MTL - Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei-~ 26 came to the flower country

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Fengyi Xuan, with blue mourning and other people pretending to be merchants, entered the national capital of Huaguo, but see Huaguo Guoduo Qiuyu Yuyu, carved beams and paintings, green mountains and green waters, birds and flowers, the shops on the street are full of excitement, and the selling sound is one after another. The red men and the green women shuttled in groups to form a prosperous picture of the prosperous world. At this time, the flower country, although it has reached the autumn, but the woman on the street is still wearing a thin, men are also wearing thin, in contrast, the blue mourning seems to wear more.

"The country of the flower country is really beautiful!" Lan Younian said that the flower country, which is completely different from the wind country, admired it. Perhaps it is now staying in the capital day, so I came to the flower country at once, and Lan Nian thought it was a stranger. The environment made her feel bright.

"If you like it, if we save the flowers, we will live in this country for a while." Feng Yixuan asked with a smile, even in the country of Huaguo, there is a very luxurious courtyard.

After the pedestrian entered the house, Fengyi Xuan sat down with blue sorrow and looked at Amu, who had been obviously anxious since coming to Huaguo. "Now we have not investigated whether Huaxiu is alive or dead, but this king wants to spend The power of Hughes in the flower country is certainly not small. You contacted the forces to investigate the life and death of the flower, and then we will find another way!"

Amu left the courtyard immediately after a ritual. Since this time, Amu also knows that Pluto really wants to save the Prince, so Amu believes in Pluto and the Blue County Lord, and it is rumored that Pluto’s martial arts are very powerful. Big, if you have the help of Pluto, you can save the Prince safely.

"Xuan, do you think Huaxiu is still alive?" Lan Youshen asked as he looked at the new courtyard. Although he had already regarded Hua Xiu as a friend, if Hua Xiuyi was already dead, then they were I am afraid that it will be a glimpse.

Feng Yi Xuan took a blue and quiet view to visit this clean and deep courtyard. This is a huge ancient house at the foot of the secluded mountain rock in the country of Huaguo. A bamboo forest behind the house, the multi-section bamboo roots like a whip hang down from the wall. There is a clean spring well below, and the garden has red and green pelicans that are rare elsewhere.

"Flower Hugh should be very deep in this city, otherwise it will not be able to win the Prince's seat under the pressure of the flower king, but also won the half-court, even if he is in danger, but with flowers The ability of the company will certainly not discard the life, and the flower king emperor should not kill the flowers at this time!" Feng Yi Xuan said with blue mourning everywhere, the younger generation of these people, Feng Yi Xuan The most optimistic is only Hua Xiu Yi, and once Feng Yi Xuan also estimated that this flower country should be a flower.

Lan Younian listened to Feng Yixuan's analysis and felt very right, but still wondered why "Why would the emperor not kill the flowers? I don't think the emperor of Huaguo is a father of a child!" After all, from intelligence In the end, the emperor of this flower country is a very ridiculous man.

"Of course he is not a good father, but Hua Xiuyi has already brought the jade of the flower country to his hands early. What use is there for the emperor without jade? So even if he catches the flower, he will not kill him. It will only force the place for the jade, and with the wisdom of the flower, it will not tell him where the jade is!" Feng Yixuan replied that the news was still a great effort to find out.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Lan Younian had to feel that the ghost domain is indeed stronger than the ruthless pavilion. After all, such a message is ruthless. I don’t know, I think it should be no problem. When I looked at the courtyard, I asked, "This yard is beautiful. Is it wherever you are?"

Feng Yixuan thought carefully and thought that Ghost Domain has developed very well in so many years. "Not every place has it, but in the future it will be available in every place!" So today, when he goes out to play with him, he also I can make my mind happy.

"After such a heavy dowry, are you still rich?" Lan You muttered, she was surprised when she saw the dowry on the same day. It was not a small fortune. It can be called the national treasury. After the blue mourning, I asked the dark three wind wing Xuan whether to transfer the money of the Pluto House. The Dark Three did not even deny it.

"I still have to raise you, of course, there will be no money!" Feng Yixuan replied, he did not know how much assets and money he had, but he ordered the following people after giving him a gift. Earn money as soon as possible, he wants to give the best life, so of course you can't lack silver.

"Amu still needs some time to come back. Do you want to sleep first?" Feng Yixuan asked. After all, although they were riding a carriage, they were rushing all the way. Fengyi Xuan still saw the blue sorrow on the cheek. Tired.

"Good!" Lan Younian didn't need to be in front of Fengyi Xuan. She could remove all the packaging and use the weakest attitude to face Fengyi Xuan. She also got the best care and love.

After staring at the blue secluded sleep, Feng Yi Xuan let the dark ones come in a lot of folds to start to review, although others are not in the capital, but many things in the capital and ghost fields need him to take care of, Fengyi Xuan side to review those folds, When you are tired of reviewing, you will look at the blue and blue thoughts that you are sleeping there, and then you will feel much better. It seems that even the most boring review of the book has become more interesting.

