MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 893 then let's do it

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  Chapter 893 Let's do it

  Concentrated on the few days at the end of December, Wang Ye non-stop participated in the board of directors of several group companies.

  Yukos Group, Gazprom Group, United Airlines Group, Russian Automobile Group, Polar Bear Investment Company, Siberia Gold, Kitty Hawk Group...

  Among them, Wang Ye received a staggering 2.8 billion dollars in dividends from the Yukos Group!

  Gazprom Group is a little less, and he doesn't have many shares, so there are only US$500 million.

  Siberia Gold did nothing but get a dividend of 900 million US dollars.

  Kitty Hawk Group gave Wang Ye a surprise, with a profit of US$1.8 billion in 2004!

   After all, in this group company, because of the existence of the exclusive gambling card, there is no competitor at all, and the investment is low and the revenue is high!

  Furthermore, with the launch of ultra-luxury cruise ships and the opening of several new tourist routes, the tourism markets of many countries on the Eurasian continent have been opened up, so the performance of the Kitty Hawk Group has grown very rapidly this year!

  Although the overall size of this group is not large, it is indeed a rare cash cow, a real cash cow!

  At the board meeting, after discussing with Ms. He and Constantine, Wang Ye plans to focus on the five-star hotel business and high-end shopping centers next year, that is, in 2005!

  Gaming business is expensive, fine, and not expensive, and has relatively large limitations. It would be nice to be able to manage the existing three gaming centers and a luxury cruise ship.

  But five-star hotels and high-end shopping malls definitely have almost unlimited market space and imagination!

  Besides, the Kitty Hawk Group originally had the gene of being a hotel. The Kitty Hawk Hotel in Moscow was originally a high-end hotel...

   For the luxury business, the one that Nalan Yaqi started next to the Kitty Eagle Hotel will officially open next year. It can be used as a pilot to see the effect.

  If the effect is good, it will immediately expand to Petersburg, Yalta, and even Kiefu.

  These cities are all their own "territories", and the location of the land they want is basically a matter of Wang Ye's words!

  The five-star hotel business is even easier. Now the group has several hotels that have already opened and are actually being renovated. If the service standard is further improved, and those that need to be renovated, that’s fine.

   In the future, if the Eagle Group wants to enter the Asian market, hotels and high-end shopping malls are the real core business!

  After a comprehensive evaluation, Wang Ye decided that the Little Eagle Group will no longer distribute dividends this year, and use all the profits for business expansion.

  In the next year, it is planned to build three new high-end shopping malls, which will be located in Peterborough, Crimea and Kiefau respectively.

   And upgrade the five existing and under construction hotels to five-star standards!

  Acquire or build a new five-star hotel in Kifu.

  If the funds are insufficient, then appropriate loans and financing can be provided, and even a new local shareholder can be considered in Uzbekistan.

   There are ready-made candidates, Yulia is the most suitable one, there is no one...

  Miss He and Constantine expressed no objection and fully supported Wang Ye's decision.

  After the rapid expansion next year, the Kitty Eagle Group will truly become a giant company integrating gaming, accommodation and shopping in the entire Eastern European region!

   This is in line with Wang Ye's positioning for this group company.


  Except for those group companies with huge dividends, the remaining companies, such as Polar Bear Investment, Russian Automobile Group, United Airlines, and Crimean Investment, are all "difficult households".

   Needless to say, the two investment companies have different natures. At this stage, Wang Ye still needs to continue to invest money in it, and it is far from the time to reap the benefits.

   Among them, Polar Bear Investment Company does not need to invest additional funds for the time being, because there are no projects in the market that Wang Ye can fancy to invest in, and there are still a lot of remaining funds in the company's account.

  What they have to do is to continue to follow up on those projects that have already been invested, or provide professional advice and services when Wangye needs to make new investments.

  Krimi Investment Company is a big money eater, and the demand for funds is almost bottomless!

  Wang Ye did some calculations. He has received a total of 4.85 billion dollars in dividends this year. Of course, this money cannot be directly deposited into his personal account, and he would have to pay too much tax!

  Directly let professional financial institutions allocate and invest all the money.

   Of course, some of these investments also require more cumbersome procedures to bypass certain regulations...

