MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 792 bad luck

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   Chapter 792 Bad luck

   The Chinese restaurant Ruan Xiaozhu mentioned is on Arbat Street.

   This street, as long as people living in Moscow, should not be known to everyone.

  It is the most famous commercial street in Moscow. Although it is called "Street", it is not very long. It is only one kilometer long.

   And it is not open to traffic, only walking!

  This hotel should have some strength if it dares to open a store on Arbat Street, where the land is expensive. Otherwise, it will not even be able to earn the rent.

   At six o’clock in the evening, Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi got off the bus at the intersection of Arbat Street and planned to walk to the hotel.

   was followed by two bodyguards, as for the other bodyguards and the team, they could only stop nearby and wait.

  Wang Ye didn't want to be too ostentatious. It was really unreasonable to bring a dozen or so burly men in full armor to dinner. Those who didn't know they thought they were here to rob...

   Besides, this is the city center, there are quite a lot of policemen patrolling, it is very safe, and there is no need to worry about safety issues.


   After getting off the bus, I didn’t walk far when I saw a striking Chinese signboard “Hua Xia Pavilion Hotel”!

   The name is very atmospheric, but the hotel is not really big, just a three-story building. The location is actually not on the main street of Arbat Street, but on a small street next to it, just crossing Arbat Street.

When    came to the door of the hotel, a beautiful Russian woman in a cheongsam greeted her warmly and asked in her somewhat broken Chinese, "Excuse me...are you here for dinner?"

  Wang Ye smiled and responded in Chinese: "My friend has reserved a private room, Tianzi No. 6."

  I heard Ruan Xiaozhu say that there is no lobby like an ordinary hotel in this hotel, all are private rooms, so the consumption should not be low.

   But when Wang Ye and the others came over, they didn't see many guests coming.

   Today I came to see my old sister and Yanzi, both of whom are my own, so Wang Ye dressed casually.

   Moscow in July is the best season of the year. The temperature is in the early twenties, and there will be showers almost every day, so the air is very humid.

  Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi are both wearing short-sleeved round neck shirts and linen slacks, with sneakers on their feet, and they look like ordinary college students.

   Of course, if it weren't for Wang Ye's "outrageous" identities, the two of them would have been college students...

   In addition, Wang Ye also deliberately wore a pair of sunglasses, so the beauty in the cheongsam didn't recognize it at all. The "little young" who was talking to him in Chinese turned out to be a big man!

  Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi walked into the restaurant under the leadership of the beautiful cheongsam.

   followed Wang Ye's two bodyguards not far or near, then sat down casually in the cafe next to the hotel and had a cup of coffee each.

   Guards at the door of the hotel, if something happens inside, they can rush in as soon as possible.


  Led by the beautiful woman in cheongsam, Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi came to the private room that Ruan Xiaozhu had ordered.

   Pushed the door and went in. Ruan Xiaozhu and Yanzi were sitting inside chatting and waiting.

   Seeing Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi coming, the two quickly stood up and greeted them with a smile.

  After a few greetings, everyone sat down, Ruan Xiaozhu also instructed the waiter to serve the dishes, and everyone chatted while eating.

   "Xiaozhu, are you still planning to continue your graduate studies?" Nalan Yaqi asked curiously.

Ruan Xiaozhu replied without hesitation: "Of course! The company's affairs are not so busy anyway, and I don't need to attend classes every day for graduate school, so I will continue to study. Besides, I plan to graduate with a doctoral degree in one go, and it goes well. If you can graduate in three or four years.”

  Lao Maozi can directly apply for postgraduate study after graduating from an undergraduate degree.

   After two years of postgraduate graduation, and another three years is an associate doctorate, which is equivalent to a doctorate in other countries.

   In general, students like Ruan Xiaozhu and the others who came to study abroad with an undergraduate degree are rarely able to get a doctorate degree in one breath and get a graduation certificate smoothly. That is too difficult.

  Especially in the fields of science and medicine, it is even more difficult.

   However, there are some people who have finished university in China and come to do a Ph.D., relatively speaking, they can persevere, but there are not many such people.

   Ruan Xiaozhu is nothing to do. She has to stay here and work anyway, so she can "by the way" get a doctorate.

  She is very good in Russian, and she is more serious in her studies, and she is not studying science and medicine, so it is not a big problem.

  The two of them were chatting about studying for a Ph.D., while Wang Ye turned his head and asked Yanzi, "How is the situation in Petersburg now?"

  Speaking of which, Wang Ye is now the boss of Yanzi, the real one!

   Yanzi and Song Xiaogang both rely on Wang Ye to eat, so she has always been cautious in front of Wang Ye. Now that she heard the boss's question, she quickly put down her chopsticks and replied seriously:

"The venue over there has been improving a lot recently. The group has been insisting on advertising in many countries in Europe. In addition, Petersburg in summer is also a European tourist destination, and many Europeans come to travel, so the business in the venue is also good. up.

   By the way, that giant cruise ship is in the process of interior decoration. According to Miss He, it will be put into use soon. "

   The cruise ship she was talking about was, of course, the one that the Constantine family used to invest in the Kitty Eagle Group.

   itself is a completed cruise ship. After being taken over by Kitty Eagle Group, Miss He sent a professional team to take charge of the interior layout and reconstruction of the cruise ship, making this cruise ship more suitable for use.

  Because we plan to open the "high seas gaming" business, many functional areas in the cruise ship will naturally need to be renovated.

   As for this cruise ship, Wangye intends to put it on the Petersburg side, because there is a port there, and it is closer to the wealthy regions of Europe, and its position is superior.

  Looking at the map, you can see that Petersburg is located on the Baltic Sea, close to those rich countries in Western Europe and Northern Europe.

   As for Moscow, if you go west, you will be surrounded by Ermao and Sanmao...

   Further west is just a bunch of poor people from Eastern Europe haha!

  So, in terms of tourism development prospects, Petersburg has much greater potential than Moscow.

   More importantly, the cruise set sail from Petersburg, half circled Europe, and basically traveled through the most affluent regions in Europe, and then arrived at the Crimean Peninsula!

   This is a perfect tourist route.

  Wang Ye intends to let Song Xiaogang and Yanzi take turns to go to the cruise to learn and practice for two more years. It is estimated that the two will be able to be on their own.

   When the time comes, one person will be in charge of the gaming center in Petersburg, and one person will be in charge of the cruise ship!


   The four of them were eating and chatting, and when they were chatting and laughing, they heard a loud noise from next door.

  The private rooms of this hotel are all remodeled later, the walls between each private room should be quite thin, and the sound insulation is not good.

   Under normal circumstances, it will not have any effect, after all, who would yell at dinner.

   But today, I don't know whether to say that Wang Ye and the others are unlucky or something, they encountered a special situation...

   (end of this chapter)