MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 615 Awesome

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  Two days after talking with Kanoko Hasumi, Yusuke Kato devoted himself to the studio.

  Although his current financial situation is relatively well-off, a certain problem has to be faced.

  That is, as the "Chain Saw Man" comics are coming to an end, he will also lose his biggest source of income.

   This is a very real problem.

  After all, his main income basically depends on manuscript fees and royalties. Once the manga is finished, the manuscript fees will naturally disappear, and the same is true for royalties.

  The current booklet of "The Chainsaw Man" has been released to the sixth volume, and there are still five volumes before the end, and all will be available before the end of March.

   In other words, his income will drop sharply after more than a month.

   If you don't want to usher in the situation where you can't make ends meet, it is undoubtedly an urgent matter to make the studio generate income as soon as possible.

  In view of this, Kato Yusuke has also recently gained a sense of urgency.

  But he didn't show it in front of everyone, but silently increased his workload.

  The first people who felt the pressure were Mayu Sagara and Izumi HASHIMA.

  As the second original painting of the studio, the two are not only going to give Erinashi Kiyojihara, but also serve as assistants to Kato Yusuke.

  As the latter began to explode, their workload also increased. Those cartoon tasks that should have been completed one by one within a week are now assigned in one go.

   Even, Kato Yusuke, who freed up his hand, not only did not rest, but continued to draw the original game painting.

  Compared to Ying Lili, who can only draw a few original paintings a day, he easily doubled his output.

   In this way, not only Sagara Mayu and HASHIMA Izumi successfully put on the mask of pain, but even Eiri was dumbfounded when they had to face the difficult task of Seijihara.

   It's been said before.

  The things to do in the second original painting are not complicated. To put it bluntly, it is a hard work.

  To summarize briefly, the first original painting usually only draws the outline and movements of the characters, and the rest of the clothes, face, hair, etc. will be omitted.

   At this time, the second original painting is needed to improve the details, and to refine the characters according to the script settings.

  The technical content here is not high, it is purely to dig out the details.

   Such a system has already formed a complete system in the animation and game industry.

  The main purpose is to allow those painters who draw well to have more time and energy to draw more original paintings.

  Of course, there are also many painters who are squeezed by the superiors, and actually do the work of the first original painting and the second original painting at the same time, but that is another matter.

   Closer to home.

  It is the so-called quantitative change that leads to qualitative change.

  When these two original work to a certain extent, anyone will feel devastated.

  No matter how hard Sagara Mayu and Hajima Izumi rushed to work, even drawing pictures until their wrists hurt, they were still not as fast as Kato Yusuke.

  Often they have just cleared a picture on their side, and when they raise their heads and want to take a break, they will find that there are two or three more pictures on the table unconsciously.

  Because HASHIMA is far away from Nagoya, the feeling is not intuitive, at most it is just a shock when I log in to the mailbox to check the work schedule.

   But for Mayu Sagara who spends every day in the studio, the pressure is not to mention how great it is.

  She felt as if she had suddenly become a worker on the assembly line, facing endless screws every day, and her originally happy life suddenly became dark.

   As a last resort, Ying Lili also joined Qing Eryuan's work later.

  With the joint efforts of the three girls, it was able to catch up with the speed of a certain animal.

   This situation lasted for a week.

  Yusuke Kato took the time to go to the Immortal River, and officially submitted the remaining manga manuscripts to the editorial department, sounding the end of "Chain Saw Man".

  According to the serialization speed of "Shounen Undead", it can just be declared over in the first week of February.

   On the studio side, all the CGs of Furukawa Nagisa and some of Fujibayashi Anko's CGs were also announced to be completed.

  Thanks to this, the progress of the original painting has also skyrocketed.

  In Hui's schedule, the work progress of the art department, which was originally like squeezing toothpaste, suddenly began to increase at an exaggerated speed.

  In the end, it easily exceeded the progress of the script, second only to the far-leading program department, and the results were astonishing.

  —The price is that the three painter girls are miserable, exhausted physically and mentally from this devilish work.

   When we got to the back, even the others were startled.

  In the end, it was Kanoko Hasumi who came forward to calm down someone who was so awesome.

   "Kato-kun, it's time for you to stop, right?"

  The person involved earnestly persuaded:

   "I'm sorry to interrupt you like this, but everyone's current state is no longer suitable for continuing to work. Can you consider taking a break first?"

   After this reminder, Kato Yusuke recovered from the state of selflessness, and looked around belatedly.

   What came into my eyes were tired and troubled faces.

