MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 900 return on investment

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  Chapter 900 Investment must pay off

  Introduced by Wang Ye, Yulia, Yanukovych, Ajielina, and Natalia got to know each other.

  Although Yulia and Yanukovych have heard of Ajielina's name for a long time, they also know the relationship between the so-called Deputy Speaker of Crimea and Mikhail.

  But the two of them didn't have much chance to deal with Ajielina before, so naturally they didn't know Ajielina either.

   As for Natalia's appearance, the two of them were a little surprised.

   Especially Natalia's identity made them more aware of Mikhail's ability to control Crimea!

  It seems that Mikhail has already started planning...

"What a pity!

  The last scandal did not completely defeat Priority Branch, nor did it cost him enough.

  Sometimes I think it's ironic when I think about it, he is obviously a rapist, but he can still run for election, and there are so many people supporting him!

   It’s really hard for me to understand. Apart from being a bit handsome and eloquent, Priority Branch has something special about him that can deceive so many people to support him.

  There is no hope for this country..."

  As soon as she sat down and exchanged pleasantries, Yulia started to complain.

   Wang Ye’s meeting with Yulia and Yanukovych deliberately involved Ajielina and Natalia.

  Because in name, Crimea is still a "special zone" or a free trade zone belonging to Uzbekistan...

  Even though Uzbekistan can no longer intervene in most of the internal affairs of Crimea, including the appointment and removal of officials, parliamentary elections, local laws, finances, and public affairs.

  But in the eyes of the outside world, Crimea still belongs to Uzbekistan, but it is relatively "independent".

  If Wang Ye can "send" Yanukovych and Yulia to the stage this time, it will be even more good news for Crimea.

  That's why Wang Ye asked them to meet and communicate with each other in advance.

   These people will be my "team" in the future!

   Especially the three daughters Ajielina, Natalia and Yulia, they are absolute confidantes.

  As long as the three of them are loyal to Wang Ye, it can also check and balance Yanukovych, preventing him from thinking otherwise.


  After listening to Yulia's complaint, Wang Ye just smiled and said gently:

   "That kind of thing is definitely not small for a politician like Yuke, but it can't be expected to kill him.

   After all, those scandals happened a long time ago, and it has long been impossible to prove it, and there is no way to convict the first department.

   By the way, according to the latest polls, his approval rating has already been dropped by the two of you, so there should be no major threat. "

   Wang Ye is naturally very clear about the scandal in the priority department, because it was originally "arranged" by his subordinates...

   This method is also the best way to deal with politicians like the priority department.

   Inexpensive, yet surprisingly effective!

   It is estimated that most of the supporters lost in priority departments are women.

  However, as Wang Ye said, this kind of thing can at most seriously hurt the first department, but it is impossible to kill him.

In addition, the people behind the priority department are not willing to give up on him. With many efforts, his approval rating can still be maintained at a good level, and he can also pose a certain threat to Yanukovych and Yulia. .

  As for who are the forces that support Priority Branch, Wang Ye is also roughly clear.

   Certain foreign forces are of course the main force, but in Uzbekistan, there are also some large and small oligarchs who support the priority department.

  Otherwise, relying solely on foreign forces, the Priority Division would not be able to reach this step!


Yanukovych pondered for a while, and said: "If the election is held normally, I'm not worried, because the combination of Yulia and I will definitely beat the priority department. However, I'm afraid they will not follow the rules. , making trouble outside of the campaign!"

  Wang Ye frowned because he remembered something.

   Then he asked: "Do something outside the campaign? For example? Did you hear some news?"

   Yanukovych nodded, he said cautiously:

   "Recently, I did receive some news that the campaign team under the First Section is collaborating everywhere and organizing personnel.

   It is said that in order to build momentum for the priority department's election, several large parades will be held!

  Of course, it’s fine if it’s just a normal parade, we can also hold similar activities.

  But I always feel that things are not that simple..."

