MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 840 False foreign capital

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  Chapter 840 False foreign investment

  The Duma election here is in full swing, but in China, Wang Ye's father has encountered a small trouble.

  Flour Improver Plant was doing quite well last year.

  Before the Chinese New Year, the factory specially held a grand commendation meeting to reward the outstanding employees of the whole factory.

   The commendation method is "simple and rude", that is, bonuses and cash on the spot!

  At that time, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in the city specially sent a cash truck to bring the cash, and the police station in the county sent a dozen policemen to maintain law and order.

  Because the amount of the bonus is really a bit big, it's a huge three million!

   Perhaps in the eyes of Wang Ye, this amount of money is nothing, but it is a small county in the mainland!

  The small square in front of the office building of the Flour Improver Factory is actually a flat concrete field, which is usually used for parking.

   Now a high platform is temporarily built as a rostrum.

  The hundreds of workers in the whole field gathered in this open space, and there were no chairs, and everyone stood.

  The conditions are relatively simple, but they can be overcome. Anyway, the commendation meeting will not be very long.

   Standing at the front are the protagonists of today's commendation conference, that is, the salesmen in the sales department.

  More than 30 young people, all of them looked very tired, and some of them were dusty, because they basically just came back from a business trip.

   There are several families in the countryside, and they haven't had time to go home yet.

  But after the commendation meeting, it will be a holiday. Wouldn't it be better to go home with a generous salary and bonus for the New Year?


   Just as everyone was waiting for the commendation ceremony to start, several cars filed in and parked in the open space next to the rostrum.

   The car at the beginning is the Audi A6 owned by the factory owner.

  The car behind is a Santana 2000, and the license plate should be the car of the county leader.

  Further back, there are two police cars and an armored van!

  Accompanied by the "bang bang bang" sound of opening and closing the doors, everyone got out of the car.

  Wang Ye's father and the county magistrate got out of the car and stepped onto the rostrum humbly.

  Several policemen also wore uniforms, guarding around the rostrum with serious expressions, vigilantly observing the movement everywhere.

  At the beginning, the workers in the factory were still a little confused, so they held a commendation meeting. Even if the county magistrate participated, it would not be possible to send so many policemen over.

   Could it be because the law and order in the county has not been very good in the past few years, and I am afraid that someone will cause trouble?

  But soon everyone understood why the police came.

  Because the cash transport truck behind opened the tailgate, two cash transporters carried a box onto the rostrum.

  Under the signal of Wang Ye's father, he opened the box and put all the money inside on a table.

   Stacks of banknotes were placed on the table of the rostrum, which dazzled all the factory workers in the audience, and many people kept swallowing...

  Because there are so many!

   It looks like there are two to three million...

  Wang Ye's father personally presided over the commendation meeting, and he didn't say too many official words, but went straight to the point.

   I expressed my gratitude to everyone for their hard work over the past year in a concise and concise manner. The factory has achieved good sales performance, so the reward policy promised to you at the beginning will also be fulfilled.

   It is naturally the sales department that gets the bulk of the bonus.

  Over the past year, dozens of salespeople in the sales department have worked really hard.

  Most people travel in other places almost all year round!

  I come back occasionally to reconcile accounts with the factory, make reimbursement, and report on performance. After a few days of recuperation, I continue to go on business trips.

   Thanks to the efforts of these salesmen, the revenue of the Flour Improver Factory reached nearly 80 million in 2003!

   This is not only the largest enterprise in the county, but even the top three "big enterprises" in the entire region!

   "The two million bonus belongs to the sales department, and then the reward levels will be divided according to the annual sales ranking of all salesmen.

  Five first prizes, each of whom will receive a bonus of 100,000 yuan!

  Ten second prize winners will each receive a bonus of 50,000 yuan!

   Twenty third prize winners will each receive a bonus of 30,000 yuan!

   Then, there is a special prize, as the employee with the best performance and the most profit for the factory, he will get a grand prize of 400,000 yuan! "

   Before the words fell, there was a huge noise from the audience.

   This is four hundred thousand!

   Still 400,000 in one of the most backward and poorest small inland counties!

It is no exaggeration to say that so much money is enough to buy a single-family villa with a large yard in the best location in the county, that is, the "rich area" on the side of Wang Ye's house. point…

  Now, it's just a salesman's year-end bonus.