"Master!" said a soft voice outside, "Amu has come back, waiting in the garden!"

After the wind whistle "Hm", he put down the fold in his hand and came to the bed. Although he was reluctant to wake up, Feng Yixuan was very clear that he was worried about this day. Although he was jealous, he also supported it. I am thinking of doing this, so now I can only wake up and wake up.

"Missing, wake up!" Feng Yixuan whispered, but Lan Younian just turned over and continued to sleep directly. Fengyi Xuan "hehe" smiled and leaned down and kissed him. Red lips.

The feeling of warmth and comfort makes the blue singer hook the lips, the warm breath lingers around the tip of the nose, and the familiar smell gives an inexplicable sense of security. The hot temperature is uploaded from the lips, and the gentle and overbearing entangles in her mouth. Not to be outdone, the closed eyelids turned slightly, and suddenly I felt something was wrong. The thick eyelashes trembled, and the eyes were deep and stunned as if they were going to inhale the whole person and then couldn’t come out. Purple eyelids.

"Wake up?" Feng Yi Xuan's voice is full of repressed *, he secretly forced his own * to press down, he did not think that he would respond so passionately in his sleep, almost let I can't hold it myself.

Blue secluded nodded, her pair of pure and clear hustle and bustle like a moonlight, it seems to be gleaming in this luxurious night, the eyes are innocent and pitiful, 100% pure Meng attributes, see Feng Yi Xuan The body is tight again.

"Amu has come back, are we going to check it out?" Fengyi Xuan quickly transferred his attention, otherwise he would really eat, even though neither of them entered the final step, but it should be done. I did it, but the more I contacted Fengyi Xuan, the more I was dissatisfied. I really wanted to eat it, and he usually didn’t touch the body at all, and he was afraid that he would not control himself. *.

Lan Nian Nian heard this thing, his eyes were clear, and he sat up directly. He said that he was very dependent on "Well!" and then naturally let Feng Yixuan put on her coat, which has become the habit of two people. .

When Feng Yi Xuan and Amu came to the garden, they saw that Amu was waiting there, and they were already anxious. The top of the head had already begun to sweat, and the blue mourning had to be sighed. Loyalty.

"Pluto, Blue County Lord!" Amu quickly got up and saluted.

Windwing Xuan holds the blue secluded mind and sits directly behind it. "That!" This is the appearance of Fengyixuan in an outsider. Now, because of the blue mourning, the air-conditioning around him is much better. If it is blue, it is not in the air. By his side, he was filled with a lot of air.

"The Prince was captured by the emperor and was detained in the palace, but no matter how we inquired, I didn't know where the prince was being held!" Amu said with some urgency, and he did not think that there were so many spies in the palace. To the place where the Prince was detained.

"This king knows!" Windwing Xuan nodded, then said to the dark one, "The dark three is also coming, let the dark three come to see me!"

“Well?” Lan Youn’s incomprehensible look at Feng Yi Xuan, I don’t understand that Feng Yi Xuan let the dark three come to see what he wants to do. Seeing the style of Feng Yi Xuan seems to come from the beginning with the dark three to the flower country. It is planned.

"Let me kiss, I will tell you!" Feng Yixuan's smile with a little elegant and moist, clear-cut peerless, but it seems to be mixed with a little bit of evil, it looks extremely thrilling.

The blue secluded Yin Hong's lips are slightly spurred, and the eagerness of the glory of the glory, the dyed eyebrows with a flowing arc, like the willows on the shore of the March Lake, carrying the bright spring of the beautiful, the blue secluded There was no sentimentality and I sent my red lips directly, but I only kissed the cheeks of Fengyi Xuan, which made Fengyixuan happy and lost.

"Let's talk!" Blue sings and smiles, she will not be fooled to kiss, because every time I suffer is my own.

Feng Yi Xuan reluctantly kissed the red lips of the blue secluded mind. If the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain and not.

"The emperor of Huaguo is very fond of beauty. The woman in the harem is really thousands of people. As long as the beautiful woman he looks at will be taken into the palace by his unscrupulous means! Even the nephew who once spent the country’s emperor Haven't let go!" Feng Yi Xuan played with the long hair of the blue secluded, soft and silky long hair makes the wind wing Xuan love.

Blue sorrow squinted with round eyes, and the corner of his mouth smirked with a sly smile. "Don't you want to let the dark three use the beauty?" Lan Younian felt that the two men were really perfect. Last time she let Jing Wuan use it. The beautiful man, now Feng Yi Xuan let the dark three use the beauty, although this method is somewhat sinister, but it is the best and fastest way.