  But there is no need for Wang Ye to worry about it. Why do you have so many people under him?

  Professional matters can be left to professionals, who only need to issue instructions.

  After consideration, Wang Ye added an additional one billion US dollars to the Crimei Investment Company, and continued to inject two billion US dollars into Zhang Xiaoxi's asset management company!

  No way, Zhang Xiaoxi wants to build a large-scale commercial complex, which is an absolutely asset-heavy project that requires a huge amount of capital investment!

   Even if it is possible to obtain loan financing with local financial institutions, the self-owned funds should not be too small, otherwise the risk will be great.

  So Wang Ye would rather invest more, take less loans, and work steadily.

  In addition, Wang Ye also invested an additional 350 million US dollars in the Russian Automobile Group, allowing Katya to build sales channels, do publicity and promotion, and the like.

  The remaining US$1.5 billion also has a place to go.

  Wang Ye intends to attack again and make a big acquisition!

   As long as this acquisition is successful, his voice in the world energy field will be even greater!


   It stands to reason that there is no need for Constantine to come to the Kitty Hawk Group's year-end meeting in person.

  Obviously, coming to the meeting is a cover, his real purpose is to come to see Wang Ye, because there is a big event, he wants to settle with Wang Ye.

  After the group meeting ended, Constantine took Wang Ye to the big office on the top floor for a secret talk.

   Didn't go around in circles, just sat down, Constantine said seriously: "Misha, there is a big project, I don't know if you are interested or not."

  Wang Ye smiled and asked, "Which aspect?"

   "Siberia Coal Group! In the past two years, this company has acquired almost all the large coal mines in China and integrated the coal industry. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is close to domestic coal resources!" Konstantin replied.

  Wang Ye frowned, Siberia Coal Group...

   Of course he is familiar with the name, and it is indeed one of the giant companies in the Russian energy industry.

  Of course, the price of coal is not high these days. Compared with oil and natural gas, coal is not so eye-catching.

  In addition, although Russia's coal resources are not bad, it can be ranked among the top five in the world, but that is only a proven amount and has not yet been developed, so the overall volume is not very large.

   Therefore, Wang Ye did not set his sights on this industry, he has more important things to do.

   But now, according to Constantine, have you found an entry point to acquire the Siberia Coal Group?

   "Who is behind this company?" Wang Ye asked cautiously.

   On Damao's side, let alone an energy giant, any company that has reached a large scale has a background that is not so simple!

  Before you want to take action against a certain company, you must first check the background of the other party.

   Otherwise, if the other party's background is too strong, not only will he not be able to make a profit, but his teeth will be easily broken...

  Konstantin smiled slightly, "Kasyanov!"

  Wang Ye suddenly realized, no wonder Constantine is suddenly going to attack Siberia Coal, it turns out that the backstage of this company has collapsed...

  He was a little hesitant, and he planned to win over Kasyanov later. If he really went to engage in Siberian coal, wouldn't he offend others.

   Seems to have seen Wang Ye's thoughts, and Constantine explained:

  "After Kasyanov stepped down, Siberia Coal is in a hurry to find a new backstage recently.

  As far as I know, they frequently contact the core figures of the Petersburg faction and want to get the opportunity to enter the Kremlin.

  However, there has not been much progress yet, which means that the Kremlin has not yet recognized this company.

  So now is the best window period!

   If we don’t do it now, we won’t be able to do it again when they get close to the Kremlin. "

  Wang Ye nodded, the old fox Konstantin is really scheming!

  Stable and ruthless style of work!

  As he said, Kasyanov was in power before, so it was really hard to move this company.

   In the future, if this company really gets close to the Kremlin, it will be even more difficult to touch it.

  Then this period of time is the "gap period", there is no backer behind it, and it is at the weakest time node of "abandoning darkness and turning to light".

   The resistance to it will be much smaller...

  Then, the key question now is whether it is worth spending energy and money to acquire the Siberian Coal Group!

  Wang Ye was not in a hurry to speak, but took the cigarette case casually, lit a black Russian, rested his chin in one hand, held the cigarette in the other, and thought deeply.


  He didn't think about what problems the acquisition would have.

