MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 805 Si Yizhen, you are shameless

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The future development direction of Lanxin Cosmetics Store was roughly determined. Wen Xinya, and Du Ruo talked about this. Du Ruo strongly agreed with this. She also needed to prepare a planning intention and give it to Grandpa Du, although Du Ruo is now an adult. Yes, but Grandpa Du is also Du Ruo's guardian. Such a big matter must be approved by him.

Wen Xinya handed over planning matters to Li Mengjie.

Of course, these are trivial matters, and Wen Ya is now facing an important issue.

The company's development requires talents first!

There are only so many people under her hands. Although she can develop her current career well, in the long run?

Where does talent come from?

Wen Xinya has some headaches. Since ancient times, it has been thought that talents are difficult to find, otherwise Liu Bei will not leave a good story that has been passed down through the ages. She passed the memory of the last life and met Ou Fengyang at the same time. Qing Yuanluo.

As for Li Mengjie ... To be honest, she is not a social elite.

She only has certain expertise and experience in the field of luxury sales. It is more than enough to manage the Lanxin cosmetics store, but if it is pushed to the international stage, it seems a bit inadequate.

However, she is willing to give Li Mengjie a chance.

Just don't know if she can seize this opportunity.

Just when Warm and Yapo had a headache, Si Yizhen sat next to her and massaged her head: "Is it too tired recently? Or is there any problem you can't solve?"

There are still two days to go before Aishang's products are released, and she is quite busy these days.

Wen Xinya: "Li Mengjie proposed to me the idea of ​​creating Lanxin cosmetics internationally. I think it is probably that the launch of Aishang products stimulated her ambitions, but ... she was right. Lanxin cosmetics have reached this point. It is not suitable to take the high-end custom line. The competition in the cosmetics industry is too strong. No matter how loud the beak of Chinese medicine cosmetics is, if you cannot build a sustainable brand, you will be eliminated by this industry sooner or later. Be willing, if I have the formula, I have the financial resources, why ca n’t I be more ambitious and push Lanxin Cosmetics to a bigger stage? "

The sales and distribution of Aishang's products not only stimulated Li Mengjie, but also stabbed her. It was also because the release of Aishang's products broadened her horizons and made her see clearly. The future development potential of Lanxin Cosmetics Store, Let her see, the future ... her business empire, the blueprint for cosmetics.

Unexpectedly, she realized a little so soon, and the smile in Si Yizhen's eyes deepened: "Xin Ya, your idea is very good, you have to be good at discovering the capital you have in your hands and constantly tapping its potential, Maximize your benefits, and if you do that, you will become a real businessman. "

The potential of Lanxin cosmetics is far more than that. I am afraid that there will be more surprises waiting for her in the future.

What Si Yiming said was almost gimmicky, her eyes lit up suddenly, but she pouted distressed: "In the future, I will take care of the preparation of the health care brand and plan the development of real estate. I Nothing is lacking now, no talent ... Even if I have as many ambitions, if no one helps me achieve it, it is just empty words. "

Si Yi chuckled: "It turns out you're upset!"

Wen Xinya muttered small mouth: "You Xia Si has a fixed talent channel, of course you are not distressed!" Her eyes brightened, and she reached out and hugged Si Yi's arm, it was a weird coquettish: " Tell me quickly, what channels can get all kinds of talents as soon as possible? "

She couldn't help but pinch her little head, why didn't she think of Si Yizhang? Si Yizheng is the person in charge of Xia Sishi, and there must be news of this method.

Every time she asks, her eyes will be extraordinarily bright, a small mouth narrowed slightly, with a cute and beautiful shape, and a cute expression, which can also melt the iceberg: "This is the highest commercial secret If it was told to others, wouldn't it have caused a loss to Charles? "

When I heard it warmly and somewhat, I was a little unwilling, and my face fluttered, muttering: "I'm not stingy, I'm not trying to grab the talent of Xia Si, I just want to know the relevant channels."

In fact, she was a little guilty, and asked him about related channels, isn't it just stealing talents in disguise!

Sure enough ... a woman turns her face faster than a book.

Wen Xinya fell on Si Yizhen's arms and put a note on his face: "Si Yizhen tell me ~ I know you are the best, you will never be so stingy, Xia Si Jiu Shao You, wise and handsome, handsome, handsome and romantic ... "

Barbara Barbara!

Si Yizhen rolled over and pressed her under her lips, kissing heavily.

At the end of the kiss, Si Yizhen moved a little, Wen Xinya, and said quickly: "There are still three days ..."

Si Yi cracked, slammed her on the hips, and got a little unwilling to get up from her. These days he probably heard the most similar words.

Warm and smirking endlessly, holding Si Yizhang's arm and saying, "Si Yizhang, tell me!"

Si also held her, and a pair of big palms were still a little bit tempted to put her hands on her: "You are not someone else ... I can tell you anyway, just ..."

Wen Xinya eyes: "Just what? Are there any taboos?"

Si Yi bit her ear, exhaling heat in her ears: "I now have some" egg pain "and need your comfort, so ..."

It wasn't what Bai told her, it was a price.

Wen Xinya bulging her cheeks, her eyes rounded: "Shameless, indecent!"

Si Yizhen was not ashamed, but rather proud, holding her hand and whispering between her legs: "Don't you feel bloated?"

Warm Ya Qiao blushed and wanted to pull away her hand, but the hand seemed to be fixed on it.


For the sake of her own business, she courageously abandoned her morals.

By the time Secretary Si was so happy, she was completely utterly shameless, shameless ... too shameless, what do you mean by courtesy ...

Si Yizhen hugged some tired and warm whispers: "Recently, there are many communication platforms at home and abroad that have become popular on the Internet. Among them, the most popular is the famous school dating platform. Xia Sishi invests in the funds every year Hundreds of millions. "

Famous school friends exchange platform, it originates from a famous school in M ​​country's school forum, this forum has an elite section, for some elite students in the school, increase the platform for exchanges.

Later ... An international student from Country Z envisaged to spread this model of dating platform to prestigious universities around the world, to attract elite talents and talented students from all over the world, to become a top talent gathering place, and then attract major enterprises. The thirst for talent to build investment relationships.

Only then has the fiery prospect of the exchange platform.

More and more companies have paid attention to the value of these platforms and are willing to invest.

Nuan Ya really didn't pay attention to this aspect: "Do you mean that I invest in these famous school dating exchange platforms?"

Mr. Si also nodded and said, "Yes, but ... you have to be careful. In recent years, a lot of similar scams have appeared. So you need to find a suitable prestigious school dating platform for investment."

Wen Ya found his proposal feasible: "I asked Yan Shaoqing to pay attention to this news."