  There are so many people in the whole factory, who has seen so much money, who has seen such a generous factory.

   No wonder everyone was shocked.

   After regaining consciousness, everyone began to discuss, who is the lucky one who can get the 400,000 super prize!

  Others are guessing, but the salesmen in the sales department already know it well.

   Their gazes all turned to a young man who looked a bit rustic.

   This rustic young man named Wang Yanhua is blushing and rubbing his hands non-stop.

  The chest rose and fell, obviously very excited.

  The sales department will naturally have an internal sales ranking, and Wang Yanhua, since the second half of last year, has been firmly occupying the first place in the sales list, and has never been lowered!

   Sure enough, Wang Ye's father on the stage announced loudly: "Wang Yanhua, the winner of the special sales prize! Come on, come on stage."

  Wang Yanhua felt dizzy and didn't know how to go.

  Stepped forward with his right leg, followed by his right hand, then walked up to the rostrum with his left leg and left hand.

  But no one laughed at him in this meeting. Everyone was looking at Wang Yanhua's back and the large pile of hundred-yuan bills on the table!

  The accountant has quickly counted out forty bundles from the huge pile of money, specially packed them in transparent plastic bags, and sealed the bag mouth.

  Wang Ye's father reached out to pick up the bag of banknotes, weighed it, and said with a smile: "Good guy, it's quite heavy!"

As he spoke, he stuffed the bag of banknotes into Wang Yanhua's arms, and said, "Hold it well! Don't forget to send a big red envelope to your family when you get home in two days. Your kid hasn't been home much in a year. God, take advantage of the Chinese New Year to honor your parents."

  Mu was holding the big bag of banknotes in a daze, Wang Yanhua didn't know what to say, but kept nodding with a smirk.

   After receiving the award, I can’t go down, because there will be a group photo session later.

  Following Wang Ye's father's roll call one by one, all the awards were also received by excited salesmen one by one.

  Finally, these salesmen with large bundles of banknotes in their arms took a group photo with Wang Ye's father and the county magistrate.

   This group photo is going to be on the news. It is rare to find a big company in the county, and it has paid so many bonuses to its employees.

   Absolutely very good material.

  Didn’t the country advocate reform and opening up for common prosperity these days? Flour Improver Factory is definitely the best case.

  From a half-dead factory, it immediately became full of vitality after the introduction of foreign capital.

   Not only provided nearly a thousand jobs for the people in the county, but after earning money, they also provided huge amounts of cash to reward the hard-working factory employees.

  The county magistrate has instructed the staff to take a few more photos, write an article after returning home, and prepare to send it to the city newspaper!

   In addition, people from the county TV station are recording. See if they can list the evening news of the local TV station!

  The prize distribution process was carried out very quickly, and the process was even simpler.

   But this scene had a great impact on all the employees in the factory!

  Originally everyone was paid thousands of yuan a month. Even if the flour improver factory is profitable and the boss is generous, few people can break through two thousand yuan.

   But the one with the most bonus at the end of the year actually got 400,000!

  This is equivalent to the income of ordinary workers working for 40 years...

   It turns out that this is called "the more you work, the more you get, the able get rich first"!

  For employees who are used to eating public meals and eating big pot meals, the impact of this scene is too great.


  Wang Ye's father is really generous.

  The factory has indeed made money this year, with sales of 80 million yuan. After deducting all expenses, the net profit is nearly 20 million yuan!

  Of course, this is also because it is still in the tax holiday period, and a large chunk of expenditure is missing.

  So he generously took out a large sum of money and distributed it to employees as a year-end bonus, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits brought about by the development of the factory.

   Except for those award-winning employees at today's commendation meeting, all employees in the whole factory have year-end awards.

   Three months salary per person!

   This is shared by all the workers in the factory, even the cleaners!

   This expenditure alone is as high as more than 4 million, which is higher than this year's commendation bonus...

   But the effect is also obvious.

  All the workers in the factory were overjoyed, wishing they would not have a holiday for the Chinese New Year, and everyone continued to go to work!

  As the factory workers went home for vacation, the news spread.

  Flour improver factory also suddenly became the focus of the whole county.

