MTL - Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm-Chapter 109 become refined

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The vibrating sound had stopped, but the thick smoke remained, and it was getting thicker and thicker. That thick black smoke is just a black smoke from Wei Xuan's current position, but if the distance is close enough, you can see the shocking flames in the billowing smoke.

Even when the explosion just happened, there was an astonishing effect comparable to a mushroom cloud. But it's a pity that the location is still too far away, Wei Xuan can see these now is already very good.

What's more, the vast majority of ordinary people in the base where Wei Xuan lived in his previous life didn't even see the black smoke—the surrounding walls are very tall, and only the soldiers on duty standing on the walls can faintly see a trace of the sky. strange. In order to prevent the people in the base from being affected, it is even more impossible for this news to spread inside the base.

Even if someone is going out at the moment, if they don't know the specific situation, they will think that it is just an accidental fire somewhere, and it is completely impossible to imagine that it will be a huge explosion in a place very far away from T City.

Not to mention that Wei Xuan is simply standing on the top floor of the sixth floor and looking over there, even if he is on the super high floor where the fire girl and the healing man live, he can't see the specific situation of that place at all.

Standing on the roof, Wei Xuan put down the high-powered telescope in his hand and rested his chin in thought, should he just take advantage of these few days to go out? Find a relatively high place, such as the high-rise where the two guys live, and look into the distance?

While thinking about it, Wei Xuan, who had been paying attention to the sky, suddenly changed his face, and immediately pulled Du Hang to climb back to the building through the small door—at a certain location southwest of T City, there was a black spot that rose into the sky and headed towards the explosion. Flying in the direction of high speed!

That direction is exactly the direction that Wei Xuan judged after observation, the direction that the helicopter will fly every day recently, and the black spot is undoubtedly the helicopter!


The helicopter flying in mid-air flew towards the direction of the black smoke according to the route it traveled a few days ago. The pilot and the officer in charge of investigating the situation in the plane were very heavy-at this point in time, It is impossible for any troops to have arrived at that military factory!

After discovering the explosion, the base judged that there should be an explosion at the military factory, and the top management immediately made the worst judgment: it is very likely that some bases launched an operation in advance and wanted to get some supplies before the arrival of large troops. , and even swept away all the ammunition in advance!

So, for the current explosion, either those teams accidentally detonated the munitions inside when cleaning up the zombies inside the base, or they deliberately detonated all the remaining and unremovable things after they took away the munitions as much as possible. burn!

No matter which of these two kinds, it is absolutely not allowed! So not only this base, but all the bases around T city that participated in this operation, as long as they had helicopters, they all sent their planes to investigate the situation.

When the helicopter was advancing at high speed, the pilot suddenly said in astonishment: "Huh? What's the situation on the road ahead?"

"What's the matter? What's on the road?" The officer immediately came back to his senses and quickly looked at the road, then gasped, "Quick! Drive over and have a look!"

It is still in January at this time, the weather has not yet started to warm up, the entire city of T... no, it should be said that almost no one has cleared the snow on the road in all the snowy areas in the north, and most of the zombies are at this time They were all buried deep in the snow and fell asleep. Therefore, no matter who, anything, or anything appears on this vast white land, it will be particularly conspicuous, even if it is just a zombie wandering on the snow.

Even a zombie is very conspicuous, let alone a group of zombies? And surrounded by this group of zombies, there are dozens of extraordinarily exaggerated military armored vehicles?

Because of the special location of the snow field and the fact that these zombies unexpectedly laid an ambush in the snow, most of the 20 or 30 armored vehicles of different models were overturned to the ground by the zombies in the first place!

Even if it was not overturned at the first time, it was surrounded by the zombies as if suddenly enlightened by the combat plan, and the tracks, wheels and other things were destroyed, and it was almost impossible to move.

Hearing the sound of a helicopter coming from above, some surviving military personnel immediately sent a distress signal to the sky. And the helicopter that came over to investigate the situation immediately hovered in the sky. While asking the soldiers in the back seats to control the machine guns carried by the armed helicopter to shoot at the zombies below, they quickly sent a distress signal to the base—going out to perform missions. The convoy was actually ambushed by zombies! The current situation is very dangerous, and it is possible to be completely wiped out by the opponent at any time!