   Just kidding, with my current strength, as long as the opponent doesn't have a big backer like Ke Gong standing behind him.

   Or in other words, they are from the same faction as me, and the relationship is relatively close, so I am too embarrassed to do it myself.

   Then it is impossible to be uncertain!

  The only thing to consider is whether it is worth it!

  Wang Ye is not very familiar with coal, and Russia's coal industry is far less famous than its oil and natural gas.

  Many people are more familiar with Australian coal, or Indonesian coal, or even Mongolian coal...

   But Wang Ye's economic committee director is not in vain. According to the information he has seen, the proven reserves of coal in Russia can be ranked fifth in the world.

   In 2004, it has occupied nearly 10% of the global coal market.

  If we increase investment and increase production, we should be able to account for 1.50% to 20% of the global coal market.

  If you look at it this way, it already has strategic value!

   Worth doing it yourself...

  After considering these things clearly, Wang Ye stubbed out the cigarette **** in his hand, raised his head and said lightly: "Then let's do it."

   This sentence means that he has agreed to Constantine's suggestion and plans to join hands with Constantine to acquire the Siberia Coal Group!

  Konstantin was overjoyed, and quickly raised his head and said, "Then you should send someone for this matter..."

  Wang Ye said with a smile: "To set up a new company, the funds go to the offshore company for a while and then come back. It is best for people to not be able to see who the controlling shareholder is from the books.

  However, if you actually come forward to make an acquisition, you still need to let the other party know.

  You get this done.

  It is not convenient for me to come forward. "

  Of course it is inconvenient for Wang Ye to come forward to acquire the Siberia Coal Group. It is different from the time when he acquired the Siberia Petroleum Company. At that time, he had no official position and was purely commercial!

   Now, when most people see him, the first thing they think of is not his business status, but the "deputy speaker", "party leader", "committee director"...

   Moreover, it is easier to leave a story and attract criticism from political opponents.

  So he specifically asked Constantine to hide the source of funds, and it is best not to expose him.

  Konstantin naturally understood, nodded and said simply: "Of course! But... what if the other party refuses to buy?"

  Why Wang Ye was invited to do this together, of course not because Wang Ye is his "grandson-in-law".

  Konstantin is a person who "distinguishes between public and private". The reason why he brought in Wang Ye to do this acquisition is to let someone solve the difficulty when the acquisition encounters difficulties...

Wang Ye smiled slightly, "We don't want to take advantage of the other party, let's give him a fair market price. But if the other party doesn't know what is good and evil, we must reject our kindness, that is toast and not eat or drink. I will solve it. "

   What I want is his words!

  Konstantin said with a hearty smile:

   "That's fine, the boss of the Siberian Coal Group is called Menichenko.

   This guy has a big business, with banking, fertilizer, and steel businesses under his banner.

   There are his bank outlets on many streets in Moscow, providing currency exchange services.

  Oh, last year he spent $350 million to customize a private yacht.

   It can be seen that he has made a lot of money. "

  He is telling Wang Ye the information of the boss of the Siberia Group, Menichenko...

  Of course, there is no need for him to say, Wang Ye gave an order, and within a few days, Menichenko has been born to the present, how many people in his family, whether he has an illegitimate child, what color underwear he likes to wear...

  All information related to Menichenko will be collected and placed in front of Wang Ye!

  If Menichenko really does not accept a relatively "reasonable" purchase price and wants to break his wrist, then Wang Ye will teach him how to behave...

  To be honest, it does feel a bit bullying to propose an acquisition when the Siberia Coal Group has no backer. This is called taking advantage of others.

  But Wang Ye didn't have any psychological burden.

  He knows very well that these days, none of the energy and finance companies in Damao is "clean"!

  Oligarchs, big and small, whether they engage in mergers and acquisitions or cooperate with each other, it is nothing more than the big fish eating the small fish, and the small fish eating shrimps.

   At the very least, after this coal group is acquired by Wang Ye, he will try his best to expand the scale and provide more jobs.

   Will also pay taxes honestly, and even assume more social responsibilities.

   Wouldn’t it be better to leave the company to the oligarchs, and let them transfer the money they earn abroad to spend their lives, buy super yachts, private jets?

  (end of this chapter)