  Sagara Mayu and Ying Lili were lying on the table, and the other was leaning on the chair. Their bodies exuded a gray and white color as if the soul had come out of their bodies, as if they were completely burned.

  Shiyu sat next to him at some point, and the computer screen in front of him was full of densely packed text. At this moment, he was yawning and typing on the keyboard.

   Not far away, Huizheng brought the refreshing canned coffee to Yingli Li and Mayu, looking here with a hint of worry in his eyes.

  The scene in front of him surprised Kato Yusuke, and immediately stood up and announced:

   "Sorry everyone, we're on vacation for the next week, everyone go rest, I'm going to the bathroom."

  He walked out of the office as he spoke, then walked quickly to the bathroom, turned on the tap and washed his face.

   The cold tap water hits the face, and the coolness seeps into the skin through the pores, bringing a burst of coolness.

  Looking at himself in the mirror, Yusuke Kato felt that his extremely active brain still showed no signs of calming down, as if he was still immersed in the previous state.

   Can't tell the reason, he feels that his condition is very good, as if he has reached the peak.

  A deep feeling reminded him that his [painting] skills seemed to be upgraded soon.

  It seems to have completely blocked the interference of the outside world, and just concentrates on the world of painting without distraction, as if the whole person is possessed by evil spirits.

  If Kanoko Hasumi hadn’t just woken him up forcibly, he might have continued to draw.

  Does a lot of painting make the skill level up?

  Holding this doubt, he returned to the office of the art department.

  Yusuke Kato originally wanted to verify his conjecture through practice, but the scene in front of him made him give up this plan.

  The bustling office just now has become deserted.

  For some reason, Shi Yu was sitting at his desk with his eyes closed, and gently massaged the center of his eyebrows with one hand.

   Kato Yusuke paused slightly, then walked up and sat down on the swivel chair next to him.

   "Senior Shiba, what are you doing?"

  The girl slowly opened her eyes, and looked at him with a pair of wine red eyes.

   "It's nothing, I'm just waiting for you here."

"wait for me…?"

   "Uh huh, Xiao Jianao took the others to the upstairs lounge. I thought you might not be able to figure out the situation when you came back, so I didn't go up."

  Yusuke Kato couldn't help feeling embarrassed, "...Sorry, I caused you trouble."

   "It's nothing to apologize for..."

  Shi Yu shook his head lightly, leaned back to the back of the chair, put two black silk thighs on top of his legs, and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

   "Compared to this, what is your state during this time?"

  Through the slightly lifted short skirt, a touch of pure white can be vaguely glimpsed under the hazy black fabric.

  Yusuke Kato's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he looked away calmly.

   "Hmm... I feel like I've hit a bottleneck."


  Shi Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized, "You mean, are your drawing skills about to improve?"

   "That may not be accurate, maybe it's just my illusion, but that's about it."

   "So it's like this... That's why you fell into that kind of bewitched state?"

   "Maybe." Kato Yusuke touched his nose with a wry smile, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone..."

   "No such thing~ Shouldn't it be a good thing?"

   “…That being said, I seem to have influenced everyone.”

  Shiyu had a smile on his face, and lightly poked his forehead with a slender index finger.

   "You are so cute and stupid. In fact, if you said that earlier, everyone would understand."

"can you?"

   Kato Yusuke said casually, while reaching out to grab her hand and hold it in his hand.

   "Of course, don't you believe me~?"

  Very naturally, Shi Yu also held his fingers lightly with his backhand, and the corners of his mouth briskly raised.

   "Have you seen my state when I was creating? Although everyone's performance is different, your appearance of forgetting to eat and sleep should be one of them."

   Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then said thoughtfully:

   "Speaking of which, I remember that the senior sister seemed to be talking to herself when she was creating, making weird laughter, shaking her legs so much that even the table would shake..."

   "—You don't need to remember that embarrassing thing so clearly!"

  Shi Yu interrupted him a little annoyed, her cheeks turned slightly red.

   Kato Yusuke couldn't help laughing, and suddenly felt that her shy appearance was very cute.

   "You misunderstood. In fact, I think such a senior is also very cute. I didn't mean to laugh at you."

   As he spoke, he held her hand, lowered his head and kissed the soft back of her hand lightly.

  The girl froze for a moment, her body froze for a moment, and then deliberately touched his thigh with the tip of her shoe, and asked with a straight face.

"…what you do?"


   "I don't seem to have asked you to kiss me."


  Yusuke Kato turned his face in confusion, and asked in puzzlement, "...Is it not possible?"

  Shi Yu didn't speak, just squinted at him, "...and then?"