   Yulia added on the side:

   "Also, some time ago, the campaign team of the Priority Division had an accident. Several people died or disappeared inexplicably, and they were foreigners.

  It is said that the embassies of the relevant countries have put pressure on the old fox to ensure the safety of people in their countries.

  Now there are quite a lot of police officers next to the campaign headquarters of the Priority Division, and they have also hired their own security team, which is said to be elite from abroad. "

   This is the first time Ajielina and Natalia have heard of these things.

   To be honest, the two of them were still shocked.

   Never imagined that there would be so many thrilling contests behind the apparently "free and democratic" elections!

  Of course, they are smart, and they can also hear some unspoken things from the conversation between Wang Ye and the three of them...

  Wang Ye smiled and didn't take it seriously.

   After thinking for a while, he told Yanukovych and Yulia:

   "You don't need to worry about these off-site things, just do your own thing well.

  The general election is about to start, is there enough money?

  If it is not enough, Yulia, tell me directly, or transfer the money to you through business cooperation channels.

  Also, I will ask someone to follow up and investigate the parade organized by the priority department.

   If they march honestly, so be it.

  If you really want to make trouble, don’t blame me for being too harsh, hehe..."

  Wang Ye's words made Yanukovych's heart tremble.

  Because he could guess how Wang Ye's so-called "strike too hard" would lead to what kind of consequences.

  A few days ago, several members of the priority department’s campaign team died, and Wang Ye didn’t even bother to mention such things.

  If "hands down is too heavy", doesn't it mean that more people will lose their lives...

  He also felt a little lucky in his heart, glad that he hugged Wang Ye's "thigh"!

   To be honest, he felt a little sad for the Priority Division. The campaign was going well and the support rate was high. Even the European and American media were building momentum for the Priority Division.

   At that time, many people judged that the priority department was very likely to win the election.

  However, Mikhail visited Kiefu!

   For some unknown reason, Mikhail chose to support himself and Yulia, standing on the opposite side of the priority department.

   Then everyone knows what happened.

  The priority department suffered successive blows, its reputation was discredited, its right-hand assistant was killed on the street, and the campaign team was panicked...

  All of this, in the eyes of Mikhail, may be just a small punishment, not really a shot!


  Hearing what Wang Ye said, Yulia quickly replied:

   "The funds from last time haven't been used up yet, so it should be no problem to deal with it until the end of the general election.

   I will contact you if necessary. "

  Although the campaign team formed by her and Yanukovych is headed by Yanukovych and supplemented by her.

  But Yulia knew that she was the one Mr. Mikhail could truly trust, and Yanukovych could only be regarded as a "partner".

   After all, I have that relationship with Mikhail...

  My task in the future is not only to be the prime minister, but also to "monitor" Yanukovych for Mikhail to prevent him from acting irrationally!

Wang Ye nodded and changed the subject: "By the way, after you take office in the future, you should also consider diverting some resources to Crimea's side. It's not enough for me to invest here alone. And My expectations for Crimea are relatively high, and it will develop into the pearl of the entire Eastern Europe in the future, haha..."

   Speaking of the topic of Crimea, Ajielina and Natalia can finally talk.

  The two of them just sat aside for a long time without speaking.

   "Yes, although the development of Crimea has been pretty good in the past two years, it was all supported by Mikhail's continuous investment of funds.

  But the development of such a large area cannot rely on the input of only one person, which is not realistic.

  Hope that the next Kiefer government can also provide some help to Crimea.

   Even if it is not financial, you can support other resources. "

   Ajielina said.

  She is the speaker of Crimea, and she can use this form of official dialogue to make demands on the next Kiefer government.

  Although everyone present knows that Crimea is only under the management of Kifu in name, it is actually an independent area.

  So no matter how much resources Kifford puts in, it’s just "a meat bun beats a dog, never returns"...

   But so what!

   Anyway, it's not my own money, it's all from Uzbekistan, so I don't feel bad at all.

