MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 731 Mr. Best Male God

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As the Wen Xinya kidnapping case slowly quieted down, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau also carried out a large-scale inspection of the quality of items in major shopping malls and supermarkets. News about the quality of major shopping malls and supermarkets quickly swept the Internet media, because This is closely related to the lives of the people, so it has received widespread attention.

In fact, the most affected is the Xiajia Liansu supermarket.

Wen Xinya looking at the news report: "The reporter from this station said that the large-scale quality inspection of the Administration for Industry and Commerce originated from a few days ago when the public anonymously reported that the Xiajialianzuo Supermarket sold products with serious quality problems. The quality inspection of Xiajia's major supermarkets in Beijing was carried out. It was found that there were more than 20 kinds of quality problems in Xiajialiansu supermarkets. Products with quality problems, including covered food, meat products, daily For supplies, household appliances, cosmetics, etc., the Xia family imposed a huge fine of up to one million yuan and ordered Xia family to stop selling all products with quality problems. "

"This reporter reports that I am now in the Xia family's supermarket in the Southern District. After unannounced interviews with employees in the supermarket, I learned that Xia family was detected as having substandard products with quality problems and is still on sale. This reporter contacted the supermarket. The management staff, but the management staff was very secretive, and did not answer positively. Our reporter contacted the senior Xia family, but the senior Xia family denied this, saying that the employees did not understand the facts. "

"This reporter reported on the spot that I am now in a supermarket in the west of the southern area of ​​Xia family. The news media that Xia family sells substandard products has been reported. Many customers are so angry that they come to Xia family with products with quality problems. Lian Zuo Supermarket asked for compensation for the return of goods. Even emotional customers took the eggs and vegetables leaves and smashed the Xiajia Supermarket signboard, and even more people were angry with cooking oil and red paint to show their dissatisfaction with Xiajia! "

"This reporter is reporting: I am now at a supermarket in the North District of Xiajia. I have been informed that the Administration for Industry and Commerce will carry out quality inspection at this supermarket at 10 am this morning. Mr. Xia Haolin, general manager. "

Wen Xinya eating fruit, watching the TV news report about Xia Jialian Suo Supermarket.

The Xia family is just a wealthy man at the end of the capital. This time, the quality inspection has attracted much attention. This large-scale quality inspection is caused by the Xia family, and the Xia family's plot is the most serious. In addition, the Xia family also consumes as a people. The consumer groups are relatively extensive. In addition, the Xia family has been making a lot of noises in the media recently, so they have made some good birds.

The news of the Xia family was so fierce that it was possible without her help.

Zhou Tianyuya brought fresh strawberries into the ward: "I bought fresh strawberries, should I eat them?"

With warm eyes and bright eyes, now is the season to eat strawberries, and her favorite is strawberries: "Of course I have to eat them."

Zhou Tianyu looked at her so badly, she couldn't help but tease: "Eat!"

Warm and unconvinced: "You are not eating, then I will eat strawberries alone, you must not grab them."

Zhou Tianyu stared at her.

Warm and glamorous back stare.

Zhou Tianyu was too lazy to talk to a person who was bored, and went to the kitchen to clean with a strawberry.

Wen Ya continued to follow the Xia family's related news, but unfortunately the Xia family was not on the platform, and the TV station gave Xia family a short two-minute report.

However, the Xia family was dragged down by the transformation of the new shopping mall. After Xia Ruya's impact, the reputation in the capital was at stake, but now it has suffered a quality crisis and has been widely reported by the media. It has completely lost popularity.

Zhou Tianyu held out the fruit plate, and the porcelain white fruit plate was filled with fresh and bright red strawberries. The light and sweet taste stimulated the taste buds, and people could not help but secrete the drool fluid.

Before the plate was in front of the Wen Xinya, Zhou Tianyu couldn't help but took a strawberry into her mouth and ate it with great interest.

Wen Xinya looked at her with a smile.

Zhou Tianyu ignored her gaze at all, and she should have the consciousness of eating: "By the way, I just saw you watching the news report of Xia Family. Xia Family and Xia Ruya have lost their kinship. What else should be paid attention to? "

Eunya ate the strawberry she handed over and smiled inexplicably: "Who said that I followed Xia's family because of Xia Ruya? Xia Ruya and Xia's family did not pay attention, it does not mean that Xia's family has no value . "

Zhou Tianyuya looked Wen Xinya, her face was unpredictable, and the strawberry in her mouth could not swallow immediately: "Xia's recent bad luck is not the reason for you to make fun of it!"

Warm Ya suddenly became angry and anger: "Why don't you make a ghost? Xia's family is merciless. I'm acting for the sky and asking for the people."

Zhou Tianyuya couldn't help covering her belly and laughed: "Hahahaha ... you have bad water in your stomach, and you still do the skywalk, to be honest! Do you have any plans?"

Warm and glared at her, deeply feeling that she was inadvertently making friends and misbehaving: "Do you want to know? I just don't tell you."

Zhou Tianyu finally managed to stop smiling and said, "I'm not a rare person without telling me, I will know sooner or later."

Warm and jacob stare at her.

Zhou Tianyu took a big red strawberry and fed it into her mouth. "Eyeballs are staring out."

Warm and unwilling to eat strawberries, tangled with the swollen image in the hearts of this group of friends has become so, what's so troubling is that she is making a ghost, she is calculating, she is very pure and good ... ...

Zhou Tianyu didn't know her psychological activity. If she knew it, she would definitely raise her **** and despise her severely: "Yes, when do you say you will be discharged from the hospital! It will not be addicted to hospitalization!"

In an instant, she had been hospitalized for eleven days. The doctor had said she could be discharged three days ago, but she had been staying in the hospital.

When she was discharged from the hospital, she was slightly vague: "I have suffered a serious brain injury this time. It is better to stay in the hospital for a period of time to observe. In addition ... I moved back to Wen's house, and my grandfather was not good enough to visit me often ..." "

She had a guilty conscience and ate strawberries.

Zhou Tianyu stared at her with some disbelief: "Don't you always hate the hospital the most? You also said that you can't stand the smell of the disinfection water in the hospital, and the patients in the hospital will affect your mood when you look at it. When are you going to stay at the hospital? "

Wen Xinya eating strawberries, said lightly: "I can't go to college to go to school!"

Zhou Tianyuya stared at her, and suddenly she made up mysteriously and suddenly looked ambiguous: "When I came to the hospital just now, when I saw the patient living in the ward next door, it was actually the best male Mr. God who went to the college. You honestly handed you over, Do you have a spring heart, so ... "

At first, she still remembered clearly in the great task of emulating the spirit of Dongge ’s bombarding a bunker to conquer the best male god.

Classmate Zhou, you are the truth!

The strawberry in Warm Ya's mouth almost did not fall to the ground. Zhou Tianyu, who has always been dull, actually was on her side. It was so sharp that it was a wasteland, very frightening!

Zhou Tianyu looked at the unbelievable look with wide eyes and exclaimed: "No ... I guessed it!"

Eating strawberries warmly and calmly, she decided to let Zhou Tianyu make up her own brain to guess, grab her liver and her lungs, and get anxious ...

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