MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 150 Dreamland

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It may be that he really did not rest well recently. It may be that his heart couldn’t help but raise a little bit of hope. He lay down on the bed for a while and fell asleep unconsciously.

In the meantime, he saw Mu Jingyuan’s eyes full of affectionately looking at him. He used his unique subwoofer sound quality to keep saying in his ear: “Hanhan, this is really my best life. The state is over, I hope that when we are all old, we can take a shower together at night and blow each other's hair like we do today."

"Hanhan, I like to blow your hair, I like to wash your face and bathe. I like it for you. I don't know. I am taking care of you in the hospital these days. Uncle and aunt also said that I am working hard. In fact, I feel very happy. Now, you are sitting on the bed and waiting for me to wipe your face. It’s really cute. I even like to take care of you in the toilet.”

"Han Han, I can control myself before, but since I was with you, I found that I am really getting more and more abnormal. I want to hold you all the time, my hands don't want to leave your skin, I I always want to kiss you, even if it is hair, even if it is an ankle. I want to stay in bed with you forever, even see the clothes you changed. I want to smell the smell, I may, It’s a problem with skin hunger and thirst. I want to make you smaller, always close to you, and don’t want to be separated from you for a minute.”

"Han Han, the other half of my life goals are: love you, protect you, accompany you to the old, and strive to live more than you, never let you feel lonely."

He said and said, his expression gradually became sad, and his voice was low: "Han Han, you resist my closeness, resist my kiss, contain, you... regret to be with me? Are you regretting it?" ”

"You are not willing to marry, resist my approach, culvert, I... I am afraid."

"I thought that you loved me, although not as deep as I love you, but also... it is also very love. Is it because I am passionate about myself?"

"Do you have to torture me like this? Han Han, you still... love me?"

"One culvert, you don't believe me. You just overthrew my feelings for you with a few incomplete conversations. Isn't it that we are worthless in your eyes for so long? Why are you right? I have no trust?"

"I don't understand why you can say that giving up my words so easily, I am in your heart, what is it?"

He stood like that, looked sad, looked pale, and slowly shed two lines of blood and tears in his eyes, muttering: "Bai Yihan, I love you wholeheartedly, but you are like this to me, I don't want to love you anymore, you It’s like a stone that’s never hot, it’s really cold...”

Bai Yihan was distressed and anxious. He tried hard to hug him, but he couldn’t move. He wanted to say loudly to Mu Jingyuan: Don’t be sad, I love you too! I never want to give up on you!

But he couldn't utter his voice. He could only watch as Mu Jingyuan became more and more sad, more and more disappointed, and finally turned and left.

Bai Yihan was flustered. He tried his best to shout and chase, but he couldn’t move his legs and shouted. He could only stand in the silent voice of the place, one after another: Jing Yuan! you come back! you come back! ! !

Mu Mumu did not know how long he sat on the floor, feeling that his head was messy. He consciously paid all the love for Bai Yihan. Why did Bai Yihan even ask him to overthrow everything? What? Bai Yihan feels deceived and wants to leave him urgently? Can he still believe in himself? How can I explain it to make him believe?

In his head, he thought about how to explain, how to recover, how to eliminate the misunderstanding between them, at least now he knows why Bai Yihan suddenly alienated him, isn’t he? Knowing the reason to think about countermeasures, this is also a progress, he comforted himself.

He seems to think a lot, and he seems to have thought nothing. He only knows that he must not let Bai Yihan leave. They have already come so close, they must not let go, never let go!

He sat on the icy floor in the late autumn for several hours, and even his posture did not change. He only felt that his head was more and more turbid.

What is Han Han doing now? Already asleep? Has he tried to leave? If so, will he see that his staff will be more angry? How can I get his forgiveness? He is now guarding himself. If he says something, he doesn't even believe it. How do you prove to him that he is true?

He patted his head hard, swayed and stood up, and walked out. He didn't want to stay alone. He wanted to see Bai Hanhan.

Going to the door of Bai Yihan, just raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, and thought, if Han Han fell asleep, would the knock on the door wake him up?

He rubbed his lower lip and twisted the doorknob directly. The door didn't lock. It opened very smoothly. He gave a light breath and smiled in his heart. He saw that he had fallen to Bai Yihan. It’s ridiculous to lock the door.

Gently open the door and look at it, Bai Yihan really fell asleep, but he did not have a pillow, nor did he cover the quilt, just like a uniform to sleep on the bed.

