MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 905 Invitation to the Duke of Moville

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Only when Wen Xinya came to the door, he heard Xu Xianghu's amusement than Xiang Yiyi's complaint!

"Boss, the little sister-in-law is too sharp, she bullies." The rough voice, but pretending to be coy, is so ... not to be too ecstatic ...

Warm and imaginable, Xu Xianghu's funny expression, when he said that, the big eyes of the water and spirit, the small mouth narrowed, and the expression of a shameless and unparalleled expression, a bitter cold.

What a special, the picture is not too beautiful!

Simply unbearable!

In the room, Gu Yuehan pumped the corners of his mouth, and Xu Xianghu must have been a teaser from the monkey.

Yue Ze held a hand on Gu Yuehan's shoulder and laughed out of breath: "Little sister-in-law, it's kind of funny!"

Si Yizheng brought up the mint tea sent warmly and elegantly. The mint tea was fresh and green. Through the glass, the more beautiful and fresh taste, with the coolness, lingering between the lips and teeth, the taste was very good.

Xu Xianghu continued to sue to the boss: "Boss, I think Xiaoxun is hostile to me, you said ... why is it? Is Xiaoxun jealous that I look better than her ..."

"Hmm ..." Eizawa almost did not spit out the overnight meal in his stomach, what a special ... not to bring such a disgusting person.

Gu Yuehan gave him a faint glance: "Funny!"

Xu Xianghu has always been proud of his fierce forgiveness and deputy tall and mighty figure. In his words, this is the pure man.

Si Yizhen ignored them, and lowered his head to play with the dragon cymbal. This was given to her by Xinya a few days ago. He had been wearing it during this time and never left.

Xu Xianghu said, "I really mean, Xiao Xunzi is really hostile to me. When Xiao Xunzi left just now, she also glared at me."

No one ignored him.

Si also rubbed his hands on the dragon owl.

Otsuzawa said: "Rex, Archduke Mowell will host a feast at the manor tomorrow night. Are you really going to go there? Archduke Mowell is clearly planning to take the lead in the matter of the Anata and Ivanov families. , Clearly the Hongmen Banquet. "

The real supporter behind the Ivanov family is Grand Duke Mowell. This is a cruel man. He is powerful in the E country, but Lucifer is not unforgettable.

Si Yiquan squeezed his lips slightly, and the thin lip lines were hardened by his jade. He has been focusing on playing with the dragon in his hand.

A few people couldn't guess his mind!

Only Xu Xianghu kept his eyes on, staring at the dragon's hand in Si Yichen's hand and said, "Boss, where did the dragon-head in your hand come from? It looks very chic! I'll put it on and play with it someday."

Si Yizhen ’s slightly lip's lips loosened slightly, and his eyebrows became more and more elegant and clear: “Well, it was a rare bile agate that my little sister gave me a few days ago. It ’s very good in both texture and color. . "

When Gu Yuehan and Yue Ze looked at each other, they were just still very secretive, and now they are getting drizzle?

Just because Xu Xianghu noticed the jade sent by Xiaozi?


Gu Yuehan thought about it, and said, "Xiao Xunzi's vision is naturally extraordinary. Our totem of Xia Si's is a dragon, and Xiao Xunzi sends you such a dragon cunt, which shows that he has good intentions."

If the tablet is flat, the cold tone makes the whole person stunned. What's the problem? The ancient ice block, Gu Yuehan, will actually compliment people. The world is fantasy, or is the sun coming out to the west?

The smile in Si Yizhen's eyes deepened: "Well! She said that Long Yan is best for me."

Yosawa suddenly realized that in the past they had to shoot the boss's fart, but now they want to change the fart of the little bitch: "Well, look at the color of this dragon wall, it is naturally pure, and at a glance, it is known that it is from Alashan agate Stone, purple-gray has always been a very noble color in agate stones, and I heard that agate stones are transformed by the nails of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, with a hard texture and a magical stone that can strengthen love. "

Who wouldn't say a word of compliment, he would be able to say a stubborn stone out of beautiful jade.

Si Yizhen's eyebrows became softer, and he carefully closed the dragon cricket in his hand: "Speak business! Tomorrow I will take Xinya to Grand Duke Moville's feast."

Xu Xianghu quickly said: "Boss, Mowell's old thing is obviously bad intentions, how can you take a little sister-in-law with you?" Then he grinned sloppily: "Beauty is used to hurt, how can you make it She is in danger? "

Si Yi glanced at him lightly, with a warning: "Xin Ya is not weak in your imagination. Moreover ... the feast of tomorrow may not be as dangerous as you think. Moville is afraid to treat me. how about it."

He was fearless, so he took Xinya together.

Gu Yuehan said: "We have choked Mowell's throat, Grand Duke Mowell may have some small moves, but it should not really play any tricks in front of the Ninth Junior."

The Ivanov family was ruined by the nine young people, and Moville's largest JH business was facing disintegration. Once an Ivanov family suffered a devastating blow from Lucifer, the position of the Archduke Moville in the return of the nobles of Country E would also be shaken of.

Eizawa faintly said: "Although that, Grandpa Mowell is fierce, and I'm afraid he will start to fight against your sister-in-law and hit you in the face with your sister-in-law. In the deep-rooted concept of men in country E, women are playthings In their perception, as long as there is money, what kind of woman is not. "

This is the worst result that Eizawa thought of.

Si Yizhen's finger tapped on the desktop without saying a word.

Xu Xianghu said irritably: "Rely, what kind of sentiment to Mowell that old thing, when he advocated suppressing Lucifer, he spared no effort. When Ivanov's family provoked us three or four times before, where was he now, now himself His interests have been damaged, and he has jumped out to engage in all kinds of activities. When he is the president of country E, everyone must be at his mercy. There is no such cheap thing in this world. "

Lucifer is not afraid of his Duke of Moville. The boss controls more than 60% of the raw materials of JH in the entire country of E, and controls 30% of the economic lifeline of country E. Except for one of Mowell, many of the country are nobles rushing to please Boss.

Kazaki kicked him: "It's irritable. You have followed the boss for so many years. When did you see that the boss had eaten others' losses?"

Only other people suffer from the boss's loss. In the E country, the Ivanov family has always been nailed by their Lucifer, stabbed in the flesh. The boss said to dial, just a little trick, and Ivanov and the east side can make a lot of noise. Opened business and lost half of the business on the east side.

Si Yichang said lightly: "We Lucifer has been immersed for too long, it is time to take the opportunity to stand on the dignity."

Anyone dared to climb above Lucifer's head, and it wasn't his character that blindly forbeared.

After a few people listened, their faces changed!