There is no doubt that once this news was sent out, it immediately attracted the attention of the base's middle and high-level officials, which is really too weird!

Just as the helicopter was assisting the convoy below to counterattack from the sky, suddenly, with a "swoosh", a black object flew out of an unknown building, and with a "bang", it actually hit the helicopter on the glass!

Even if the glass on the plane is made of good-quality bullet-proof glass, a spider web-like mark was successfully left on the window at once.

"Raise, raise! There is an enemy attack!" The officer in the co-pilot seat immediately judged the situation and shouted at the driver. After the second black thing flew up and actually made a dent in the plane's body, the plane abruptly went up and raised tens of meters, and finally lifted to a relatively safe position.

But things that surprised them were still happening. The "hidden weapons" were constantly being thrown from the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, and it seemed that as the height of the helicopter increased, their speed and strength became more astonishing. After the small propeller at the tail was almost hit, the helicopter immediately turned around and flew back to the base. At the same time, the base that received the distress signal immediately sent support personnel again and flew in this direction.

About an hour later, the rescuers finally arrived at the scene of the incident. What made all the rescuers look dark and horrified was that there were only some broken vehicle wrecks left and scattered on the snow. The blood and stumps of broken arms.

Fortunately, when they came to the rescue, they had already encountered some people and vehicles who had escaped from this place. Several of them were lucky. Turned over completely, drove over the obstacle when the helicopter assisted, turned around and escaped back the same way.

In addition, many soldiers with supernatural powers and very experienced combat experience also organized a breakout and finally escaped.

However, compared with the total number of people they went out for this time, they sacrificed a full three-fifths of their personnel this time. And now these people, even the corpses can no longer be found.

"...This is really the work of zombies?! Didn't someone pretend to be a zombie to attack us?!" After receiving the report of the failure of this mission, the general manager of the base almost roared.

"Chief, this is the data taken by the helicopter..." Because the satellites in the sky are not working well now, when the helicopters of each base go out to investigate the situation, most of them will randomly install surveillance cameras and record the situation along the way . This battle was also recorded by the plane.

It's just unfortunate that the footage on the plane was sacrificed under a "hidden weapon" attack, and only about half of the battle situation was kept in the storage device in the plane.

Taking a deep breath, the several leaders looked at each other sullenly, and could only sit in the room and carefully observe the situation of the battle.


"Let's stay at home honestly until the end of next month." Wei Xuan held a cup of coffee in both hands, stood in front of the window and looked at a small black spot faintly visible in the distance. The third plane seen. Of course, because of the limited field of view, he couldn't be sure if it was the same plane flying back and forth three times, or if there were really three planes flying from the base in that direction?

And there is another reason why he decided to stay at home honestly. Looking down from the window in another direction, even Wei Xuan himself and the zombies in the community stepped on the snow. It is clearly visible, if I really go out and run around these few days, God knows if I will be spotted by these flying helicopters?

Although Wei Xuan felt that he was alone, even if he was discovered by the military base, it should not cause any major problems or troubles, but what if something bad happens? Or be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship, wasn't he inexplicably captured and killed in his previous life? It's better to be safe in this life.

What's more, he has other things to do now.

After drinking the rest of the coffee in the cup, Wei Xuan turned around and came to the planter, frowning at the strange plants in different shapes.

Now, most of the plants planted in it have produced fruit.

Of course, they also bloomed before the end of the world, but what made Wei Xuan feel even more strange was that basically none of the flowers produced by these plants were similar to the flowers he had seen before the end of the world. The biggest difference between the flowers of these plants lies in their color—green, both the flowers and stamens are actually green!

What makes Wei Xuan's hairs stand on end is that the flowers of these plants basically contain both male and female stamens, and once these flowers open, they don't need artificial or wind to assist them in pollination. After blooming, tremble slightly, so that the pollen on the stamens will automatically fall on the pistils!

After discovering this situation, Wei Xuan decided without a doubt—this pile of plants has all become spirits!