MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 34 Risk yourself

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  Chapter 34 Personal risk

  Andre said embarrassingly: "There are German firepower points on both sides of the dam. With our current strength, it is simply impossible to seize the dam."

"Comrade company commander, I have an idea." Vanya stared at the few water marks that had dried up on the table, and said thoughtfully: "Since with our current strength, we want to prevent this by seizing the dam." The conspiracy of the German army to explode is absolutely impossible. Therefore, I suggest that we go straight to the blasting point where the German engineers are located. As long as the engineers are eliminated and the detonators are seized, the enemy will no longer be able to blow up the dam.”

   Lin Hua immediately agreed with Vanya's plan to draw wages from the bottom. According to his idea, how many engineers and soldiers can there be hiding in the abandoned bunker? The group of people under him is enough to clean them up.

Lin Hua left Pavel, Seriosha, and Christopher to guard the prisoners. He took the rest of the soldiers, led by the scout Kovnin, to the upper reaches of the dam, from the frozen river Arrived on the West Bank, began to look for the hiding place of German engineers.

After arriving at the west bank, Lin Hua realized that he had made a fatal mistake. Although Ernst once said that the bunker where the engineers hid was just 500 meters northwest of the dam, what was reflected in front of him at this moment was a vast expanse To be precise, it is a forest covered with snow, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. To find the enemy's bunker from such a large area with only moonlight illuminating it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

  The small team tossed back and forth in the snow for more than an hour, but still got nothing. Andre said to Lin Hua in a complaining tone: "Comrade Lieutenant, if we brought that prisoner, we might have found the hiding place of the engineer."

  Lin Hua also regretted it in his heart. When he set off, why didn't he think of taking Ernst with him, otherwise he wouldn't be looking around aimlessly like now. But even if you wanted to send someone back to bring Ernst back, it was too late. It would take at least two hours to go back and forth. Maybe the German army would explode before he arrived.

   Just when Lin Hua was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard a soldier shout in surprise: "Comrade company commander, look quickly, there is a light over there!"

  Hearing the soldier's voice, Lin Hua quickly asked, "Where is it?" He looked in the direction of the soldier's finger, and saw a huge snowdrift in the forest, with a faint red light shining. Seeing this situation, Lin Hua immediately confirmed that this snowdrift was the bunker he was looking for.

   Spotted the target, the team immediately adopted a three-three assault formation, and approached the distant bunker cautiously. When they were less than 100 meters away from the bunker, the sudden sound of machine gun fire broke the silence in the forest. In the battle group at the front, two fighters immediately fell to the ground in the snow. The soldiers, who had been on high alert for a long time, fell down in the snow when they heard the German machine guns firing.

   Lin Hua, who fell down in the snow, watched the snow in front of him being shot up by the enemy's machine gun, and couldn't help crying inwardly: "Oops, I was discovered by the enemy!"

  After the machine gunner in the company lay down on the spot, before Lin Hua gave an order, he immediately set up his machine gun and aimed at the German bunker for suppressive shooting. Vanya, who was lying near Lin Hua, took the opportunity to roll a few times on the spot, came to Lin Hua's side, and asked him for instructions: "Comrade Lieutenant, what should we do now?"

  Lin Hua took a quick look at the surrounding environment, and found that although the way forward of the troops was blocked by German machine guns, there was only one machine gun firing in the bunker. As long as he sent someone to detour to the side, it could be wiped out. Thinking of this, he immediately ordered Vanya: "Second Lieutenant, take two people and turn around to the right side of the bunker to kill the enemy's machine gun."

  Vanya agreed, and he led two soldiers to crawl away from the blockade area of ​​​​German machine gun fire, and turned to the right side of the bunker. But they hadn't climbed far when suddenly another soldier shouted: "Comrade company commander, it's bad, the enemy has come out of the dam."

  Lin Hua turned his head and saw a group of enemies gushing out from the position of the dam, running towards his position. Seeing this situation, Lin Hua's heart couldn't help but rose into his throat. He knew very well that once the enemies from the dam rushed over, his small army would be in danger of being wiped out. He quickly shouted: " Stay in the first row, and follow me in the second row!"

  Lin Hua and several soldiers in the second row left the blocked area of ​​the German machine guns with hands and feet, looking for a position to block the enemy from the dam. They hid behind ice piles on the water, silently watching the approaching enemy.

  When the enemy was only 70 or 80 meters away from them, Lin Hua shouted: "Fight!" Then the Mosin Nagant rifle in his hand opened fire first, knocking down an enemy who rushed to the front. The sound of gunfire was an order, and the soldiers in the second row immediately fired fiercely at the swarming enemies, killing seven or eight of them immediately.

