MTL - Reborn As a Top Student In the 1990s-Chapter 201 eccentric

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Chapter 201 Eccentricity

Chapter 202: Eccentricity

Fang’s mother couldn’t help but her eyes turned red as she talked about the past.

“You, this eldest aunt, really don’t let me worry about you for a day. She runs to our house every day when she doesn’t have a job, saying that she wants to help me take care of your grandma, but she really knows what she thinks.

During that time, your uncle's restaurant opened a branch, and it happened to be short of manpower for me to help. I thought that if your aunt could come to take care of your grandma, I would be free, but I never thought that she, Wang Zheng, would take care of her. You are really good at calculating..."

At first, the eldest aunt came to the house to take care of the old lady for a few days, but she also caused a lot of trouble in the house.

My mother's kitchen used to be kept very clean and tidy. In order to cook for the old lady, my aunt not only made the kitchen look bad, but also left the family's rice, noodles, meat and vegetables indiscriminately. She even removed all the dried goods.

Fang’s mother went home and wanted to cook, but found that the kitchen was empty. When she asked her aunt where the things had gone, she said confidently.

"I'm not used to your gas stove. It just so happens that the old lady likes to eat my cooking. I moved all the things to my own home and cooked them for you every day. It also saved your family gas money. …”

Facing the eldest aunt's insistence, Fang's mother was really miserable and couldn't tell her. But then she thought, if she could deliver food to the old lady on time every day and talk to the old lady, it would not be impossible to give her these things.

  Within two days, Mrs. Fang lost her temper. Not only did he throw things around, he also cried and made noise in the house, scolding Fang's mother for being unfilial, saying that Fang's mother wanted to leave an old woman at home and starve him to death.

Fang Qing was very puzzled, "Isn't there an aunt who brings food to grandma every day?"

The parents shook their heads and sighed, "Your aunt is really stubborn. She moved all our things, but she didn't deliver food to your grandma on time at all! If I hadn't come back to pick up the things because of something unexpected that day, I wouldn't have done it at all. Do you know what your aunt gave your grandma to eat?"

That day, Fang’s mother looked at the bowl of porridge with watery soup and a dry and hard cornmeal pancake in front of the old lady. She was so angry that her blood pressure rose.

"Your grandma is getting older, and her teeth and appetite are not as good as before. Your eldest aunt knows that, and I specially leave her dozens of dollars every day to buy some fruits and vegetables for your grandma to eat. But She put all this money in her trouser pocket, but your grandma didn’t get anything from it!”

Fang Qing understood clearly that the aunt just put everything into her own hands and didn't care about grandma's life or death at all.

Maybe when facing grandma, he would even hit her with a rake and put all the **** pots on his mother's head.

Looking at the white hair on her mother's temples, Fang Qing suddenly understood why her mother had aged so much after not seeing her for a year.

 “Mom, you are tired.”

Fang Qing stayed with her mother, cooking porridge for her, and asked her mother to sit down and rest. After feeding Grandma Fang and taking a bath together, mother and daughter fell asleep together.

Although Old Mrs. Fang doesn't like her daughter-in-law and granddaughter very much, she still enjoys having someone take care of her meticulously.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Fang called everyone back from each family to prepare for a reunion dinner and discuss the wedding date with Fang Deli.

The sun was in the middle of the day, and the whole family came back, huffing and puffing.

 Seeing the flower-like Cuixi standing next to Fang Deli, everyone in the family was very enthusiastic.

Aunt Fang Qing could tell at a glance that all Trixi was wearing were famous brands, and she was immediately envious, "Hey, Trixi is different from the big city. Look at this outfit, she is so luxurious."

Tracy was very satisfied with her sister's flattery, and the two quickly became familiar with each other.

“Sister, you’re so polite, I’m just wearing it for fun…”

The two of them were having a lively chat, but Aunt Fang Qing couldn't stand Cui Xi's behavior. She only stepped forward to say hello and then got into the kitchen to help her sister-in-law prepare lunch.

"Sister-in-law, why do I feel that this woman doesn't look like a person who knows how to live a good life! Deli is so stupid and will be manipulated by others. Just watch, if they get married, Deli will say It’s not going to work.”

Fang’s mother, Liu Chunxia, ​​was washing vegetables. When she heard her sister-in-law’s complaint, she smiled and shook her head, “We can’t do anything about the couple’s affairs. As long as this girl has a bad character and can live a good life with Deli, that’s all.”

Once Fang Cuiying heard that it was the same thing, she simply stopped caring.

But at night, Mrs. Fang’s move made the children unable to sit still any longer.

The family had a reunion dinner and were sitting on the sofa drinking tea and eating fruit. The old lady tremblingly took out a square box from her room and walked out.

 Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the old lady opened the box, took out a bankbook and handed it to her younger son.

"My old lady has been looking forward to it for so many years, and finally my Deli is going to get married and start a business. Old lady, I don't have anything else. This passbook contains the wealth I have saved over the years. You two can take it, buy a house, get married, etc. When you get married, I will move in with you, and while I can still move, you can give me a fat grandson as soon as possible..."

Old Mrs. Fang was still chattering about her vision for the future, but the smile on Trish's face gradually turned gloomy from the excitement at the beginning.

Everyone looked at the bankbook in the old lady’s hand with different thoughts.

Aunt Fang Qing has always been thinking about the passbook in her mother's hand in her early years. But since that year she embezzled public funds and sold the old house in order to repair the holes, she has been unable to hold her head high at home, so even if she knew that the old lady had There was money in it, but she was too embarrassed to raise it.

Fang’s mother looked at the old lady’s bankbook and didn’t have much reaction.

When I took the old lady over to live with me, I just didn't want to have a reputation of being unfilial, so naturally I didn't care about the three melons and two dates in the old lady's hands.

But after all, after living together for several years, the old lady usually guarded her as much as she guarded against thieves. When she did something for her, she would have to ask for a long time if she was short of a dollar, and he had to serve her in different ways every day, but he still got her approval.

But now that her old son is back, he took the initiative to give away the bankbook without saying a word. Isn't this too biased?

Liu Chunxia sat there secretly feeling sad. The sister-in-law beside her also felt that it was unfair for her second sister-in-law. She opened her mouth to speak to refute, but was suppressed by her sister-in-law.

Looking at the eyes of her second sister-in-law, Fang Cuiying sighed, her mother was too partial.

Though Tracy looked at the bankbook handed over by Fang Deli, a hint of calculation flashed in his smiling eyes.

Looking up at Mrs. Fang, Tracy smiled gently, but after lowering her eyes, the corners of her mouth sank slightly.

 Hmph, you want me to provide you with this little money to provide for you until the end of your life?

 Damn old woman, what a beautiful thought!

 (End of this chapter)