MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 28 Come on, come on with me!

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  Chapter 28 Charge, charge with me!

   After some deliberation, Ivan finally made a final decision and adopted the tactics Lin Hua said. If it doesn't work, it's not too late to switch back to the tactics Bukov said.

  If in the past, to attack such a small highland, it would be enough to use a company of troops. However, after several months of fighting, the troops were severely reduced, so two companies had to be used to attack at the same time. If the first company and the second company go into battle at the same time, then I don’t have enough reserves in my hand, so Ivan said to Bukov and Lin Hua: “Bukov, Misha, the first round of attack is up to the two of you.” The company will complete it together." Then he looked at Leskov, "Your company and battalion directly under the troops form the second echelon."

  The three company commanders replied in unison after Ivan finished assigning the task: "Yes!"

  Lin Hua returned to the company, called the three platoon leaders over, and briefly explained the combat mission to them. Andre asked nervously: "Comrade company commander, will we be accidentally injured by artillery fire when we move towards the enemy's position during shelling?"

Lin Hua looked at Andre and said to him sincerely: "Second platoon leader, our purpose of adopting this tactic is to reduce the damage caused by our army's firepower when we attack the high ground. Even if we are accidentally injured by artillery fire, The casualties are also within our tolerance." He saw that Andre seemed to want to say something, so he raised his hand to stop him, and added: "When the whole company attacked, it used yesterday's 'three-three system' assault Tactics', Seryozha, Christopher and I are in a group, and I will personally lead the charge."

Before the shelling began, Seryozha, who was in the same group as Lin Hua, handed him a bulging and heavy rucksack, and at the same time said: "Misha, take this rucksack with you. It can be used in war."

  Lin Hua took the rucksack containing the ammunition and food from Sergey Sha, and thought to himself that this rucksack is simply useless when attacking, and taking out ammunition will take a lot of time. But it doesn't matter if you don't bring it, otherwise, after shooting the few bullets you carry with you, you can only fight the Germans with bayonets.

  After the shelling started, Lin Hua saw several columns of smoke rising above the high ground, and the steel helmets shaking faintly in the trenches disappeared without a trace immediately, probably looking for a place to escape the shelling. Seeing that the time was ripe, Lin Hua nodded to the leader of the row not far away, signaling that it was time to attack.

   When the first platoon leader saw the signal from Lin Hua, he immediately blew the whistle hanging around his neck. With the sound of the whistle, the soldiers of the third company hiding in the trenches climbed out of the trenches one after another, and in groups of three, holding guns, stooped and trotted towards the high ground. But Bukov, who was in another part of the trench, saw that the third company had already taken the lead, so he quickly gave an order to attack, followed the third company, and rushed towards the high ground occupied by the German army.

  The shelling on the high ground had just begun, and Malinin and Batrakov, who were staying in the regiment command post, also heard it. The two hurried to the lookout and raised their binoculars to look at the high ground in the distance. When he saw that the soldiers of the second battalion were actually shelling, they began to approach the German positions. Batlakov couldn't help frowning, and said loudly: "What's going on, what's going on here? Iran What did Major Fan do? How could he let the soldiers charge towards the high ground while shelling? Isn't he afraid that the shells will accidentally injure his own people?"

Regarding the uncharacteristic style of play of the Second Battalion, Ma Lining did not express any opinion. He just held up his binoculars and quietly observed the commanders and fighters approaching the high ground, wanting to see this highland where hundreds of commanders and fighters shed their last drop of blood , whether it will be taken by Major Ivan's troops.

  After the German army was shelled, except for a machine gun left behind as a guard, the rest of the people returned to the concealed department to avoid the shelling of the Soviet army. Based on their own experience, the two machine gunners believed that the Soviet army would launch an attack on the high ground after the shelling was over. Therefore, the two squatted in the trench and smoked, not observing the movement down the hillside at all.

  After the sub-shooter of the machine gun finished smoking, he felt a little urgent to urinate, so he stood up and prepared to find a suitable place to solve the urgent problem. After standing up, he inadvertently glanced towards the direction of the hillside, and suddenly got a jolt, and the **** that had been holding back for a long time flowed down the leg of his trousers. After a while, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Russians, the Russians are coming!"