   "What then?"

  When Kato Yusuke asked this question, Shiwa's expression changed immediately, and he pinched the back of his hand hard.

   "It hurts so much, senior sister, what are you doing?"

   "Man without guts, that's all you can do!"

  The girl said with an angry face, and there was a taste of gnashing of teeth in her voice.

   Before Kato Yusuke can react...

   "I'm going upstairs, you stay by yourself."

  —Pair conveniently shook off his hand in disgust, then strode outside with a sullen face.

  Yusuke Kato's brows were frowned and loosened, and he didn't understand the situation for a while. But immediately, he remembered the conversation with Kanoko Hasumi.

  He was startled for a moment, then smiled wryly.

"No way?"

   This was his first thought.

   "This is a studio."

   This was his second thought.


  Five minutes later.

  Yusuke Kato hesitated and walked up to the second floor.

  In the lounge, the fragrance of tea permeated the air.

  Megumi, with a tea set in her hand, walked between the water bar and the sofa, serving drinks to everyone, while Kanoko Hasumi brought various snacks.

  Shiwa, Eiriri, and Sagara Mayu sat on the sofa, looking a little more energetic than before.

   But in fact, all three of them had quite obvious dark circles on their faces.

  The main reason is that the liver explosion for a week is really hard for them to bear. Not only Ying Lili and Mayu painted pictures until they were soft-handed, even Shiwa also turned on the all-night mode for a long time in order to catch up with the progress.

  No matter where it is placed, the progress of the script is always faster than the original painting. This is a very simple reason.

   Kato Yusuke looked at the tired faces of the girls, and was sorry but sorry.

  He thought he would be criticized verbally, but Shi Yu took the initiative to help him explain the previous state.

   All the girls who heard the explanation were taken aback.

  But immediately, Ying Lili showed an expression of understanding.

   "What, it turned out to be just going crazy? Isn't that kind of problem a common habit for creators?"


   Kato Yusuke chewed on this word.

   Thinking about it carefully, such a description does not seem to be an exaggeration.


  As if she didn't expect to hear such an answer, Shi Yu said in surprise: "Did you take the wrong medicine today? You can say such a free and easy thing."

   "It was supposed to be—!

  When the creator is creating, he wants to separate himself from the outside world, immerse himself in impossible delusions, and devote all his energy to creating, even if the imagined content leaks a little bit, it’s not surprising. "

   "Just... that's it! After all, we creators are gods when we create, so we will inevitably become arrogant. If the world doesn't follow our own wishes, it's only natural to get mad."

  As if resonating with Ying Lili's speech, Shiwa couldn't help nodding her head, her expression seemed to reveal the meaning of "I am a god".

   Facing her attitude, Ying Lili nodded in agreement.

   "That's why we can dominate and conquer the world. Painters use colors, writers use words, this is our weapon."

   Unknowingly, the room became quiet.

  Everyone cast their eyes on the two gods with the second disease.

   "Sawamura, you are right. Maybe it is a bit contrary to common sense for ordinary people, but I don't think that way at all when I write. If I really want to care, it's the world that makes me feel strange."

"I see!"

  Ying Lili's emotions became agitated.

   "But there are people in the world who don't understand our hard work, who only find fault with other people's paintings, and even despise the works with high self-esteem. There are so many people like that... Roar!"

   "Really, for those imbecile... I also really want to eliminate them." Shi Yu said with great agreement.

   "Actually, I have prepared several ways to eliminate them in my mind."

   "Sawamura, do you prefer physical obliteration or social obliteration?"

   "Hey, I usually start from the social aspect, and I have already thought of several ways to drive people to a dead end."

   "How much influence do you have online?"

   "The super hacking performance in my head is very strong, do you want to show it to you?"


   "Okay, that's it for you two."

   Renjian Kanoko clapped her hands lightly, and hit the heads of the two of them respectively.

""it hurts! ""

  Shiwa and Eiriri held their heads at the same time and cried out.

   "Even if it's a joke, you're talking too much. Kato-san and Sagara-san are both scared, so don't disturb others?"

  Kanoko Renmi said while pointing her finger to the side.

  Megumi and Sagara Mayumi stood beside Kato Yusuke, one on the left and the other on the right, trembling like two puppies, looking frightened.

  Shiyu and Ying Lili exchanged glances, then bowed their heads resentfully to apologize.

  ““…I’m so sorry. ""

   Everyone, you look at me, and I look at you.

   It seemed that they were amused by the inexplicable congeniality between the two, and everyone laughed at the same time.


  Thank you [Tired Heart] for your tip.