hand and cut it towards her wrist.

"Yuya don't ..." Ning Shuqian split his liver and gallbladder, and came forward to grab the fruit knife in her hand.

Ning Yuya took the opportunity to grab the bag in her hand, and rummaged through the bag, and finally found what she was hiding in the mezzanine.

Ning Shuqian also had a fruit knife in her hand, shaking her hands constantly, the whole person was shocked!


After Ning Shuqian hugged Ning Yuya, she burst into tears.

Ning Yuya talked about her poisoning intermittently: "A few of them, not a dozen men ... and then gave me an injection ... I was scared ... I wanted to quit ... I tied myself in the room ... and have committed suicide with a knife ... "

Ning Shuqian just kept crying. Yuya would get to where she is today because of the warm and bitch! It's all because of her! !! The hatred in the heart was like a beast with a fangs and tiger claws, roaring fiercely, to tear the bitch, and then gnawing its flesh.

She will not let go of Wen Xinya, absolutely not!

But considering her current situation, she couldn't help despairing!

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

The emotion in Ning Shuqian's head suddenly seemed like a broken string, and the whole person became crazy and calm.

She looked down at Ning Yuya, who was already asleep, and went to the window to pick up the phone: "Hey ... who?"

"it's me!"

The cold voice of the machine suddenly sounded in the ear, Ning Shuqian stared wide open, her body stiffened, and subconsciously pressed the phone to her ear: "Is it ... are you?"

"Um! It's me!" The man on the phone repeated again.

Ning Shuqian was unbelievable. Her strong emotions hit her brain. Her body shook constantly, and her voice shook with uncontrollable tremors: "You ... you haven't contacted me ... why it suddenly appeared ? "

Because she was too excited and unbelievable, her brain was a little confused, and the whole person seemed incoherent.

"If I don't show up again, you will be swept away by the Wen family. We have always maintained cooperation. You have done a lot for me. Now I can't just watch you end up like this!" The other side's voice was cold and arrogant.

Ning Shuqian could not help but throb her heart, her head became clear, she asked excitedly, "Do you have a way to help me? Let Wen Haowen not divorce me?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't call you."

Ning Shuqian was so happy that her dead heart gave birth to hope, but she was not stunned by the sudden joy, and could not help but tempted: "You ... Wen Xinya, did she say that you have eliminated your power? ?

"Huh! Just one. Milk. The smelly little yellow-haired girl also wants to get rid of me, it's just a crazy dream."

Ning Shuqian was still a little uneasy, and couldn't help asking: "So ... what's going on with Black Sunday?"

The other party suddenly broke her contact with her before, but now she suddenly appears. She has an unreal feeling, so it is difficult to feel relieved without asking clearly.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, otherwise it's not good for you. Now you have nowhere to go. No one can help you except me, unless you want to be beaten back to life and live a dirty, humble and poor life." The voice of the other party suddenly became sharp, and even the voice changer could not change the strong warning meaning in the words.

Ning Shuqian dared to disagree, and hurriedly said, "Sorry, as long as you are willing to help me, I can do anything for you!"

What the other person wants is this result: "You only have one way to go now ..."

Ning Shuqian held the mobile phone tightly, listening to the man on the phone using the voice of the cold machine to say what he called the method, his heart was cold and snorted: "Is there only one method? Can't I use other methods ... ... "

The other side made a mocking sound from his nostril: "To this day, haven't you recognized Wen Haowen's nature? Have feelings for him? Hold on to fantasy? Don't be stupid ... Wen Haowen was not long ago In the Garden Club, playing with the young and beautiful girls and flying away, you have been left behind! It has been reported by the media. "

Ning Shuqian's breathing suddenly worsened, her eyes shrinking, her teeth trembled and asked, "Last time ... what was reported by the media is true?"

She did not expect that Wen Haowen had already derailed and betrayed their marriage.

The hatred in her heart drowned her all.

The other side was too lazy to discuss her with Wen Haowen and his wife, saying coldly: "If you can't, it's just a sentence."

Ning Shuqian couldn't help but stare at the serene daughter who was lying in bed. Who could imagine that ten minutes ago, she was crying madly, screaming excitedly, and thinking of Wen Haowen's heartless pity before her She bite and said, "OK! Just do what you say!"

Hanging up, she sat on the sofa dreamily, she did not expect that Wen Haowen had betrayed her long ago ... just as he had betrayed Mo Yunyao.

Wen Haowen, since you are not kind, I am not righteous!