MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 790 great again

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   Chapter 790 Great Again

   Of course, there is a premise in this situation.

   That is, the faction that ends early must be competitive enough to threaten other factions.

   Therefore, Hovchenko's faction did not arouse the vigilance of the first and second factions at first, but after Wang Ye's third faction ended, they really couldn't sit still...

   Wang Ye's third faction can really threaten their Duma seat!

There are only 450 seats in the    Duma. When the seats of one faction increase, it is obvious that the seats of other factions will decrease.

   This is all corresponding!

   Obviously, no faction would be willing to watch other factions take their seats.

  Because that would cause a series of chain reactions, or vicious…

The reduction of    seats means that the influence of the faction in the Duma will be reduced, and at the same time, the struggle within the faction will become more intense, because every small hill wants to get the limited Duma seats.

   Infighting among factions will lead to a decline in faction cohesion, and even in the face of the same policy, members of the same faction may express different opinions.

   will even cause faction members to distrust core figures such as the party leader, believing that under your leadership, the faction has not only failed to make progress, but has been losing ground.

   Then maybe some people in the faction will unite to "force the palace"...

   All in all, whether Grezlov, Kolov and the others can keep the faction’s Duma seats undiminished is the biggest consideration for their work performance.

   They must also participate in the competition, both for personal reasons and for faction development.


   Now there is a melee situation, and several major factions have started their campaign propaganda in advance.

   It has to be said that in this regard, the third faction of Wangye does not have any advantages.

   They are just a small faction, don't look at the title of "The Third Duma", but compared with the first and second factions, in every respect, it is a lot worse.

   Moreover, the first and second largest factions have their own media, but the third faction does not…

   That is, Wang Ye started early enough, signed contracts with some private media in advance, and bought enough advertising slots or newspapers and magazines, otherwise, even if he had money, it might not be easy to spend!

   After listening to Rosiana's report, Wang Ye also frowned.

   He understands the strength of the first and second factions, not to mention the first faction, just look at their Duma seats...

   The second faction must not be ignored. It is the "snake" of the Moscow region. There are many senior executives in the former Soviet Union, and there is no need to say their qualifications and connections!

  I still have a lot of work to do if I want to win the planned Duma seat in the election next year.

   For next year's campaign goals, Wang Ye is not too ambitious.

   What he thought was that as long as the third faction could win fifty seats in the Duma, it would be a big victory!

   is one-ninth of the total seats in the Duma, and this number is enough to take three views and two.

Whether    is promoted to the second faction or is still the third one depends on the result of the battle between the second faction and the first faction.

  If the first faction can hold their original seat, the second faction will become the third.

   And if the second faction can bite a piece of meat from the first faction, the order will still be the same, but the "domination" of the first faction in the Duma is not as good as it is now!

   This is also Wang Ye's plan, to slowly "weake" the power of the first faction, not to be able to replace it, but at least not to let the first faction occupy an almost monopolistic position.

  The Duma has become one word, which is quite boring.

   At least there must be a force that can check and balance the first faction, so that on many matters, everyone can discuss it calmly and well.

  This "burden", of course, Wang Ye is bound to!

   And he is not in a hurry, nor does he intend to achieve it in a short period of time, but intends to take a few steps.

  Each Duma election has increased the number of faction seats, so that after several Duma sessions...


   After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Ye remembered something, and said with a smile: "Since it has all started to publicize, has our faction's campaign slogan been confirmed? By the way, what is the campaign slogan of my uncle and their faction?"

  Do you want to run for election? You always have to shout slogans. This is also convenient for leaving a deep impression on voters and optimizing the effect of publicity.

   Just like the one from the Kremlin, when he ran for election a few years ago, the slogan he shouted was: "Give me twenty years, and give you back a strong Russia"!

  Although I don't know how effective this slogan has been, it is clear that this sentence has actually become one of the "imprints" on Puding!

   His slogan was also in line with the desire of the people at that time for the country to become prosperous and strong.

  Rosiana replied immediately: "Our faction has not yet been determined, and we will continue to use the campaign slogan from previous years. Your uncle's faction campaign slogan is that we need to change!"

   "We need to change..." Wang Ye repeated in a low voice.

   This slogan is reasonable, but not very good, because it is not imposing enough!

The reason why    is acceptable is that this sentence is more realistic and in line with the current situation of Da Mao.

  The economic environment is sluggish, the employment rate is low, the salary is poor, and the birth rate is decreasing year after year...

   There are so many things to change!

If a campaign slogan like    is shouted out, it should be recognized by most voters.

   "By the way, the slogan of the second faction this year is let us be together, there is love and there is a future!" Rosiana added.

   She has been following up on next year's election campaign recently, dealing with various media and collecting information from various aspects, which can be considered to be her specialty.

  Don't say, Rosiana has done a really good job in this regard, it can be described as a duck to water.

  Wang Ye wanted to laugh as soon as he heard it, love can have a future?

The slogan    shouted out by the second faction is too illusory, not pragmatic at all, just want to use love to generate electricity!

   He knew that a meaningful and catchy campaign slogan was very important.

  Especially for a politician like him, the slogan he shouted when he first participated in a large-scale election campaign will even become a brand that accompanies his political career!

   When I ran for parliament last time, I was just an ordinary member of the Duma, relying on myself to draw votes, and I was only campaigning on the Chukotka side, so I didn’t need any slogans of “high and mighty”.

  Because there, no matter how awesome the slogan is, it is not as effective as two bottles of vodka…

   But this time is different. This time he leads the entire faction and is campaigning for the whole country, which must be treated with caution.

   What slogan would you use to represent your philosophy?

   Wang Ye's mind flashed, and he blurted out: "Our faction's campaign slogan... Make Russia great again!"

   (end of this chapter)

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