MTL - Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 5029 Women buy special products to please someone

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When they went up to the third floor, they saw quite a lot of people on the third floor, but they didn't gather around the counter selling stationery, but gathered around the counter selling watches, electrical appliances, etc. This was quite convenient. He asked them to buy stationery, so they quickly walked towards the counter selling stationery.

When they reached the counter selling stationery, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Liu Ermei: "Whatever you want to buy, buy it quickly. After buying, we will go to the second floor to go shopping."

Liu Ermei nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she quickly bought a notebook and pen.

After she bought the notebook and pen, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I have bought the things. Let's go to the second floor now."

“Would you like to take a stroll on the third floor? Maybe there’s something you need on the third floor.”

“No need, I came to the department store just to buy notebooks, pens and some Beijing specialties. As for other things, I don’t have to consider them.”

“Okay, let’s go directly to the second floor.”

Liu Ermei nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then she and Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the second floor.

When they went down to the second floor, Liu Ermei asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Are you going to buy clothes?"

“Look, summer is coming soon, so I just want to see if there are any new clothes coming out.”

“Weren’t the few sets of clothes that Yuanyuan and I wore before enough for you?”

“Girls will never dislike those who have too many clothes. Will you dislike those who have too many clothes?”


  "That's okay, women want to please those who please themselves, so girls must please themselves at all times."

“I know, but I’m very happy every day now, and I don’t have to please myself anymore, because the life I’m living now is something I couldn’t even imagine before.”

 “That’s good, let’s go look at the clothes.”

Liu Ermei nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then she went to look at clothes with Lu Xiaoxiao.

More than ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao walked around the second floor without finding any clothes that caught her eye. She knew there was no need to go shopping any further.

So she said to Liu Ermei: "Let's go to the first floor to buy Beijing specialties."

"You don't want to buy any more clothes?" "If you don't like it, I might as well not buy it because it makes you taller among short people."

“Okay, let’s go buy pastries on the first floor.”

“Yeah.” After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she and Liu Ermei walked towards the first floor.

When they got down to the first floor, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Liu Ermei: "What pastries do you want to buy?"


 “Eat it for yourself or give it to someone else?”

 “Eat for your own family.”

 “Then don’t buy Jingba pieces.”


“It’s expensive, so instead of buying the Jingba items, you might as well buy the items you like to eat in the Jingba items separately. This is not only cheaper but also more satisfying.”

“Yes, why didn’t I think of that? Our whole family likes to eat jujube cake, so I will buy jujube cake.”

 “Okay, go buy it, I’ll wait for you here.”

Liu Ermei nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then she went to buy jujube cake.

 When she bought the jujube cake and returned to Lu Xiaoxiao, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I've bought the things, we can go."

“Don’t leave in a hurry, I’ll take you to buy Beijing pickles.”

 “What kind of Jingshi pickles? Are they delicious?”

“It’s delicious. I like sesame seeds very much. You can buy it and try it. It tastes very different from the pickles in Harbin.”