  Yanukovych immediately smacked his chest and said solemnly, "Mr. Mikhail, don't worry!

  As long as I can be successfully elected, I will definitely do my best to provide various policies and material resources for Crimea.

   It is obvious to all that Crimea is already the wealthiest and most promising region in the entire country.

  The country must also invest the most resources here to make the development here more rapid.

  On behalf of the people of the whole country, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Mikhail for his continuous investment in the past two years..."

  Although he hasn't won the election yet, he seems to be speaking as president...

  Wang Ye nodded in satisfaction. He tried his best, spent money and worked hard to push Yanukovych to that position. What was he trying to do?

   Let Da Mao and Er Mao continue to maintain the "brother" relationship is one of them.

   Getting enough returns from Ermao is also the key!

  Don’t think that Ermao is not good enough. If you are down and out, you will look down on this country.

   You know, the former Ermao, regardless of technology, military or industrial system, is counted in the world!

   Not to mention its land area and population, it is a big European country!

   As long as Yanukovych came to power, and tilted slightly towards Crimea in terms of policies and resources, it would be more effective than Wang Ye spending billions of dollars!

  No matter how rich an individual is, there is no way to compare with a medium-sized country or even a big country...

  Natalia sat beside her, keeping silent all the time, because there was no chance for her to speak in this kind of place.

  Wang Ye and Yanukovych are talking about general elections and national policies, which are beyond the reach of her "little prosecutor"...

  Ajielina is fine, she knows more about Wang Ye than Natalia.

  How strong Wang Ye is now, how much power he has, of course, can also be imagined.

  She doesn't care about other things, but she is quite happy to hear that Yanukovych promised to tilt policies and resources toward Crimea after taking office.

  Because this is her hometown, she still has a sense of accomplishment to make her hometown better and richer under her own management.


   It was almost time to discuss the business, and Yanukovych suddenly remembered something.

  He tentatively asked Wang Yedao: "Yulia and I have come to Crimea. Is it necessary to visit Meshkov? After all, he is still..."

Wang Ye waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "It's not necessary, he will officially retire after this year. And he is hardly in charge now, if you need to deal with any business in the future, just contact Ajielina directly , she will be the next speaker. And here in Crimea, the parliament will be the main one in the future, and the presidential palace will be the supplement!"

   Yanukovych nodded quickly, indicating that he understood.

  The two came from afar, and after the conversation, Wang Ye certainly didn't "drive away" him immediately.

   Instead, they stayed for lunch with them, and comforted Yanukovych, telling him that he didn't need to worry too much, as long as he could get the election-related things done well.

  As for the chores outside the court, I will help him deal with them.

   This made Yanukovych feel a little grateful. Mr. Mikhail is definitely his "reborn parent"!

  At the beginning, I saw that the approval rate was lagging behind the priority department, and the momentum was completely overwhelmed by the opponent. Almost no one was optimistic about me.

  In this case, Mr. Mikhail made a move.

   First, he brought in such a capable partner as Yulia for himself, and then sent him a large amount of campaign funds through various channels.

  Especially those things that were done quietly, directly hit the priority department to its knees!

   To be honest, if I can be elected, at least 80% of the credit should be credited to Mr. Mikhail!

  10%... 10% of the credit belongs to me, and the remaining half belongs to Yulia.

   Yanukovych doesn't have much affection for Yulia as a partner, but he doesn't feel disgusted either.

  He is very clear about their respective positions.

   As for myself, because of factors such as seniority and prestige, Mr. Mikhail chose to support him.

  But he has not yet gained Mikhail's full trust.

   That Yulia, for some reason, gained Mikhail's trust, and became the "wedge" sent by Mikhail to nail in the next Kifu government!

  If her performance is more obedient and meets expectations, then Yulia will be her chief executive honestly and assist her in her work.

  But if you have two hearts and want to "betray" Mr. Mikhail.

   It is estimated that Yulia will move from the background to the front, and replace herself...

  (end of this chapter)