  The machine gunner, who was still squatting in the trench, heard his deputy yelling so, and quickly stood up. When he saw the small groups of Soviet troops on the hillside, he was also shocked in a cold sweat. He quickly put the whistle hanging around his neck in his mouth, and while blowing desperately, he rushed towards the machine gun.

  Lin Hua's three-person team rushed to the forefront of the entire team, and everything went smoothly at first. When they were 170 or 80 meters away from the trench, the German machine guns fired violently.

   "Hidden!" Lin Hua yelled, and then threw himself directly into a nearby bomb crater. Fortunately, Seryozha and Christopher's reactions were not slow. Almost at the same time Lin Hua fell to the bottom of the pit, they also jumped into the pit at the same time. However, the two groups of soldiers who followed were not so lucky. They fell under the fire of German machine guns.

The German officers and soldiers who were avoiding shelling in the hiding place first heard the machine gunner blowing his whistle wildly outside, and then heard the sound of machine gun fire, and knew that something was wrong outside. Use intensive firepower to resist the Soviet attack.

Ivan, who was staying in the command post at the foot of the hill, saw through the binoculars that his troops were being suppressed by the German firepower, so he quickly called a soldier and told him, "Go tell the comrades in the mortar platoon and let them Knock out the enemy machine guns."

Hearing the order from Ivan, the firing speed of the mortar platoon accelerated, but due to the small number of mortars and the small caliber of the artillery, the killing effect on the German army was limited, and the machine guns on the high ground were still rattling. Non-stop, the commanders and fighters of the second battalion were suppressed on the hillside and could not raise their heads.

   Seryosha, who was hiding in the bomb crater, heard the sound of bullets whizzing past his head, and asked Lin Hua loudly: "Misha, what should we do now?"

  Lin Hua had already roughly checked the surrounding environment during the charge just now. Hearing Seryozha's question, he quickly took off his rucksack, took out a few grenades from it, and said to Seryozha and Christopher: "I will throw the grenade out later, and we will use the explosion generated Using the smoke as cover, we rushed quickly into the crater ahead. Understand?"

   "Understood." Seryozha and Christopher nodded, and also took out grenades from their backpacks.

   "Boom boom boom!" The grenade thrown by the three of them raised a cloud of smoke in the open space in front of them. The three of them took advantage of the blocking of the German army's line of sight, quickly jumped out of the bomb crater, ran forward a few steps, and plunged into a new bomb crater. Although the Germans found their group and fired at their hiding places with a dozen guns, they did not cause any harm to them.

  The three of them used this tactic to gradually approach the German position. But when they plunged into the bomb crater for the fifteenth time, Lin Hua asked Sergesha slightly out of breath, "Sergesha, how far are we from the German positions?"

  Seryozha thought for a while and replied, "Misha, I calculated that there are still about twenty meters left."

  Lin Hua took out the only two grenades left in his rucksack, handed them to Sergei, and at the same time told him: "Sergesha, I order you now to throw the grenades into the German positions."

   Seriosha took the grenade in Lin Hua's hand, took out another grenade from his backpack, added two grenades given by Christopher, and tied the five grenades together with a rope. When it was all done, he sat in the crater and yanked the strings. Then with a loud roar, he threw the cluster grenade emitting white smoke backwards.

   With an earth-shattering bang, Lin Hua, who was lying in the crater, felt that his internal organs were displaced a little by the shock, and then the **** internal organs fell from the sky and landed on the three of them with a crackling sound.

  Lin Hua stood up suddenly, and saw that the German position was covered with thick smoke, and the enemies who had been shooting wildly were gone. Regardless of whether the Germans had all been killed by the cluster grenades, he jumped out of the crater, raised his rifle high above his head, and shouted, "Come on, comrades, come with me!"

  Although he was shouting at the top of his voice, he felt that he couldn't hear anything, and his ears had been deaf from the explosion just now. Lin Hua took the lead in jumping into the trench with his rifle in hand, just in time to see an unkempt German soldier with his face blackened by smoke, covering his head with one hand and leaning on the trench wall with the other, trying to stand up. Lin Hua stepped forward with his spear straightened out, and stabbed the opponent to death.

   Thank you book friend 141122183941567 and the invincible Xiao Xixi for your support!

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  (end of this chapter)