  Almost everyone in the county is discussing the year-end bonus of the Flour Improver Factory, discussing their high bonuses, and discussing Wang Yanhua who received a bonus of 400,000 yuan...

   There are quite a few people who want to work in the flour improver factory through various connections.

   It is said that Wang Yanhua, who received a bonus of 400,000 yuan, went home for the New Year, and the threshold of his house was trampled down by the matchmaker, all of whom were introduced to him!

  Earning 400,000 yuan a year, what kind of concept is that...


  Everything was going well at first, the business in the factory was booming, and even invested in the construction of a new factory after the Chinese New Year, purchased a new production line, and planned to continue to expand the scale.

  But after Wang Ye's father received the news, his mood became bad.

   This news came from a friend of his in the city, and the content is very simple.

   It means that the fact that the Flour Improver Factory gave out millions of bonuses during the Chinese New Year has spread throughout the city and attracted the attention of the Municipal Grain Bureau.

   Years later, at a meeting of the Grain Bureau, someone raised this question.

   That is, the Flour Improver Factory was originally an asset of the County Grain Bureau, why it was sold without the consent of the city.

   Is there something tricky in this, is there a problem of loss of state-owned assets, is there someone colluding with others inside and outside to embezzle state-owned assets!

   Otherwise, why did the factory with such a good profit be sold silently?

   That friend worked in the Municipal Grain Bureau, but he was not qualified to participate in the team meeting. After inquiring about the news, he quickly told Wang Ye's father.

  Finally, he said earnestly:

   "Yuanwen (Wang Ye's father's name), your ability to do things is obvious to all.

   Ordinarily, with your ability, you should have been promoted long ago. Why haven't you been promoted? It's because you don't know how to engage in relationships, and you offended many people!

   Now that you are in business and have made so much money, you don’t know how to manage it up and down.

  I understand that you made this cake bigger, but don't forget that your cake was made in someone else's territory.

   If you don’t share some with everyone, others can ignore you.

  If you are a smart person, you shouldn't spend so much money on any commendation conference.

   Let an ordinary employee get a bonus of 400,000, you are crazy!

  I heard that your factory gave out a total of seven to eight million yuan in bonuses during the Chinese New Year. So much money was distributed to some in the county and some in the city.

   Then someone will trouble you?

   Just kidding, if seven or eight million were allocated to the counties and cities, you would be able to walk sideways in the whole city in the future, and you can enter and exit the city government compound at will! "

  After listening to the old friend's earnest words, Wang Yuanwen fell silent.

   It's not that he doesn't understand some things, but that he doesn't want to do them!

   It’s okay to say that he is stinky, or that he is dead-headed, but he just doesn’t want to do that.

  He also paid a price for this. The college students who graduated in the past seven years were definitely highly educated and high-quality talents at that time!

   As a result, he spent half of his life before becoming a deputy department. Those people in the same class, some of them are very powerful, have become high-ranking officials.

   This is obviously not satisfactory.

   Now he is still in the light of his son, and only then has he found the "second spring" of life.

  Although he received the news, Wang Yuanwen still didn't take any action, let alone take care of it as his friend suggested.

  He has always believed that it is enough to do his own thing well in a down-to-earth manner, and there is no need to engage in those crooked ways.


  The old friend did not fool Wang Yuanwen, and soon, an investigation team from the city went down to the county.

  Began to investigate the sale of the flour improver factory.

  Wang Yuanwen was also called by the investigation team to question whether the so-called foreign investment was true or false.

The city really suspects that there is a problem with this so-called foreign investment, because no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for any real foreign capital to invest in a small county in the inland without investing in a big coastal city or a big city like the capital Shanghai. Improvement factory.

  The most important thing is that it is said that it is foreign investment, but now there is not even a foreigner in the flour improver factory!

   All management and finance are in charge of Wang Yuanwen alone!

  Anyone with a little brain can detect that something is wrong...

  For this matter, Wang Yuanwen really couldn't give any reasonable explanation, and he was a little guilty.

  Because Wang Ye only told him that he had found a Russian company to carry out the acquisition in name, but it was Wang Ye who actually paid the money.

  So in Wang Yuanwen's mind, this so-called foreign investment is indeed a bit "problematic"...

  (end of this chapter)