  The blocked German army hurriedly hid behind the ice pile and fought back at the soldiers in the second row. They set up general-purpose machine guns and fired fiercely at the ice pile where the soldiers were hiding. Since the weapons in the hands of the soldiers in the second row were mostly Mosin Nagant rifles, they were quickly suppressed by the enemy's firepower, and even There were also several soldiers whose faces were scratched by the ice **** flying by the bullets.

   With the help of machine guns, the German soldiers came out from behind the ice pile, bent their backs, put the **** of their guns on their stomachs, and rushed towards the second row quickly.

  Seeing that the enemy was getting closer and closer, but his own firepower could not stop the enemy, Lin Hua couldn't help but feel anxious. When he reached out to take the bullets from his backpack, he suddenly touched the grenade inside, and he immediately had a countermeasure in his mind. With his back against the ice pile, he shouted to the soldiers on the left and right: "Comrades, use the grenade to blow the enemy back." After speaking, he pulled the fuse of a grenade and threw the grenade with white smoke behind him. go.

   After a loud bang, there were several screams, which should have come from the wounded German soldiers. Hearing the explosion of the grenade, the soldiers also took out the grenade from their backpacks, pulled the fuse and threw it at the enemy. In a series of explosions, more than a dozen enemies fell down, and the rest retreated in a hurry.

   "Comrade Lieutenant," scout Kovning climbed to Lin Hua's side, and said loudly to him, "I found the wire that detonated the explosive."

   "What, the wire that detonated the explosives?" Lin Hua couldn't help being ecstatic when he heard what Kofning said. If the German detonation wire can be destroyed, then whether or not the bunker where the German engineers are hiding has become less important. He hurriedly asked: "Where is it?"

Kovnin pointed to the rear of the opposite enemy, and said, "Comrade Lieutenant, look carefully. You can see several wires about 50 meters away from the left rear of that enemy. As long as we cut the wires, Enemy sappers would not be able to blast the dam."

   Seeing the location of the wire, Lin Hua's heart suddenly turned cold. If he wanted to cut the wire, he had to brave the enemy's bullets. If he was not careful, he would be smashed into a sieve by random guns. So he said cautiously: "That place is within the range of the enemy's fire blockade, it is too dangerous."

"Comrade Lieutenant, we must take this risk." Kovnin said with a serious expression: "The main force of our army will arrive at the Istria River in a short time. Destroy the dam, and the floodwaters will block the way of our troops. If you can trust me, let me carry out this difficult task."

  Lin Hua knew very well that if he wanted to cut the wire short, he had to send someone to take risks. But before agreeing to Kovning's request, he said with some embarrassment: "Comrade Scout, you don't have tools, how can you cut the enemy's wires?"

  Kofnin grinned, then raised an ax, and said to Lin Hua: "Comrade Lieutenant, before leaving the cabin, I took an ax by the way. I didn't expect it to be really useful."

  Lin Hua remembered that the wooden house used to be the hut where forest watchers lived, and it was not surprising that tools such as axes could be found in it. He nodded at the other party and said, "Go, I'll wait for your good news here." Kovning nodded, turned around and crawled away.

  The two sides continued to shoot at each other. Lin Hua ignored the bullets whizzing past his head, but stared nervously at Kovning who was crawling into the distance. Kovning seemed to be lucky. After leaving the position of the second row, he crawled for nearly a hundred meters and came to the position where the detonating wire was. Just when he raised his ax and was about to cut off the wire, he was unfortunately caught by a nearby The Germans found out. Immediately, five or six submachine guns fired at him, and the dense bullets smashed the surrounding snow like a pot, and countless clouds of blood sprayed on his body.

Seeing Kofning's body leaping forward, lying motionless in the snow, and throwing the ax in his hand far away, Lin Hua couldn't help yelling angrily: "Oops!" He wanted to yell again. A soldier went to perform this task, but looked left and right, and the soldiers were shooting at the German army, and they had no time to take care of other things. He gritted his teeth, leaned his rifle against the ice pile, took out a grenade from his rucksack, stuck it in his lower back, and crawled away from his position.

   When he was about to approach Kovning, he couldn't help but be discovered by the German army, and he immediately attracted intensive firepower. Andre, who was hiding behind the ice pile, noticed part of the firepower of the German army and suddenly turned to another direction. He was a little puzzled at first, and then found that it was Lieutenant Sokov who was hit by the firepower of the German army. He didn't care about why the company commander ran there, so he ordered two submachine gunners to fire at the enemy to provide cover for Lin Hua.

  (end of this chapter)