MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 807 Successfully escaped

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Xia Ruya didn't know, two others were anxious about her disappearance, and even called the police to find her. She only knew that she had been abducted, but no one knew and no one could save her, and she could only rely on herself.

This is the fifth day of her abduction.

Yesterday ... She was playing with the black T-shirt man wantonly, and that man was a change at all. State, not only changed her pattern to torture her, but also happily polished her.

She cried and screamed and begged, but the more so, the more excited the other party ...

She didn't know how she was beaten. The whole process was as terrible as hell.

I don't know how many times, she fainted with pain, cried in humiliation, and was sober again, screaming in shame!

She felt very dirty. Although she hadn't lost the film, she was even more dirty than losing the film, because she lost her self-esteem and self-love.

She kept holding Wen Xinya and comparing herself with herself. She found that she was really inferior to Wen Xinya. At least Wen Xinya was kidnapped. There were Xu Chenyu and Wen's family to rescue them.

Missing for so many days, does anyone know that she has disappeared long ago?

Who knows what a sad fate she is suffering.

Even, who would come to save her?

Later, three others returned.

She thought she was liberated.

But the red-haired man began to use violence against her, intimidating her to take out the money in her hand, otherwise she would be killed!

He even got all kinds of torture tools. The most terrible thing is the silver needle. Anyone who has seen the pearl needle should know that the silver needle is stuck in the meat and will not leave scars. Unimaginable.

Under such pain and torture, Xia Ruya was simply unable to survive, unable to die, and died to live again.

At dawn, a few people went out.

The black T-shirt man folded back halfway, Wen Xinya guessing, he must have completely believed her words, so this will be the case.

She couldn't help overjoying: "You believe now, I didn't lie to you!"

The black T-shirt man was silent and did not speak, a pair of red bloodshot eyes, with a cruel and fierce color, so stared at Xia Ruya.

Last night, while the boss was asleep, they ran out and called.

He followed quietly, overhearing the contents of the boss's phone, and sure enough ... as the woman said, the boss actually abducted Xia Ruya under the direction of others, and the other party gave the boss 500,000.

Those eyes are as terrible as eating people. Xia Ruya swallowed and calmed herself: "I know you are very uncomfortable. You must have accompanied your boss to death for so many years. Your boss has benefited. But I just think about myself, I do n’t care about my brother ’s feelings at all, and even ... I fooled you like a fool and played around with you. As a result ... I have the advantage. "

Xia Ruya's words spoke to his heart. At that moment, the anger in his heart was burning. He followed the eldest brother for four or five years and accompanied him to birth and death. I did not expect him to do this! Don't care about brotherhood at all.

Throughout the night he turned around and couldn't sleep. In the end ... Xia Ruya's proposal during the day made him think, half a million, how can it be worth ten million yuan?

If he has this ten million, it is the endless enjoyment of Ronghua and wealth.

So, the boss had something to go out early in the morning, and he took the opportunity to stay.

Xia Ruya licked her dry lips, sorted out her language and continued: "I know you care about your brotherhood, and hesitates about my proposal, but ... you don't want to think about it, first of all, it's unkind. The man is your boss. He not only lied to you, but also used you. He is so selfish. Who knows that after the event is done, will he get you kicked away with the money? "

In a word, the point was reached. The boss deceived them to use them for half a million. After the incident, they must be happy and happy with money. Where would they remember their brother.

Xia Ruya looked at the ruthlessness in his eyes and continued with a happy heart: "Your boss is so ungrateful, what future do you have for him to follow? Maybe one day I will sell you for money. , But my cooperation with you is not the same, we just trade, I take the money, you let people go, the transaction is completed and canceled, you take the money and you can sell luxury cars and live in villas, or play with women, make investments Become a boss, do whatever you want. "

I have to say that Xia Ruya is very good at persuading people. The black T-shirt man has been persuaded by her. He looked at Xia Ruya, and his eyes flashed with undisguised greed and Xia Ruya. kinky. Evil: "If I let you go, would you really give me ten million?"

This woman is very cunning, he still does not believe her.

Xia Ruya knew that she had moved him and nodded again and again: "Of course, I will lie to you for a while. If you don't believe me, I can transfer some cash to you now."

She has almost 20 million cash in her bank account, so she can still take out 10 million yuan. As long as she can escape this kind of ghost place, she won't have to be subjected to this kind of abnormal violence, abuse, insult, Low, she is willing to pay everything.

Although she said so, the black T-shirt man was still very cautious: "Why do I believe in you? If you transfer money from a bank account, why do I believe that you will not fiddle with it?"

Yesterday he searched related news about Xia Ruya on the website, and concluded that this woman was jealous and deep-rooted, and could not believe it. Be careful, this is why he made a clear decision today, but he was not sure. The reason for working with her.

Xia Ruya anxiously said: "I swear that during the transaction, if I dare to play any tricks, it will make me thunder and thunder."

Of course ... she wouldn't be stupid enough to tamper with the transaction, but what after the transaction? What will happen and who can guarantee it? This man is abusive to him, so how could she make him feel better?

Her life must be kept clean and flawless. For this man who has done something unreasonable to her, there has been murder in her heart.

She must not tolerate any threat to her existence, anyway, this man, cheating, cheating, treacherous. kinky. A woman, who sells a girl, does nothing evil, but she is more dead than death. He died to act for heaven.

The black T-shirt man looked at her with disdain: "Swear, it's a fart, I have to make ten eighty oaths a day, and I have never vowed anymore, but ... I was not the same yesterday. It hardened and made you yell. "

Xia Ruya's complexion stiffened. What happened yesterday resounded in her head like a nightmare. She began to tremble and shiver, her body was cold, her body was cold, her body was thrilling ...

The black T-shirt man lifted Xia Ruya's clothes, and his big palm still rubbed a note on her chest: "However, I'm still very interested in your proposal! So I have a way to reassure each other. . "

Xia Ruya passed a trace of anxiety in her heart, but the joy of fleeing dispelled this slight anxiety.