MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 77 The charterer's mouth is cleaner than yours

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People Lu Lu Jiji are all here, and Zhou Tianyu took time to chat with her for a while and then she was busy dealing with the guests. In fact, it was Wen Xinya and could not understand. Have a birthday party, so it was like a business banquet. A group of boys and girls seemed to be wearing identity masks, and the smile of Yan Yan face mask was really annoying.

Han Mofeng took her to meet a few friends in the circle who still had good relationships. Wen Xinya, then came to the rest area to sit a little tired.

Next to the rest area is a terrace with a few pots of spider plants and elegant purple flowers on the terrace, which attracted the attention of several young ladies and gathered on the terrace to see the flowers.

Wen Xinya heard a familiar voice, and carefully discerned that she heard it. It was Jiang Yuqian who was having trouble with her everywhere at Xu Chenyu's birthday party.

The other she hadn't heard, she was very strange.

Jiang Yuqian's voice was full of scorn and disdain: "Ms. Wen Jia was so arrogant and overbearing. Just now I saw her teaching Wen Yuya in front of so many people. Xia Ruya couldn't see it, but she stopped her. It made her cry soon. "

"What's so great, isn't just a mixed sparrow flying on a branch. See where she looks like a little bit of the family's gold, all over the little **** the street."

"Oh! Don't say that, before she returned to Wen's house, she really was a little **** the street, fighting all day long, drinking and smoking, and mixing with those little junkies, it is estimated that she is not clean."

"Yeah, it's just a **** who is as personal as she can be, and what kind of chastity martyrs are she pretending to be, but it's a pity that she is elegant, kind and simple, and she fell from heaven to **** all of a sudden."

"Brother Yu invited us to a party at Jiuzhongtian on her birthday. She also pretended not to drink, and asked Brother Yu to drink for her. It was disgusting to look at it, but you were right, like Ruya. It really belongs to the family's culture and style. "

Wen Xinya, carelessly lifted up the wine on the coffee table, slowly got up, and her pear-white skirt was elegant and graceful as she walked in the wind.

"Are you guys talking about me?" She leaned halfway on the doorframe of the terrace, gently turning the goblet in her hand, and the purple liquid rippled ripples in the glass, hitting gently On the walls of the transparent cup, there are magnificent red marks on it.

Jiang Yuqian and Jiang Ruoyin on the terrace were shocked because of her sudden appearance. They took a step back subconsciously, their faces turned blue and white, and they immediately gave birth to an embarrassment and guilty conscience that they were caught on the spot saying bad things about others.

Jiang Yuqian looked at the Wen Xinya, wearing a light green skirt, she recognized that this skirt is the latest version of Saint-Jean's this season, when she went to Saint-Joran before, she saw it, but because her complexion is not Wen Xinya, I couldn't afford such a delicate color, so I didn't buy it.

At this time, she looked at the Wen Xinya wearing her favorite clothes, green delicate, pear white, which made her beautiful and beautiful, and she felt an outrage in her heart: "You overheard others, do you understand politeness, no Educational stuff. "

Wen Xinya stared at Jiang Yuqian with a smile: "Is it really the wicked who complains first, tells others bad things in the back, is caught on the spot, and can still be so straightforward, is it because I am not educated, or are you illiterate?"

"You ..." Jiang Yuqian's face suddenly became hot, and she became irritated for a while.

"Before, you said that I'm not like a family, I want to ask you, then you are talking bad things in the back, saying vicious words, and there are no taboos. The chartered woman's mouth is cleaner than yours. Well-known? "Wen Xinya flicked the hair in her ears, squinting at them.

Jiang Yuqian and Jiang Ruoyin were stunned by her momentum for a while. At this time, when she heard her words, she blushed and roared: "We are all famous."

Wen Xinya looked at Jiang Yuqian with a smile, with contempt and coolness in her eyes: "I also give you this sentence, I was originally a family member."

Jiang Yuqian and Jiang Ruoyin were silent for a while, and they couldn't refute the fact that Wen Xinya was Miss Wen's.

There was a cold mang in the corner of the Wen Xinya eyes, and it seemed that the blade of the essence flew towards Jiang Yuqian: "It is you, but an illegitimate daughter is understandable, but you must remember that you are named Jiang, not Zhang of."

Wen Xinya words, as if the arrows were inserted into her heart socket, poked her pain, her face pale.

Enter them warmly and slowly: "Don't say bad things about others in the future, otherwise ..."

Jiang Yuqian and Jiang Ruoyin are unknown.

The goblet was gently and warmly raised, and the transparent goblet flashed like the sun under the yellow light on the terrace. Then her hand shook, the glass tilted, and the wine in the glass suddenly It was poured on the heads of Jiang Ruoyin and Jiang Yuqian.

The fuchsia liquid flowed along Jiang Yuqian and Jiang Ruoyin's hair to the face, neck, and dress, and the two people who were in beautiful clothes suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ah!" Jiang Ruoyin, who responded, screamed, and subconsciously avoided the Wen Xinya.

"You ..." Jiang Yuqian also reacted, subconsciously taking a step back, but the skirt was too long, and her back heel stepped on the skirt, and a cricket would fall to the ground.

"Ah!" Jiang Yuqian subconsciously pulled Jiang Ruoyin. Jiang Ruoyin was flustered and didn't pay attention, and they immediately fell to the ground.

Wen Xinya looking at the two falling into a ball, subconsciously spreading their hands: "But your own fell, don't talk about it for a while, I pushed you."

Jiang Yuqian's teeth were itchy with an unflattering tone of gloat.

Wen Xinya but ignored them, turned back and returned to the banquet hall.

At this moment, a waiter came forward. The waiter put a few glasses of wine on the tray. He walked warmly and put the empty glass under the tray. He changed a glass of wine. The wine hand, the wine in the glass hit their skirt at once.

"I'm sorry, miss, I didn't mean it." The waiter was very nervous and apologized to Warmia in a hurry.

Zhou Tianyu noticed the situation here and hurriedly came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Ya looked down at the wet dress on the skirt and said, "Nothing, the waiter accidentally touched me, the wine wet the dress."

Zhou Tianyu frowned slightly: "There are replacement clothes in the cloakroom, I'll take you up and change one!"

Wen Xinya nodded: "Go ahead and let the waiter lead the way for you."

The guests who left the hall are really not very good. Zhou Tianyu nodded and greeted the waiter who had wet the Wen Xinya clothes: "Take Miss Wen to the cloakroom upstairs to change clothes."

The waiter's gaze flickered slightly, with a strange light, and her eyebrows narrowed down, "Miss Wen comes with me."