"Yeah!" Fengyi Xuan nodded and said, "Although the Huaguo emperor is very lascivious, but the ability is not small, so can only use the beauty!" In the view of Feng Yixuan, it is not important to use what strategy, it is important to achieve their goals. It can be done, once the wind wing Xuan doing things more unscrupulous, but now there are a lot of means to be with him.

"Master! Mother!" Dark three came to the garden to salute, although she was not used to being in the mother's mother, and the mother was in private with friends, but the master is not afraid to make a secret here, otherwise it is dark. Third, I know that I am definitely dead.

"Come on?" Lan Youn looked up and down the dark three, the usual dark three is always a black body, the hair is also neat and erected like a man, no powder on his face, no jewelry to decorate, And because of the perennial practice of martial arts and killing, the skin of the dark three is not very good, but the blue secluded look carefully but found that the dark three is a beautiful sap, and belongs to the kind of enchanting beauty, as long as more modified, it can definitely confuse People's heart.

"Yes!" Dark three looked at the mother and the child's gaze up and down, and the dark three had a goose bump, not because the mother's gaze was wrong, but because the mother's gaze at the master's killing began. Invaded yourself.

"Go and dress up, then let the dark one arrange, you are now going to seduce the emperor of the flower country, and take the place where the prince of the flower country is being held!" Feng Yixuan covers the eyes of the blue secluded mind, and then directly orders.

"Yes!" The secret three lives, everything that the master said in their lives must be executed, even if it is color lure, as for the use of * then look at each person's ability!

Lan Younuan pulled the hair of Feng Yi Xuan. "Let me give the dark three makeup, and make sure that she can turn the emperor of the flower country to the confused!" This is not a blue singer, it is a modern makeup. The technique is basically the same as surgery. Although Lan Younian does not like makeup, it does not mean that she will not wear makeup.

The wind wing Xuanyuan licked his lips and said that he did not agree, but he also waited for Fengyi Xuan to come up with a reason to refuse. Blue Nian Nian said with a small mouth, "If you don't agree, then change the dark three to me, I don't need makeup. Can also be confused...唔..."

Lan Younian had not finished talking and was blocked by Feng Yi Xuan, and Feng Yi Xuan was still angry and bitten in the lips of Lan Younian, letting Blue Yushen screamed. After Feng Yixuan bites, he feels distressed and slowly squats, and then he coldly said, "No next time nonsense!"

"I just said it casually!" Lan Younian looked at the colder face of Fengyi Xuan and no longer mention it. Then he looked at the dark head on the ground and said, "Let me not let me." Give dark three makeup?"

"Hey!" Feng Yixuan was reluctant to grieve, and said helplessly, "Good! You can do whatever you want!"

After listening to the blue singer, I was very happy. I let the big man go out and buy those glutinous rice gluten directly. The dark one is very entangled because he is going to buy a girl’s thing, but he is watching the mother. The dark one who told me could not refute, and went straight to the embarrassment.

Lan Younian took a lot of marshmallow gouache and went to the room with a dark three, and found a piece of clothing that she did not pass through, and then began to make makeup for the dark three very seriously...

Outside the door, the wing wing Xuan edge waited for the folding, while the dark one and the dark four and Amudu stood there waiting slowly, and then everyone saw the darkness that was different from the usual.

I saw the dark three-faced wearing a light pink robes wrap, wearing a white gauze, revealing a beautiful neck and a clearly visible clavicle. The skirt pleats, such as the snowy moonlight, flow to the ground, dragging the ground, making The gait is more graceful and soft, and the three thousand green silk is bundled with a hair band. The head is inserted into the butterfly, and the green silk is hanging on the chest. The thin powder is applied to the skin. Only the color is added. The red sensation on the cheeks creates a pure muscle. Like a petal-like delicate and lovely, the whole person is like a butterfly flying in the wind, and it seems like a clear and clear snow... But the three smiles are somewhat coquettish, so the two temperaments are combined together at one time, it seems not easy Remove your gaze.

From the dark three, Feng Yixuan just glanced at him without any expression, and then gently moved his thoughts into his own arms. As for the dark three, it was so beautiful to dress up. The possibility of intelligence is greater.

"Wow! Dark three, you can even become like this, it's terrible!" The dark four ghosts screamed, the usual dark three is definitely a woman, in the eyes of their dark guards is a man, but now the dark three Dressing up, the dark four feels that they are all heart-warming.

"Awful? Where is the aging mother? You tell me!" The third time he rolled up his sleeves, he was ready to beat the head of the dark four.

"Dark three, you are now a lady, calm!" Blue Yu Nian said helplessly, this dark three-speaking speaks to expose her nature.

The darker ones also laughed out. After all, the beauty of the dress was so beautiful, but when it was exported, there was no beauty, and the darkness looked at the darkness, and then thought about the action that the mother had taught. A ceremony, the voice said confusingly, "The little girl is polite!"

"Perfect!" Blue sings applause...