Mu Jingyuan was a bit distressed. Fortunately, he took a look at it. This little fool is now in the fall, so it will be cold when he sleeps. He thinks that he is "quickly walking" to the bed and wants to reach out and pick him up. Hearing a vague whisper, he stunned, thinking that Bai Yihan woke up, and some guilty bowed down to see him, only to find that he did not wake up, but his brows were wrinkled, his white forehead was full of cold sweat, closed The corners of the eyes continue to flow out of tears.

Mu Jingyuan was shocked. He was busy on one knee and pushed his shoulder and shouted: "Han Han? Have a nightmare? Wake up!"

Bai Yihan’s eyes looked at Mu Jingyuan’s back gradually disappearing. When the whole person fell into dark despair, he suddenly heard an anxious cry in his ear: “Han Han? Han Han! You wake up! Wake up wake!"

It is Mu Jingyuan! Bai Yihan opened his eyes fiercely, and Mu Jingyuan appeared in front of his face with a flushed face. Bai Yihan hugged his neck with the sadness of despair in his dreams. He said: "Jingyuan! You Come back! You are back... Don't go, please, beg you..."

Mu Jingyuan was slammed by him and almost fell down. He quickly sat on the bed and hugged him tightly. He said: "I don't leave, you are here, where can I go? Han Han, you are dreaming." Don't be afraid, it's all fake, don't be afraid, it's okay, blame me, smash you, still have to let you sleep alone."

Bai Yihan tightly grasped the clothes on the back of Mu Jingyuan, and his heart was still immersed in the aftermath of the dream. His body shivered and covered with cold sweat. Mu Jingyuan was going to die and died, and he could not wipe his face. Tears and cold sweat, gently stroking his back, softly groaning: "Don't cry, baby, don't cry, dreams are fake."

Bai Yihan reached out and touched the face of Mu Jingyuan, muttering: "Jingyuan, I am not a stone, I am hot."

Mu Jingyuan’s dim head could not analyze his words. He whispered: “What do you say? Who dares to say that you are a stone?

Bai Yihan touched his face. The tentacles felt that the temperature was wrong. The thoughts suddenly pulled out of the dream and were completely awake. He hugged Mu Jingyuan’s head and used his forehead to paste his forehead to test the temperature. He only felt hot. He suddenly squatted and rushed to the bed to get the phone. He just got out of bed and ran back to put a misty Mu Jingyuan on the bed, then he turned and took the phone and dialed Dr. Chen’s number. Stepping on the phone and walking back and forth for several laps, the phone slammed on the phone: "Jingyuan is having a high fever! It is hot! You are coming over! No, wait! We are at Mujia, come to Mujia !"

Hanging up the phone, Bai Yihan almost "pounced" to the bed. Both hands touched Mu Jingyuan's face and touched it from the head. He felt very hot everywhere. He was anxious to cry out. He said: "How could it suddenly burn so high? It has already dropped fever this morning..."

He climbed out of bed to find a thermometer, carefully disinfected Mu Jingyuan, and was busy washing his towel to help him wipe his face and rub the carotid artery to help him cool down. He was busy and turned around and yelled: "Doctor Chen Why are you still not here? It should be here, why not come? Is it a traffic jam?"

He took out the thermometer and looked at it. He almost 40 degrees. He shook his hand and almost threw the thermometer. He turned to the bed and said to Mu Jingyuan: "Don't wait for Dr. Chen, go directly to the hospital, okay?"

He said that he was going to find clothes. Mu Jingyuan grabbed his hand and glared at the eyes of the water because of the high fever. "It’s okay, you can eat some antipyretics. You haven’t been to the hospital before. Didn't check what came out, and went to the water to take medicine, these doctors can do."

Bai Yihan held his hand and the other hand grabbed the hair and said: "You haven’t burnt so high before. I don’t know what the reason is suddenly burning. I have to go to the hospital to check it. The hospital equipment. More complete, let's go."

Mu Jingyuan stubbornly grasped his hand and said: "No, I don't want to move now. My own body knows that there is nothing at all."

Bai Yihan angered: "You know a P! Every time you say that you know, the result is not good until now! The meat on the body is gone, leaving a bone shelf!"

Mu Jingyuan said: "Which is so exaggerated..."

Bai Yihan smoked his hand outside: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry with me!"

Mu Jingyuan licked his lips and did not speak or let go.

In fact, Mu Jingyuan had a high fever. He didn’t have much strength in his body. If Bai Yihan really wanted to earn, Mu Jingyuan couldn’t hold him at all, but Bai Yihan’s heart had just raised a little secret fire. The dream, in the face of the burning red face of Mu Jingyuan, how can he bear to really break him when he does not want to let go? Reluctant, it can only be stiff.